Battery 4 development

apricotandpearjam Member Posts: 83 Helper

Hi @Jeremy_NI and @Simon_NI and @Kaiwan_NI - I was just wondering if you could give us any hope about the development of Battery4? As you know there are looooooooong standing bugs which havent been addressed for years.

Battery is a staple for so many producers and I feel like it would help so much to know that its going to be addressed and developed.

We're not asking for specific details on future features, just an acknowledgement that you will fix the bugs and continue to develop Battery.




  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 11,829 mod

    Hey @apricotandpearjam I can only share what I've shared in another thread (one about one of these long lasting bugs). There's an update that should come, fixing these long lasting bugs and bringing official Sonoma support on Mac. It still needs some further testing and fixing before release. It has been pushed back again, unfortunately we don't have an ETA for this release at the moment.

    Regarding future development, as far as I know, there's nothing planned in the near future for Battery 4.

  • SaschaFranck
    SaschaFranck Member Posts: 151 Helper

    Well, then just grab the code of Battery 3 and make it future proof. Everybody will be happy.

  • chk071
    chk071 Member Posts: 525 Pro

    "Well, then just grab the code of Battery 3 and make it future proof. Everybody will be happy."

    I highly doubt that.

  • SaschaFranck
    SaschaFranck Member Posts: 151 Helper

    Why? Pretty much everyone I know was quite happy with Battery 3 and majorly dissapointed with V4.

  • chk071
    chk071 Member Posts: 525 Pro
    edited June 23
    1. You don't know everyone who uses Battery.
    2. The moment they would revive it, people would ask for more features, and a more modern user interface.
    3. You don't know how much legacy code is in Battery 3, which NI would need to maintain, or renew.

    It's a bad idea really.

    You know what I rather wonder about? Why they don't bring Maschine software to everyone. That would make much more sense for me. But, I guess NI wants to sell the hardware, thus makes it exclusive for it.

  • SaschaFranck
    SaschaFranck Member Posts: 151 Helper

    Can't be too much legacy code in Battery 3, given that it's still running on all Windows machines and on most Intel Macs.

    And fwiw, I obviously wasn't exactly serious. It's just that Battery 4 is an epic flop. So they could rather grab the working code of V3, add some niceties, change some UI things and call it Battery 5.

    As far as Maschine goes, I'd have zero interest in that. All I want is a dedicated drum/percussion sampler. Battery used to be perfect for that.

  • BIF
    BIF Member Posts: 942 Guru

    I wouldn't want to go back to Battery 3.

    I'd like to see Battery 5, and I'd like to see it augmented/dovetailed with Maschine…or with any 16-pad controller, really.

  • SaschaFranck
    SaschaFranck Member Posts: 151 Helper

    In the first place, I'd like a version that works. Battery 4 is not that version.

  • Gibboboy
    Gibboboy Member Posts: 2 Member

    Hi @Jeremy_NI

    Thanks for the info on bug fixes, the one thing we really badly need is a scalable interface, I’m using Cubase 13 on a 4k screen and Battery is completely in usable due to the plug-in size. It’s disappointing as there was no mention of this limitation on the Battery webpage so I have something that I have bought as part of Komplete that is currently unusable

    Please add it to the bug fixes if it is not already


  • Mark Oxley
    Mark Oxley Member Posts: 268 Advisor
    edited July 30

    This doesn't just apply to battery, nearly all NI gui's need bringing up to date. For me this should be a priority being that it's so long overdue.

  • SaschaFranck
    SaschaFranck Member Posts: 151 Helper

    What do you expect from a company not even being able to come up with any kind of halfway decent file browser, especially in case one of their core produkts (Komplete Kontrol) is mainly about file browsing?

    Took their flagship plugin (Kontakt) only 2+ decades to get a resizeable interface.

    Anyhow, I think it should be top priority to ensure the core functionality of whatever plugins. With Battery 4, this isn't the case since well over a year (in fact over 2 years) already.

    (Not even considering that it's a major step back over Battery 3 already, hence lacking some core features to even just start with.)

    However, this is a dead product anyway. No way around it. Their "we're on it" promises are empty promises. To put it mildly. I mean, how long are we supposed for essential bugs to get fixed? 5 years?

  • MetaJeb
    MetaJeb Member Posts: 4 Member

    totally, my heart hurt when NI left that workhorse in the dust

  • SaschaFranck
    SaschaFranck Member Posts: 151 Helper

    Fwiw, here's a leak of the upcoming Komplete 15 content. Looking plausible IMO. And, hence me posting it here: No Battery anymore.

  • SaschaFranck
    SaschaFranck Member Posts: 151 Helper

    So, it's official now, Battery is dead. NI has been caught with their pants down, telling nonsense regarding bugfixes, there's been no further development.

    MATAKAO Member Posts: 21 Member

    So sad but true!

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