Another slap-in-the-face to us M+ owners from our loveless NI parents.



  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,858 Expert
    edited February 5

    That’s why I can’t understand why in all these years they didn’t think to realize, release and sell instruments specifically DESIGNED for M+ capacities.

    Well…I have an idea…but one I don’t agree with: NI way of thinking is seeing if a device is a success or not and only eventually invest in it. Without analyzing why it was a success or not (“did we deliver to little or too bad” isn’t a question they want to face)

    The idea that improving something will also bring to ulterior sales (even after years) doesn’t even come close to their mind… The main point for them is “how many unit we sold? And therefore to how many users can we sell improvements?”. Surely not “let’s improve it so we will sell more units”. They really are slaves of the “data analysis” paradigm (see the case of removed Kontrol features just because “data say few users were using them” without comprehending that the work of those few users was beneficial to all the others).

    NI scheme: realize, release, count (how many units sold). Not enough? Abandon (without thinking “what was wrong? How to improve it? How to sell more?”. And even worst: without taking in consideration the people who spent their money to buy it)

    Wait for the Play Series versions for M+…and be ready for a probable ulterior surprise 😂

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,917 Expert
    edited February 5

    You’re right. It is indeed surprising to the average MPC customer, especially as MPC instruments are optimized for that platform and generally perform pretty well.

    I wonder which aspect kills the performance: Memory requirements (many samples) or computing complexity (routing, layering, effects).

    Can you „look inside“ and edit the sampler settings?

  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,259 Expert

    Having had another go today, with a few more instruments and presets, some are worse than others. Browsing through, some change quickly but others have quite a delay.

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