Can the Omnia Choir (Essentials) MIDI note assignments for keyswitches be changed

gtfields Member Posts: 2 Member

I am exploring Omnia Choir using a Kontrol S61, and find that if I set the keyboards octave range so that I can access the notes for articulations (C0 to B0) or vowels(C-1 to B-1), then I can't see the upper half of the soprano range.

Is it possible to change the keyswitches MIDI range to make it possible to see everything at once? Or do I need to record in a different voice that uses a lower range and then shift the pitches higher after I have completed recording.


  • Lionzinio
    Lionzinio Member Posts: 135 Pro

    I think any respectable Kontakt instrument that has key switches should allow the user to define which keys to use. Otherwise they're making their instruments way harder for anyone to use seriously.

    And Komplete Kontrol (and Kontakt Player) should have some simple mechanism to allow users to split the keyboard and allow users to define which notes each split uses. As this might be a far simpler way for users to implement key switches.

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