Dead in the water here...

ThatOneDude88 Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

Hey all,

I purchased a USED unit and cannot find the original owner at all for a transfer. Some guy traded in the MASCHINE MIKRO MK3 and now it's mine.


That leaves me with NO working serial (already been registered) and no answer from NI in 2 weeks.

I'm about to drop a snail mail their way. Anyone else have luck with customer service? How do I use this unit now? Impossible? I have tried everything but this user group! Thanks in advance if you can help!

This unit sure does power up in a pretty way but I have NO SOFTWARE because of this serial # issue.



Best Answer

    ALDREAD Member Posts: 355 Pro
    edited January 7 Answer ✓

    support will sort it out , you’ll need to provide a photo of the receipt etc , they’re apparently very busy what with the holiday sales going on and maschine 3 being released.
    you could purchase a maschine 3 license, that would get you up and running , I’m sure as your unit is second hand it will come with maschine 2 , so you’d get maschine 3 slightly cheaper, once maschine 2 is in your account
    fyi you’ve posted in the wrong sub forum , try the maschine sub

    ill tag an n.i employee see if they can help @Jeremy_NI


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