Maschine Studio windows 11help me out

needlesworks Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

only plays when on preference screen


  • 6xes
    6xes Member Posts: 824 Pro

    only plays when on preference screen

    well gee… that tells us alot

    are we to assume you are happy with that?

    if you want help, it pays to describe whats occurring, whether you have installed drivers etc etc

    surely you dont expect people to guess, or go on a fishing expedition in order to help?

  • needlesworks
    needlesworks Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

    Sorry i got a Msi gaming PC i downloaded Maschine studio and i have a bigknob interface. When i go to

    preference to find My interface it plays sounds when i switch back to main page it dosn't work. Hit pads nothing

  • 6xes
    6xes Member Posts: 824 Pro

    you mind posting a screenshot of the maschine audio preferences first of all

    this will just help identify whether your audio is setup correctly…

    secondly, a screenshot of your midi input devices would also help

  • needlesworks
    needlesworks Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

    okay i'm try to send video

  • needlesworks
    needlesworks Member Posts: 4 Newcomer
  • 6xes
    6xes Member Posts: 824 Pro
    edited January 23

    okay your first problem is you need to change your device to your computer audio driver… usually a realtek, or whatever internal audio driver you have

    if you want your big speaker to output the sound, you will need to plug that speaker into your earphones 3.5mm socket(usually at the back of your computer)

    the way Maschine or any audio application normally works… is it uses the default PC audio driver thats loaded with your system….

    the only time this does not occur is when you are using asio supported audio interface with the corresponding audio interface drivers installed

    but becos you havent got a asio "supported" Audio interface it would pay to use your internal PC's audio drivers

  • 6xes
    6xes Member Posts: 824 Pro
    edited January 23

    the next thing you will need to do…. is match the sample rate of Maschine to what your internal drivers audio sample rate is set to

    pays to set it to 44.1khz or 44100 then go into your windows audio setting as shown in this video… and match the audio sample rate… this is very important to do, ….as the play head will not move if you have mismatched sample rates

    so again… Windows internal audio driver sample rate… must match what Maschine is using

    these are the windows you should be looking for…. (dont worry about the other vmeter application thats expert level it will only confuse you) pay attention to the matching of the sample rates and the windows

    *remember you are matching the windows internal audio drivers to match maschine

    that is what you need to sort first

  • 6xes
    6xes Member Posts: 824 Pro


    inside preferences/audio

    clear all the audio inputs so that they are set to "none" or "not connected"

    for the audio outputs you will need to set

    maschine out 1 L to 1 or what ever name is in that field


    maschine out 1 R to 2

    these are your main outs everything that you hear within maschine come through those 2 channels

    (they are your stereo outs/main outs)

    basically your computers internal audio left & right out

  • 6xes
    6xes Member Posts: 824 Pro
    edited January 23

    so assuming you followed along….

    the way maschine works…

    is you have 3 layers of sounds

    1 the sound level

    2 the group level

    3 the master level

    the sound level is where your individual instruments are normally loaded(16 slots), where FX can be added on a individual instrument level

    the group level is the "Entire" group of sounds(all 16 slots) which can be manipulated with FX as a whole group

    the master level is where the output of audio takes place of the groups & or sounds and any FX placed on the Master level will affect both the sound level & group level

    once you grasp these basics… youll be on your way!


  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod

    @needlesworks So any update? Did you try all these steps?

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