can't find vst2 location on my computer

AmandaEve Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

Hi, I apologize if this has been asked before…I did some searching through the questions before asking, and found some information, but am still having trouble.

I recently purchased Olafur Arnalds Chamber Evolutions and installed it along with the Kontakt 8 player on my computer. I use Windows 10 and my music software is Ableton Live 9.

I was unable to install the PlugIn on my Ableton (even after following directions on the Ableton Forum), and after searching through questions on this site, I gather I need to be using the VST2 version since it's an older version of Ableton, and that I should be able to find that file location on my computer by opening NI and going to 'Preferences—-File Management.' I've done this but when I click on the links for both VST2 and VST3, it says that no items match my search. However I definitely installed the Chamber Evolutions.

Should I uninstall and reinstall? Is there a way to only install the VST2? Is there another way to figure out its location on my computer? Should I download an older version of Kontakt since everything else on my computer is so old? Sorry about all the questions, I would just really like to get this PlugIn set up in my software so I can use it :)

Thanks in advance!


Best Answer

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,244 Expert
    Answer ✓

    There is no VST2 of Kontakt 8. Or even Kontakt 7. That ship sailed long ago.

    VST2 is largely discontinued by all vendors now.

    If you really want to get value out of your NI product - I would get Ableton current first instead of staying with v9 which is very old now.




  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,244 Expert
    Answer ✓

    There is no VST2 of Kontakt 8. Or even Kontakt 7. That ship sailed long ago.

    VST2 is largely discontinued by all vendors now.

    If you really want to get value out of your NI product - I would get Ableton current first instead of staying with v9 which is very old now.


  • AmandaEve
    AmandaEve Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    OK, thanks!! I appreciate it.

  • thx538
    thx538 Member Posts: 5 Member

    Where will Native Access install VST2 now that the custom location setup has bee removed from Native Acess?

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,446 mod

    Very few apps still have VST2 versions, and before the end of 2025 NO ONE will have, from any developer, not just NI.

    Until then, VST2's can be anywhere you like.

    • 1 - In their old NI locations:
      C:\Program Files\Native Instruments\VSTPlugins
    • 2 - In the default VST locations (where they should be, from the start, years ago!):
      C:\Program Files\VSTPlugins
      C:\Program Files\Steinberg\VSTPlugins (if you have Steinberg products installed)
    • 3 - In any custom folder you like!

    The only really important thing is, to declare (add) this location (whatever location) in all your VST supported software.

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,002 mod
    edited January 30

    What VocalPoint wrote :

    Live 10-12 Release Notes , look at the extreme amount of improvements and bug-fixes 🙂

    Present version Live Reference Manual

  • thx538
    thx538 Member Posts: 5 Member

    Thank you @Sunborn for the information.

    But sometimes we need to access old versions for projects we've been working on in the past.

    And then what about if I want to reinstall Kontakt6 or Absynth ?
    Where will Native Access install these VST2 ?

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,446 mod

    Most applications now are auto-migrating, so no, you do not need old versions for projects of the past. :-)

    Whatever you might created 7 years ago with Kontakt 6 VST2, can be instantly read by Kontakt 8 VST3.

    So no need to worry for this. In fact on such cases old VST2 are totally useless because any modern DAW will bypassed them automatically, and use the VST3 version.

    Yet, you are correct about old apps that do not have new versions, like the Absynth.
    But Absynth is now discontinued any way. You can keep it and use it but in case you loose it (for example, after a hard disc crash) you can not download it again (though you can re-activate it).

    For all those cases, i have already answer you before about where NA will install VST2.

    • 1 - In their old NI locations:
      C:\Program Files\Native Instruments\VSTPlugins
    • 2 - In the default VST locations (where they should be, from the start, years ago!):
      C:\Program Files\VSTPlugins
      C:\Program Files\Steinberg\VSTPlugins (if you have Steinberg products installed)

    However, after some point, Native Access will not install VST2 at all!

  • thx538
    thx538 Member Posts: 5 Member

    Well I am a bit surprised because I downloaded Absynth a few days ago.

    What is the purpose of the "Legacy Product" entry in Native Acess Preferences then ?

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,446 mod
    edited January 31

    Yes, i know it is still available. I only told you that this option may not be available forever… :-)

    …and even if it is, DAWs might not load at all the VST2's, in the near future.

    On Cubase 14, VST2 are already disabled by default.

  • Maciej Repetowski
    Maciej Repetowski Member Posts: 701 Guru
    edited January 31

    VST2 is history at this point, “thanks” to Steinberg.

    Leave midi tracks in the project, but render all the tracks as audio. In the future, if you need to revisit an old project, you’ll have an audio file with Absynth on it. And if you need to change the notes/melody on that track - keeping midi will allow you to find a similar sounding synth and replace old one with it.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,244 Expert
    edited January 31


    "Whatever you might created 7 years ago with Kontakt 6 VST2, can be instantly read by Kontakt 8 VST3."

    Actually - no it does not.

    Unless you are using a very specific DAW with very specific auto-migration. For example - Studio One v7 - just got auto migration (very quietly BTW) but apparently your "old" project can only be Kontakt 7 based and nothing older.

    But if you are using say - Ableton - forget it. An old project from 7 years ago with Kontakt 6 VST2 - will simply give you an error. You will lose the instance and all of it's settings/preset etc without doing your homework.

    That homework involves ensuring Kontakt v6 VST2 remains installed, open the 7 year old project, document the instance (OR instances) - including all settings, presets etc, add an instance if K8 to your 7 year old project and hope you can still recreate the old instance in K8. Which sometimes works and sometimes does not


  • thx538
    thx538 Member Posts: 5 Member

    Thank you, @Sunborn , that was my point.

    As i reinstall many things after a W11 migration. Ia am wondering why Monark is not visible anymore from Kontakt 7

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,244 Expert
    edited January 31

    Most likely because Monark is a Reactor instrument.

    If you do not have the base Reaktor bits and pieces installed - you can't use Monark.


  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,446 mod

    Cubase does not have such issues… and sooner or later everyone will follow :-)

    So, my estimation is that, before the end of 2025, every decent DAW will do that

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,244 Expert

    Cubase IS one of the DAWs that has auto-migration. But only one of 4 that I know of. But that does not help the OP - who is using Ableton.

    Suggesting that K8 will auto-magically "find" K6 instances is setting expectations that will not end well.

    As far as "when" decent DAWs might get this capability - Studio One has been around since 2009 and just a month or two ago got a mysterious form of auto-migration (that still has not been properly explained) goes to show just how "not mission critical" this is.

    Until all "decent" DAWs do offer migration - they simply don't.


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