KONTAKT 7 corrupted database

aka Member Posts: 69 Member

NI again screwed things in Kontakt-7 by removing the option to rebuild/add database. That option at least was able fix some issues. Now user is redirected to Native Access which has no tool or option to rescan the database. This downgraded feature was super stupid move.

My Kontakt7 database got somehow corrupted. When I select library and pick the preset from the list it sometimes opens up a preset from another library. When I select library image, on some libraries it lists patches from other libraries, on some it shows only single patch (while I know there are many more) etc. Total mess.

I remember from Kontakt5 there was a way to manually delete some files and have KK or Kontakt rescan and rebuild the data. Not sure what was that and if the file locations, filenames etc have changed or not. I would appreciate if somebody could post some tips. I checked few on-line vids but they all refer to Kontakt4 or 6 and things look very different in Kontakt7.


  • Neural Tech Music
    Neural Tech Music Member Posts: 10 Newcomer

    Good evening,

    I'm going through something extremely similar. I'm sharing the link to the thread I started on vi-control.net if you're interested. I am very curious if you ever solved your issue!???

    This forum won't let me share a link because I'm too new to the place… wow.

    This is the name of the thread:

    "Kontakt" Tile in Browser - migrated/stole presets from multiple other Libraries???

    It's in the 'SAMPLE PLAYERS & VST/VI SYNTHS' section of the forum.


    Chris Robbins

  • aka
    aka Member Posts: 69 Member

    The problem with NI is that their most common advice to fix the problems is to delete some fiels. They do nothing to improve the system database (or at least there is no effect). NI uses obsolete SQLite database which should not be used along with the demanding software. SQlite is super prone to corruption, has super poor indexing, no security and should be abandoned long time ago (as add on dB for the software). Ableton is using the same and that is also causing issues with files and settings.
    I have several (non musical software) where the same issue happens due to the fact that developers use SQLite to store program data. There are many must more robust alternatives, but NI does not want to switch to the newer technology. Just by looking at KOMPLETE KONTROL and KONTAKT a novice can tell this is a software from Windows95 era and should not be used anymore. Both flagship applications from NI are super ancient and fall very, very far behind everything else.

    I am surprised that NI is investing in releasing new hardware, while keeping this hardware (and it firmware) wotking with the software which remembers Ronald Regan times,…

    NI needs to wake up from their false dream, which is causing issues all over the place.

  • DunedinDragon
    DunedinDragon Member Posts: 1,031 Guru
    edited September 2024

    Maybe you're just too young to be using this software. Having lived through both the Reagan years in my 30's and Windows 95 in my 40's my Ableton 11, Kontakt 7, Komplete Kontrol 3.3.2, Native Access 3.13.0 and Komplete S88MK3 keyboard work flawlessly every single day and never fails, crashes or loses any libraries. Maybe you're just too young to learn how to use this stuff…..

  • Neural Tech Music
    Neural Tech Music Member Posts: 10 Newcomer


    Have you had any luck fixing your issue? N.I. instructed me to rebuild my database, but it didn't fix my issue. I forget off the top of my head which folder it was and what I had to do, it was simple though - I can come back another time and describe what I did.

  • aka
    aka Member Posts: 69 Member

    DunedinDragon - your reply is quite ironious. There are hundreds of users complaining on NI plugins, especially KK and Kontakt. If you have nothing constructive to say, why bother and reply ? I do not need your comments about who I am, or what I am. I possibly need help and if you cannot offer one, then I suggest to go elsewhere. I used to be a software developer and while retired prefer to anjoy creating music, instead dealing with issues with the software I paid for, or answering messages like yours.

    Wish you good luck and more wisdom.

  • aka
    aka Member Posts: 69 Member

    Neural Tech Music - the answer is yes and no. Yes, because several times rescanning the database helped. Today anothe LIB refused to load. KK opens up completely blank (no error, no sound). Scanning libraries did not help.


    1. KK and KONTAKT is using SQLite. This database is known for issues and is about 30 years old. Of course it is updated, but it is missing lots of major features (ie. indexing). That causes all issues with not being able to read LIBs. There are probably other causes as well. I do programming and I know that hundreds of software is using SQLite. Unfortunately most of them have similar issues of loosing data or problem with accessing data etc.
    2. Integration of KK and Kontakt is like wraping a hamburger in a toilet paper and asking you to eat it as it is. I have seen countless posts about this same issue and this is ongoing for at least 20+ years. The same problem over and over and over again. LOOSING DATA or not being able to access the data.
    3. Typical database stores ifnrmation about its records not only in the records, but also in the KEYs and INDEXES. that help to prevent data lost, speds up searches and helps in sorting. It is also helpful with efficientcy of the data access. SQLITE does not have any of these features. That is why the software using it suffers. The end result - user is super frustrated.
    4. SQLite is also not designed for big tables (with milion or more records). Once it reaches certain amount of records it becomes very inefficient. Number of records stored by NI grows exponentially and causes enormous tension in that database. That is another factor causing problems.
    5. NI unfortunately is not doing anything to step up to a higher, more advanced level and implement newr database technology (which already is available). They apply tons of patches and excuses to the customer hoping user will not go anywhere else, because they dominated the market.
  • BIF
    BIF Member Posts: 1,078 Guru

    your reply is quite ironious.

    I have no idea what "ironious" means. My spellchecker says it's not a word.

    But I do know that @DunedinDragon is one of the most helpful members of this forum, and has been since the day he joined. His experience in IT is decades more than yours, and I can ascertain this just by having read his posts over the years and comparing them to your posts in this thread.

    All you've done is come here and say that you have some secret spell you can cast to make a product work better…when most of us can use the product fine as is…even with HUNDREDS of instruments and sounds installed in our libraries.

    That's right; for most people, NI software and plugins work fine. For that reason alone, NOBODY is going to rewrite any code or implement any new databases just because you say you have a magic wand.

    But here you come along anyway, have problems but haven't really given us enough information to afford us a chance of really helping you, and then proceed to tell us all about how you have the magic spell to make it all better.

    We've seen all of this before, and it just wastes everybody's time.


    Now that I got that out of the way, what problem are you having? Are you on Windows or Mac, and what is your software versions?

    And would you like us to try to help you fix it, or are you just going to keep arguing about databases?

    We are just users of NI software. You can accept our help or you can wait until after January 6th when the NI people are all back from the holidays. As the great Yes song tells us, "Don't surround yourself with yourself. Move on back two squares."

    In other words, the next move is yours. 😏

  • aka
    aka Member Posts: 69 Member

    I was looking for help, but some people prefer to make jufgements and opinions about others. My statement is simple - if you are not willing to help or have some solution, please ignore me (d0 not reply). It is that simple.

    If I am commenting on something or somebody it is usually the product or the company, not other users. Keep your judgements to your self. I do not care if you or him/her helped others or not. I do not care about the past. I observe the "present". There are many TROLLS on this forum trying to make user feel bad (because they benefit in some way, defending NI one way or another, or they simply work for NI, pretending to be a user). I am fully aware of these tricks (altough I do not se it is you).

    I am not arguing about anything - you using wrong terminology! I just made comments about database to make others aware why we all having so many problems.
    I've seen replies like yours many times all over the internet. In other words: "you-user are wrong and missbehaving, and I (the helper) know that if anything is wrong - it is you. You must behave, or WE do not help you".

    No Ido not have a magic spell. Just sharing what I know about databases and issues related to it. This might be helpful for user and developers as well.
    I completely disagree that most users have no problems with NI products. That is not true, and one needs to search the forumes other than NI to find out. We are lmited with statements and opinions because of NI censorship (I am OK with that).

    I am woarking with software for over 40 years and have lots of software installed on several computers. I still do some development/programing and if one asks me which set of tools or programs if giving you most problems it will be NI Kontakt/KK. I also have tools and programs which use SQLite and this fact alone makes this other software also problematic. Do I have a solution for that ? YES - changing database. In most cases is is out of picture because it cost (developers) money, OR they are unaware of SQLite limitations and problems. Therefore they continue with the build in database despite it is ******. The only one who suffer from this is user.
    IF one counts how many times he was asked to scan the NI database and miltiply this by number of users, the numbers will be in milions/year. This alone makes it clear that SQLite sucks. I use numerous other databases in the software I buit and all this does no happen.

    In recent weeks I have found more than a dozen of posts where users have lost their content (patches), presets etc due to the KK/Kontakt problems. Some were able to retrieve it some did not. I am dealing with this or similar problems since I bought my first NI product, so please do not tell me that I am a marginal case.

    English is not my native language, therefore I often use a spell checker, but this Forum (for some unknown reason) disables my browser spelling extension and I cannot use it. That is another NI forum issue, and that is why I can rely only on my spelling skills - so I apologize for any typos etc.

    For the technical info: I use Win10/Live12/Studio1

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,222 Expert
    edited December 2024

    We would certainly like to help. And I understand that English is not your first language - but you have been kicking this thread around since what looks like LAST January (1/3/24)?

    What exactly is your issue - in two sentences or less?

    Are you just complaining about the specifics of what NI chose to use to build their products? Or do you need actual help?

    As others have noted - all the stuff just works for many of us. Until you can cleanly explain the issue (without any further mention of SQLite please - as it has zero to do with this) - hopefully we can figure out what is going on.


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