Another slap-in-the-face to us M+ owners from our loveless NI parents.



  • el-bo
    el-bo Member Posts: 150 Advisor

    Your main answer to my question seemed to be about off-topic complaints. I informed you that the OP's comments in another thread were not seen as off-topic, and that similar comments also got a pass.

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,105 Expert
    edited January 26

    You know it? Because the warnings given to me and to others seems to say otherwise…

    And, to be more correct, I even said “could be seen as off topic”.

    What I find strange is that one guy NOT wanting to be too off topic and therefore opening another thread disturbs you so much.

    I eventually see it as a good move to avoid disturbing others and avoid going off topic

  • 6xes
    6xes Member Posts: 824 Pro
    edited January 26

    given the title of this thread, and how it is constructed…. gives me the impression that people are too reliant on NI, instead of doing there own thing…

    this is the typical parent child relationship….

    it would stand to reason, a fully matured child, would carve their own way forward, understanding everything that NI has provided during their growth stages

    to imply one is still in the child state…. leads to incessant childish reactions & responses

    ho hum… to each their own

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,453 mod
    edited January 26

    As i posted recently on another discussion, please Do Not mark some (admittedly annoying) responses and answers as Spam, because it might turns against you.

    Spam flagging overuse for no real reason might lead you to a temporary or permanent ban.
    If you don't like an expressed opinion by another member, please use the Vote Down reaction only.


    This post below, it might be annoying to some and you might heavily disagree with it, as i do.
    But it is NOT spam! An expressed opinion (if it is expressed politely) it is never a spam.

    Please do not force me or other mods to take serious actions.
    You know who you are, there is no need for publicity, or for apologizes.
    Now you know, right? 🙂

    Thank you, and best regards to all. Please continue. 🙏

  • Andy Wt
    Andy Wt Member Posts: 143 Advisor

    Of course people are reliant on NI - its impossible even to start using M+ without logging it in to NI servers. Users are forced into such parent-child relationship by the company. And the day NI stop support M+, which i suppose isn't too far it the future, none of M+ owners will obviously be able to 'carve their own way forward' without leaving that useless $1400 pile of hardware behind

  • Beatsandmore
    Beatsandmore Member Posts: 220 Advisor
    edited January 27

    Everyone has a right to be mad and happy.. if we invest money in a product we feel the company should cater to use.. there are thousands who don't even post on this for or forums period and love the product and direction. so those of use who look for others to go on a tirade and make a stand we/They are in the minority.. I just want the software to work. Komplete Kontrol that's all.

  • 6xes
    6xes Member Posts: 824 Pro

    interesting response!

    i can understand the need to login for access to the servers authentication etc etc… this is almost a necessity for downloading anything these days, unless NI chose to mail out HDD's for content like they once did with the Komplete series….

    this of course highlights the direction of digital content, nevertheless, it is what it is…

    we all need to be aware of the state of marketting & not be caught in its dragnet!!

    be vigilant with your money/resources & time and last of all get off the tit! LOL

  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,366 Expert

    I just wish we would have seen these for M+

    Agreed. Some better options would have been:

    • NI announce/release them for the M+ first
    • NI & Akai announce/release simultaneously for both platforms
    • NI announce that M+ versions will follow "soon" (LOL)
  • Psyearth5
    Psyearth5 Member Posts: 352 Member

    I want to say that this is not such a Bad News and here is my comparation from my own experience, my "friends" Lable with whom I felt like we are team and our reach was Global. Then one day my Demo was rejected. I understand that feeling which is in my opinion much painful because it's personal.

    This situation is not definite and it's mostly based on assumptions.

    I know that Maschine and especially M+ Is much more capable then AKAI, I was ready to share everything without any secrets but reception was mostly comments about how it's something else, actually it's about everything else just isn't about what I wrote.

    It's OK i don't mind but I saw how fast this Despair is spreading before it was officially announced and still I think that it's about Art, Artists and not so much about what you have but how it's used.

    Once again. This is like when my Tracks were rejected for the first time by my Label.

    It's like if your music get rejected by the label.

    It's natural to keep trying and not give up.

  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,366 Expert

    Today I loaded up the 10 day trials available for the Play Series MPC versions…

    Wow, they're really sluggish. They sound OK but there's a huge delay when switching presets.

    This is on an MPC X SE too, so extra RAM and an internal SSD.

  • Kuttor
    Kuttor Member Posts: 22 Member

    Dude you are 100% spot and I have the keys 61... So the 4gb RAM.

    Also quite a few bugs things stop reacting to presses and Q knobs.

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,955 Expert

    Why am I not surprised? NI ported instruments which are resource hogs on powerful modern computers over to an almost ten year old underpowered appliance originally not designed for this - what did anybody expect?

  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,366 Expert

    Well this "anybody" expected them to perform in a similar way to Akai's own instruments, and so therefore I'd assume most of their customer base would too.

    Supposedly they're not just copied & pasted but designed from scratch to work on MPC….so why was this deemed acceptable before release? 🤔

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