Traktor Pro 4 Bug: Remix decks



  • DJ HardRock
    DJ HardRock Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Los remix decks no funcionan adecuadamente, los samples no suenan. He agregado varias veces los samples pero igual, no funcionan.

    Por favos su ayuda solucionando esto, en la versión 3 funcionaban perfectamente.

    Muchas gracias.

  • DJ Raena
    DJ Raena Member Posts: 17 Member

    The remix problem is still broken as of release 4.0.2 13

  • KarimS
    KarimS Member Posts: 72 Member

    After TP4.1 I am still experiencing remix deck issues. Especially with the command for making slot sizes x2 or /2. I'm using S4MK3, are people able to use this command at all?

  • Martiniix_NI
    Martiniix_NI Customer Care Posts: 387 mod


    This issue should be solved in the latest update release (4.1.0) please try it out and let me know if you still experience this issue.

  • Nuni
    Nuni Member Posts: 18 Member

    Hi guys,

    remix decks are more playable since yesterdays update. But: switching betweeen some samples with loops or slot sizes x2 or /2 or creating some live sample sizes in the mix, the decks are still not working and creating some strange noises. Its a shame.

  • Nuni
    Nuni Member Posts: 18 Member

    Additional: Playing the original "Riemann" Traktor Remix Set (Florian Meindl) TP4 crashes immediately and memory is running out until the remix deck will be stopped by user. What the ..:(

  • KarimS
    KarimS Member Posts: 72 Member

    Yes same here. @Native Instruments please please please get these bugs fixed! I had everything working like magic with 3.11 Pro Plus and now with TP4 everything's a mess!

  • Martiniix_NI
    Martiniix_NI Customer Care Posts: 387 mod

    @Nuni Can you share a video of this issue so we can track even better! Thanks for the feedback guys.

  • Nuni
    Nuni Member Posts: 18 Member

    Unfortunately not because i swichted back to TP3. So, please choose the "Riemann Remix Set". Its normaly full loaded with 64 samples. Play the max of 4 samples there. Go in the mix with 2 other decks and add a live input, maybe Maschine, like i am doing each time. Perfect on a TP3 WIN 10/I9/32GB RAM machine. TP4 crashes at this point till i stopp the playback of the remix deck. Memory is running out but comes back after short break. Setting more buffer size and latency won't solve the problem. Going down with the Sample Rate is not an option for me. Thanks for reading me.

  • Mathias68
    Mathias68 Member Posts: 15 Member

    Unfortunately the remix decks don't work. Sorry, the video was only filmed with a cell phone.

  • Aliveran
    Aliveran Member Posts: 1 Member
    edited December 2024

    What is happening here, we are now in December and this important bug is still not resolved, sample size in a remix deck can't be changed anymore. As soon as you try to change the size, then play the sample, it gets back to its original size, we had no problem on the version 3 of traktor. Users paid to gain and retain functions, not to loose them, expected if publicly announced prior the purchase. A quick reminder, paid users are not beta testers….

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,212 mod
    edited December 2024

    At least 4.1.1 solved the other remix deck problems. I reported the remaining SIZE problem as soon as i was able to test the patch, so i reckon it will be dealt with. It's going step by step (slowly) and i think this is on the menu as it clearly has come up with the new stemgen feature.

    @Aliveran : No matter what you say you are, all users are effectively beta testers for any software used, no matter if they paid for it or not. Nature of the beast. 😎

  • SBi
    SBi Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Das Remix Deck Problem nervt mich extrem. Vor allem im Live Betrieb war das ätzend mitzubekommen. Alle Tests liefen super. Nach dem Update auf 4.1.1. sind bei mir alle Remix Decks und Playlisten verschwunden. Erstmal im Traktor. Früher kein Problem, Backup → Collection.mnl kopieren einfügen starten. Nun … Bei mir sind aber sogar die xxxxx.trak Datensätze alle weg. Ebenso di ePlaylisten. Imponiere ich eine alte .nml Datei findet er die Daten (da sie ja nicht mehr da sind) nicht mehr. Nur die gesamelten Samples der REmixdecks sind noch zu finden. D.h. ich muss alles Remix Decks neu erstellen. Die XXX.pak Daten fehlen wie die Playlisten.

    Ich spiele natürlich ein Backup auf und exportiere die Playlists und Remixdecks aktuell neu - aber das ist trotzdem ein nicht hinnehmbarer Fehler. Langsam sollte die Software mal nutzbar gemacht werden.

  • Mikael Lassen
    Mikael Lassen Member Posts: 26 Helper

    You need to export a backup off your remix set. It's not enough just to save playlist.

  • KarimS
    KarimS Member Posts: 72 Member

    So I downloaded this latest update thinking the remix decks would be working based on the release notes and sadly no, my remix deck loops are still playing all sorts of weird lengths. If I load a loop of say 8 bars it forces every other loop in that slot to only play for 8 bars, so if the following loop happens to be 16 or 32 it will only play for 8 bars and then restart...... or if it happens to be a 4 bar loop then it will play 4 bars and then go silent for another 4 just because the last loop I loaded was 8 bars long!!

    One shots seem to be playing fine regardless of length.

    Do I need to raise another ticket for this???

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