How to reset measure-start in Traktor Pro 4?



  • jbatson
    jbatson Member Posts: 24 Helper

    I figured out the answer to this, BTW. It turned out that where a given beat grid marker is located is not obvious on the Grid tab. But, if you use the Left / Right carets to the side of the middle "set grid" marker, it'll make sure to take you to where each one is. Then, delete anything you don't want (in my case, at the beginning of a track), and set a new one where you want the measure to start. Not obvious, but do-able.

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,216 mod

    You can set hotcues to be invisible when in advanced grid layout, which makes gridmarkers stand out better. I also use shortcuts on my controller/keyboard to jump to previous/next gridmarkers.

  • ciccimatt
    ciccimatt Member Posts: 1 Member

    Easy fix, at least for me…
    Back to version 3…
    I've tons of tracks that start after 4 or in worst scenario in an odd signature that i can't fix the first beatmarker…

    and tp4 ruined my collection adding 2 beatmarker, one white and one blue at the same place….


  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,866 Expert

    I don't get it, what can you do with tp3 that you can't do with tp4?

  • John6
    John6 Member Posts: 46 Member
    edited December 2024

    Has this been addressed?

    I just spent an hour trying to put a downbeat on a track that TP4 mis-analyzed / async'ed.

    After an hour I still have a mis-anaylzed downbeat however my Cue and Load are set to the correct downbeat?

    But they haven't reset the downbeat?

    I cant use Sync on these tracks bc the downbeat is in the wrong place and manually putting a Load and Cue does nothing to the downbeat lol.

    I enabled "Grid Markers Reset Downbeat" in preferences.

    How exactly is both the Cue and Load not resetting the Downbeat? Or better yet, how do we reset the downbeat if Traktor async / analyze sets the downbeat incorrectly????

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,216 mod

    Grid Markers Reset Downbeat

    Cue, LoopIn, LoopOut, Load, FadeIn and FadeOut are Hot Cues. They are not Grid Markers. Grid Markers are white and have a tiny half-size triangle at the top. Hot Cues have a full-size symbol at the top.

    That's why a Load type Hot Cue is not resetting the downbeat. Switch into Advanced Grid layout to manipulate Grid Markers.

  • John6
    John6 Member Posts: 46 Member
    edited December 2024

    I found a solution but its not fun or intuitive at all….

    So far we have settings in Preference that have changed and or moved since TP4 inception with zero explanations of what they do, why they moved,and what it all means.

    We have Preferences / Analyze Options / Automatic Markers (with the usual choices)

    We have Preferences / Deck Layout / Grid Markers Reset Downbeat

    We have Grid Markers Reset Downbeat that has changed locations twice in TP4 (so far lol)

    And we have Initially Cue To Load Marker

    The only way around this issue I can see is disabling "Grid Markers Rest Downbeat" (in preferences / Deck Layout) and choosing "No Markers" (in Preferences / Analyze Options) then Asyncing / Analyze

    After Async I can set the Grid manually (in the advanced Grid payne) by clicking the "Reset Grid Marker" (otherwise know as BPM lol SMH) making sure the marker is where I want it …then by clicking the "Set Gridmarker" which has no name (lol SMH) just an icon that looks like a T. And finally by putting a load cue on top of the manually set grid marker. This way is completely convoluted and makes no sense lol.

    There is no good reason for any of this. Its just oversite plain and simple.

  • John6
    John6 Member Posts: 46 Member
    edited December 2024

    Im still having issues.

    Can someone explain what Preferences / Deck Layout / Grid Markers Reset Downbeat does exactly? (Tool Tips explanation "Switches Downbeat Reset On Each Grid Marker On or Off") Huh? On or Off? What??? I have no idea what that means. I have no idea what any of it means considering there are 3 additional settings to choose from in Preferences / Analyze Options (No Markers, Only Grid Markers, and Grid Marker and Hot Cue)

    I've been trying to get my head around this for months. Im a bright guy. I know Traktor like the back of my hand. Ive been using it for almost 20 years. Ive mastered far more elaborate DAW's than TP4. Trust me lol.

    Here is my problem. I would like to use "Only Grid Marker" to analyze tracks bc traktor is pretty good at finding the downbeat. However, if traktor gets it wrong I cant seem to move the downbeat. How do I do it?

    I found a work around by using "No Marker" and setting the Grid manually BC Traktor does set Grid Markers based on the BPM. So I am not switching between TP3 & TP4 anymore (which is nice) but imagine manually setting Grids after importing 200 tracks lol

  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,866 Expert

    The "reset downbeat" option only does something if you have a song where the downbeat changes, and you set two grid markers.

    Most tracks are not like that.

    If you want to set the downbeat for the whole track you just set a grid marker where you want it to be and delete the old one.

  • red_nick
    red_nick Member Posts: 284 Pro

    Grid Markers Reset Downbeat

    To see what this does, try turning it off then placing a beatmarker on the 2nd beat in a bar (on a track that's already gridded correctly). With this off, it won't make it start a new bar. With it on, it will start a new bar. Assuming you always beatgrid on the first beat of the bar, turn this on. You probably only want this off if you're using beatgrids to steady fluctuating tempo instead.

    Analyse Options (No Markers, Only Grid Markers, and Grid Marker and Hot Cue)

    Grid marker and hot cue sets that white hot cue along with the grid marker when it analyses the track. I assume no marker doesn't even set a marker (I've never used it). Changing this does not change already analysed tracks.

    Use ^ (well upside down) and GRID to show this if it doesn't. Then trash can to delete your incorrect grid marker, and the (I think) pin icon to set the new grid. If you have hardware, you may have buttons for this. What I used to do on my S4 is use shift+grid (can't remember if I bound that myself) to both delete the existing gridmarker, and set a new one.

    imagine manually setting Grids after importing 200 tracks lol

    Count yourself lucky you don't work with genres that only have about 50% chance of the auto grid being right…

  • John6
    John6 Member Posts: 46 Member
    edited December 2024

    WOW Thanks! That makes life easier.

    Reset Downbeat had me tripping. At least 50 times I accidentally created two grid markers by mistake and the bpm would fluctuate during playback. I thought I was losing my mind lol. Now I get it, so I can use the feature as needed.

    Also THANKS for making a simple suggestion to delete the grid marker. I had no idea it was that simple. The Grid Markers ain't exactly jumping out at us visually. They sometimes hide underneath the red playhead so it took me a minute to realize they go away using the trash can icon (delete) in the advance Grid tab within a DECK.

    I noticed Async-ing / Analyzing tracks with "No Markers" selected (in Preferences / Automatic Options) vs selecting "Only Grid Marker" gives VERY different grid results. I assume using "No Markers" avoids using Traktors algo to find downbeat and instead relys on BMP? Maybe someone can confirm this?

    Now I got some "Only Grid Marker" Griddin to do! Traktor does a near perfect job at finding the downbeat. Im stoked to have that functionality back. Its one of Traktors best strengths!

    Thanks again LC (and everyone frankly) for your suggestions.

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