Traktor Kontrol S4 MK3 - jog mode of 1 jog wheel is broken

kshlv Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

Hi everybody,

brand new, out of the box my Traktor Kontrol S4 MK3 jogs behave differently - right-hand side jog wheel when in jog mode has no top side sensor sensitivity (when I touch it from the very top, gray coloured area, not the black sides/edges). So it just nudges tempo, no scratch (when track playes, scratches only when track is stopped). If I press SHIFT it does NOT allow to scroll withing track (left jogwheel does allow).

How to make jog wheel bahve normally? Any way to reset it?
I have firmware 0.6.1, tried all settings of Kontrol 4MK3 in Traktor Pro 4 Settings.


  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,873 Expert

    Sounds like a hardware defect to me. I would contact support. Or the shop where you bought it.

  • kshlv
    kshlv Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    anyway I can send it to NI to repair? Does NI provide the service? I bougth it year or so ago and no chance to return. It was just in my closet waiting full setup untill now))

  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,873 Expert

    I think so.

    But before you do that let us please check one last thing: When you touch the top of the jogs, and nothing else, does traktor get a midi signal indicator?

    It's this one:

    Looks slightly different on Traktor 4, but same place.

    Make sure not to rotate the jog wheel when touching it.

    Also, if you happen to live in the EU, I think you have a 2 year warranty of electronics.

  • kshlv
    kshlv Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    thank you a lot for the idea! unfortunately, does not work - MIDI is not blinking when I touch righthand wheel from the top (for the left - it does). I tried many times, even holding the wheel. Seems like a hardware issue. Do you know how to send it to NI? I rised ticket. I am base in UAE.

  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,873 Expert

    No, I don't have any experience with sending stuff for repair. I hope the support can help you :)

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