How to get the SteamPipe2 Arpeggiator to start on bottom note when ascending

Kris Williams
Kris Williams Member Posts: 14 Member
edited October 7 in Reaktor

It seems the arpeggiator can sometimes start on the top note or bottom note randomly
- theres no rhyme or reason to which note it starts on

How can i guarantee it starts on the bass note each time or have some more control?

Currently sounds like this



  • Studiowaves
    Studiowaves Member Posts: 630 Advisor

    There's an easy solution to this. All it takes is a midi track in a daw and you can draw the arpeggio you want. I like the piano roll midi editor. It's so easy to add notes, quantize notes, adjust the length of the notes, the velocity of the note and even draw chords. Then play it directly from the midi file and you can do anything you want. Some of the better midi editors let you draw things like the mod wheel, volume, or any controller code you want. It's super easy and gives you a lot of flexibility, make any pattern or arpeggio you want. You want versatility, you got it.

  • colB
    colB Member Posts: 945 Guru

    It seems the arpeggiator can sometimes start on the top note or bottom note randomly- theres no rhyme or reason to which note it starts on

    It starts with the one you press first!

    when you hit a chord, the notes register sequentially, if the highest note registers first thats where the arp will start. The problem is that if you intentionally press in sequence, it seems to to a one note arp, then a two note arp etc. It is tricky to be precise enough to guarantee to start on the high note or the low note.

    It certainly is possible to build an arp with a little more tolerance, but it's not easy. Arps are surprisingly difficult to get right in Reaktor. There are many different design options, most of them are difficult to implement, and everyone seems to have different expectations about what an arp 'should' do ;)

    What rules would you want an arp to follow, particularly in terms of how it responds to MIDI input from a keyboard? remember that if a user hits a chord, the notes arrive sequentially, and often in an arbitrary order.

  • Kris Williams
    Kris Williams Member Posts: 14 Member

    I see what you mean, makes my og question seem lazy haha - but this is just drawing in the notes instead of using the arpeggiator - but makes sense as a work around

  • Kris Williams
    Kris Williams Member Posts: 14 Member

    Yeah you kinda stated the problem - it should start at the bottom - but often doesnt - and i need the whole 5 notes pressed at the same time or it wont properly run up the sequence

    I tried bouncing the recording a few times and just picked out the one where it started on the bottom note


  • Kris Williams
    Kris Williams Member Posts: 14 Member

    Here's how it now sounds

  • colB
    colB Member Posts: 945 Guru

    You can't press 5 notes at the same time. It's always 1 at a time with midi. So there will be a compromise.

    There would need to be a lag when you hit a note where the system waits in case another note comes 'in time' to be considered simultaneous, at which point you would also need a method to sort the arriving notes.

    And some way to decide that no more will be arriving.. a 'time out'.. that decides to start the arp...

    There is no easy way to 'fix' the existing arp afaict. You would need to re-build it to your personal requirements.

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