Re-uploading KK and K8 expansions in DAW when previously loaded via standalone

cadel Member Posts: 16 Member
edited January 7 in Komplete General

Firstly-NI Chat is a waste of time-I actually think they are trying to get me to give up. Guys you need to fix it. See below

Hi Andrew/Jeremy/Whoever

Assume you are getting this. Or if someone else Happy New Year.  I am again having issues loading expansions in Kontact  and KK. I am attaching some examples of what is coming up. in tunes and noting the first sign of an issue. Note when I received this I individually opened all the Kontacts (I have 5-8) and KK and have them load. All the kontacts Loaded all the expansions from standalone (should I do this from their place in applications or in NA?). Note that In sept had this problem, albeit a bit different and Andrew helped me. Since then I have upgraded my system from Mac OS 10.15.7 Catalina to Monterery 12.7.4 and upgraded logic pro from 10.4.3 to 10.7.9. I have a 2015 desktop w i5 Intel so according to Mac help this is the best I can do.
note that while all the kontacts in standalone uploaded all the expansions (15,568 instruments), KK (along w Scan App 3) took hours and was still not complete-it wants to scan all my fabfilter, my Ujam, my Izotope, you name-any way to get around that I let it go oncw for over 3 hours and still not done-so I am sure this is one of the problems.
Also, and I noted in one of my attachments, Analog Dream expansion came up 4 times 2X as 2.0 and previous and working and 2 times as well phantom/nothing-not sure if this is causing anything.
Anyway-I am now pencils down as I am mixing a few tunes w NI gear and I can't progress until I get your help. Thank you.

Chris Adelmann
ps I am have a separate question re loading Logic sounds in my never laptop to my external HD but let's get this squared away first and thank you!


Best Answer

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod
    Answer ✓

    @cadel I would first recommend to reset the database for Kontakt:

    Reinitialize the Kontakt Database

    1. Hold down the alt key on your computer's keyboard and click Go in the Finder menu bar. Choose the appearing Library entry in the drop-down menu.
    2. Navigate to Application Support > Native Instruments.
    3. Depending on the Kontakt version you are using, delete the following folder:
      Kontakt 5: "Kontakt 5"
      Kontakt 6: "Kontakt"
      Kontakt 7: "Kontakt 7"
      Kontakt 8: "Kontakt 8"
    4. Start Kontakt as a standalone application

    Also make sure to give full disk access to Logic and Kontakt: How to Enable Full Disk Access on macOS

    If that didn't help, please get in touch with support again, you'll need to submit a new request as it will probably require data from you. Older requests are closed when solved. Please go through the chatbot, ask for an agent. If none is available, an email request will be created and my colleagues will get back to you.


  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod
    Answer ✓

    @cadel I would first recommend to reset the database for Kontakt:

    Reinitialize the Kontakt Database

    1. Hold down the alt key on your computer's keyboard and click Go in the Finder menu bar. Choose the appearing Library entry in the drop-down menu.
    2. Navigate to Application Support > Native Instruments.
    3. Depending on the Kontakt version you are using, delete the following folder:
      Kontakt 5: "Kontakt 5"
      Kontakt 6: "Kontakt"
      Kontakt 7: "Kontakt 7"
      Kontakt 8: "Kontakt 8"
    4. Start Kontakt as a standalone application

    Also make sure to give full disk access to Logic and Kontakt: How to Enable Full Disk Access on macOS

    If that didn't help, please get in touch with support again, you'll need to submit a new request as it will probably require data from you. Older requests are closed when solved. Please go through the chatbot, ask for an agent. If none is available, an email request will be created and my colleagues will get back to you.

  • cadel
    cadel Member Posts: 16 Member

    thank you i will try that and revert

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