Why is Ableton setting Komplete Kontrol / Kontakt VST volume to 0 when pressing stop?



  • Martin Schmid
    Martin Schmid Member Posts: 96 Member

    @Matthew_NI any suggestions?

  • Martin Schmid
    Martin Schmid Member Posts: 96 Member

    @JesterMgee you mentioned

    "Hate to break this to you but this has been an issue for some time, been discussed on the Ableton Forums over the years. Was an issue in V2 of KK and is now still in V3. The issue is KK as it can also happen with 3rd party plugins loaded in KK too."

    What other plugins have you had this happen w/ in KK? Any from NI? or just 3rd party as you mention?

    I've a thread going w/ NI Support… hoping to get some traction…

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,094 Expert
    edited October 2024

    I cannot recall exactly and unsure if it was the vol went to 0, I know that was the case for Kontakt but I am pretty sure I had issues with any instance of KK where on stop of transport the automation would "disconnect" and require you to enable it again after start. TBH I have not produced much for a while now, I did a quick little mix for a Breaking Bad theme I wanted to make a few weeks back just for fun but I didn't automate anything on that. Wish I had more info for ya, I know there was discussion years ago about it on the Ableton forums but I have not bothered to engage there for years now.

    I have kind of given up trying to wait it out for improvements and accepted it's just how it is these days and nothing more.

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