Battery 4 development



  • Mark Oxley
    Mark Oxley Member Posts: 325 Pro

    Might be worth letting NI know that battery is a well loved and used product and it would be foolish to let it go.

    Voice your opinion and let them know your feelings.

    Who still uses battery and who would like to see it continue to be supported?

  • Rico010
    Rico010 Member Posts: 137 Advisor

    i’d love to see battery beig developed separate from maschine. it really is great for acessong sound through DAW. It would be just more convenient to use it for full drum design as a drum rack. Nit that I’m missing features, but a bit more support of better hi-res screen support, some new features (AI-driven?) added, maybe some simplistic drum synths (or the one from maschine). It could be a drum powerhouse for those who just need a plugin for DAW.
    Btw, I own maschine, but never use it as a plugin. It just don’t make sense to me (personally) that way. Battery - makes sense as a plugin.

  • SaschaFranck
    SaschaFranck Member Posts: 161 Advisor
  • Tom Collins
    Tom Collins Member Posts: 93 Helper

    All their instruments sends usage data back, I think they have a pretty good idea about which instruments people actually use.

  • Mark Oxley
    Mark Oxley Member Posts: 325 Pro
    edited December 5

    So do I and probably half of their customers. Usage data obtained that way is unreliable at best.

  • Tom Collins
    Tom Collins Member Posts: 93 Helper

    I don't think any of you have grounds to make those assumptions. If you have data from just half of all your customers, I'd say that data was pretty valuable.

  • SaschaFranck
    SaschaFranck Member Posts: 161 Advisor

    I simply don't want anyone to grab my usage data, period. Even less so in case it's a company such as NI, who really don't care about their customers.

  • Tom Collins
    Tom Collins Member Posts: 93 Helper

    And that's fine, I just oppose against the notion believing that your own actions is synonymous with the actions of most people. You simply have no way of knowing what data they have and how valuable it is. The same way as just because I feel NI cares about me as a customer, I can't deduct that you feel valued as well.

  • SaschaFranck
    SaschaFranck Member Posts: 161 Advisor

    Thing is, NI is abandoning products left and right. All in favour of their cash cows. No more idealism at all. And that's all there is about it. Don't need insight into any user data for that resume.

  • Rexxyboy
    Rexxyboy Member Posts: 14 Member

    Wow, that's a shame.. Not having it Komplete 15 makes it official..
    Still holding hope for one final update tho, but lets be honest, this thread is 6 months old.

  • Tom Collins
    Tom Collins Member Posts: 93 Helper

    It's still in Komplete 15.

  • wbrewer
    wbrewer Member Posts: 4 Member

    The fact they still sell it is mind blowing, I cannot use it as it does not load any of my kits on my Mac. Its been like this for 2 years now and of course no sfz export/import.

  • catch-22
    catch-22 Member Posts: 97 Helper

    Why did they close the relocate bug thread? I'm still waiting for a fix.

  • Tom Collins
    Tom Collins Member Posts: 93 Helper

    The fix is coming soon, it was stated in the October update thread.

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