Maschine 3 software crashes freezes and does not complete scanning plugins or load up.

Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

It was all working fine before the last Machine 3 software update, now Maschine 3 software crashes freezes and does not complete scanning plugins or load up, so I cant use it or the software at all. I just want to get this fixed I have messed around with my VST plugins enough. NI can you please either send me the version before this update or fix the this poorly programmed version that does not work at all whatever I do. I have tried loading just VST2 plugins, just the VST 3 plugins, Removed all of my plugins VST2 and 3 got into Maschine 3 dropped the plugins back in scanned and it still does not work. I have taken each plugin it has stalled on loading, one by one and removed them but it just finds another to stall on. Also while doing this my laptop hits 100%CPU the waves plugins shells crash Arturia software center crashes and loads of error messages. These all work fine in Cubase 12, Ableton and Maschine 2 and as mentioned on the version of Mashcine 3 software before this update. I Have spent a month now not doing any music and trying to get it working, I reached out on this forum and to NI support and have go no replies and no answers. I am a professional Producer working on tracks for release. Please someone or NI get me a solution or forward me the previous version before this update I just want to get it working and do some music : ( So far a waist of my precious money and time) I have software and hardware that sits there unable to be used. If you bought a car that did not work you would take it back or get it replaced with a working one, NI despite contacting support have just ignored me completely.

As a customer I have been sold defective goods and after the amount of money spent I feel let down and ripped off with software that does not work and hardware that does not work without the software and a load of plugins that don't load, what use is that to anyone let alone the amount of money I have waisted on this. In my opinion this should have been done properly in the fist place and not released until properly tested, I can see lots of other users online with the same issue.

Please NI fix your Errors in Maschine 3 software or send me the previous version before this update so I can make music please.


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  • Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

    OK well one month still not heard from NI, I got a a half work around happening and got Mashine 3 software working with VST3 plugins only. I moved VST2 and VST3 folders. Loaded machine 3 without either plugins folder, once open in the settings unselect VST2 put back the vst2 and vst3 folders and re-start, wait a long time and eventually it opens . From there after the initial scan it will load quickly and correctly but you will lose all of your VST2 plugins from Maschine 3 so just a work around for now but at least it can be used. I am still awaiting a fix that lets VST2 plugins work in Mashine 3 too.

  • NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,448 mod
    edited January 21

    Hello @giles_wood2040

    I apologize that nobody answered to you so far, but for some reason i found your comment in the spam folder. This is why you didn't got an answer in the forum.

    You said that you wait NI Support for a month? That's strange… Are you sure that you followed the correct procedure (opening a support ticket etc.) and for the correct software?

    Anyway, i will tag @Jeremy_NI from Customer support to assist you. :-)


    Note: If i may, give you some advice? Do not waste your time with VST2. Most major developers have already stop supporting it and the rest will follow until the end of 2025. Focus mostly on older plugins that they don't have a VST3 version. For all the rest keep only the VST3. Also, about the Waves plugins: Are you using a USB stick for license? If so, then this is the major cause for the long delays (even crashes) while scanning. In general, every plugin that need to check its license through network, is responsible for such delays. This is not a Native Instruments fault.

  • Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

    Hi Sunborn, thank you for getting back to me. Although I agree with above there are at least 300 of my plugins that still only run in VST2 format and most of these I use quite frequently so it is just a work around and a compromise of my choice of instruments and fx and I hope for a fix that will get Maschine 3 software working correctly with VST2 plugins. Also this will effect opening tracks I have already written on Maschine and that have been released worldwide as it would not have the instruments or FX that i used in the original sessions as they were VST2 which is really frustrating as I was aiming to play these live to promote my music.

    Kindest regards


  • Customer Care Posts: 13,848 mod

    @giles_wood2040 I see that my colleagues sent you a previous version of Maschine and that seemed to work.

  • Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    I am having the same issue. As a new buyer of Maschine Mk3 and therefore a new users of Machine 3, this is very frustrating. I have owned this combination for a month and still cannot use it. I won't go into how the registration failed and other issues along the way - all issues with Native Instruments' software, be it commercial or IT. Not a great sign. I left a message with Support 2 days ago, but no reply.

  • Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    Taking a hint from the comments above, I tried to scan again from the Maschine 3 VST from within my DAW, where I am able to say "Use VST3 Plugins" only and uncheck VST2 plugins. With the exception of a couple errors for a few VSTs where I was asked to reinstall, eventually the scan completed!

    I then tried the standalone Maschine 3. A couple of the above-mentioned errors cropped up again for a couple VSTs, but Maschine did finally complete the scan of VST3s (only).

  • Member Posts: 5,100 Expert

    Any word on NI fixing the thing? Or sending previous version of Maschine should be the solution?

  • Customer Care Posts: 13,848 mod

    We only have very few reports, not enough to draw conclusions yet. Are you experiencing issues yourself? If so please let us know in what context exactly.

  • Member Posts: 5,100 Expert
    edited February 4

    It’s not the right day Jeremy…

    I was just testing things for various users that reported their Maschines were not recognized anymore (not getting past the “Production and Performance System”) and I just discovered my M+ in controller mode is having the same issue…

    Another full day spent with articles, drivers reinstalling, cables testing,….

    I’m frankly just about to completely give up with NI…😔

    Now I cannot even use the things as I froze them…not only not having confidence in your present and future moves…

    Edit: solved…it was your NIHostintegrationAgent that stopped working and didn’t even want to restart. It switched to Disabled on its own… But now Maschine get stuck on plugins scan… Everyday is a new surprise with NI services… every time I think “let’s make some music”, I end up spending the couple of hours I had fixing things…

    Sorry…but you are a mess guys…

  • Customer Care Posts: 13,848 mod

    Well, I see that you didn't contact our support about it. As much as I would like to have all the answers, I don't and some of my colleagues have better knowledge on this kind of issues. Although it seems they would have recommended trying these steps first: My Maschine Controller Does Not Start

    And well, point 5 is: The NIHardwareAgent or NIHostIntegrationAgent services are not running in the background

    And nothing indicates it's being caused by Maschine 3.0.1 vs 3.0.0.

  • Member Posts: 4 Member

    Putting my 2 cents because I had the same problem...for anyone else having the plug in scan crash, vst2, vst3 issue and still wanting to use their vst2'll need to scan your vst2 folder in small batches. If you do the scan in small batches and it still crashes, you need to do smaller batches. For whatever reason the plugin scanner "stops" after a number of vst2 plugins gets scanned. You may see it stuck on a particular plugin and go to remove that one thinking it's the issue.

    I did this and then added the same problematic (or so I thought) plugin back in smaller batches and it scanned with no problem. The scan takes a while but it does work with the small batches until everything gets scanned this way then it opens as usual. If you are on Windows you can use the resource monitor in taskbar to see the scanner working in the background (and also when its not).

    I do have a lot of vsts so I had to go through from a-z taking time and effort to get all my vst2 scanned into Maschine 3 and now it all works without any scanner releated issues. Time consuming, pain in the you know what, but that's I how got it working for me. Hope this helps. 🙏

  • Member Posts: 5,100 Expert

    As you can see, I solved the issue by myself.

    And I’m not on M3, still 2.

    And NIHostintegrationAgent was not simply not running…it switched to Disabled on its own

    But, as I said, I solved it taking few more steps than the ones suggested in the article

  • Member Posts: 16 Member

    I have just purchased Maschine 3 software. I'm having the same exact problems that I have read about here in this post. Maschine 3 hangs on scanning and freezes, never getting past the startup screen. It hangs on different plugins randomly. Never the same one.

    Maschine 3 did not write over my Maschine 2 installation, so I have been able to compare scanning of VSTs between them both. All my plugins scan properly in Maschine 2. I have gone as far as completely removing VST2 and VST3 plugins with no luck scanning with Maschine 3.

    Based on the comments above it appears that support may not have an answer as to why this is happening. I have followed their suggestions here with no success. Please, I have been using NI products for many years and this is the worst issue I have experienced. Please fix this and post the solution in this thread.

  • Customer Care Posts: 13,848 mod
  • Member Posts: 16 Member

    @Jeremy_NI I tried all solutions on this support page and none worked. I have even opened Maschine 3 with ESC and removed the VST2 folder and several other VST3 folders in preferences, with no luck. Same results; freezes while scanning - random plugins in scan process when Maschine 3 freezes.

    This is looking like VST3 specs may not have been adhered to during development of Maschine 3. When will this be fixed. the issue is all over the internet with a lot of people very dissatisfied.


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