Feature request: Display Chord and Note names in Maschine Software

cl3an! Member Posts: 18 Helper
edited October 2024 in Maschine

I would like a dedicated area of the Maschine Software to display the name of the selected chord or note for example: C3, when C on octave 3 is selected. When no notes are selected then the software must display the note or chords being played in real time on the pads.

This feature will help a lot when it comes to songwriting.

Apologies if this feature has already been requested in another thread.


  • Psyearth5
    Psyearth5 Member Posts: 352 Member

    I'm always for the Chords . Potential that Maschine have is game changer and i was very loud in past few years about Costume Chords to Pads as must possibility not benefits only for us but NI too ecause it would be a key seller feature...but it's not that easy to implement all features because we don't have enough programmers on Planet, deficit is in all I.T. sectors. One solution is old-school and because it is a sampler you can record variety of chords and later use them to fit but you can also save them in MIDI in one project that will have only one purpose, to choose and make new chords , it is hard and time consuming but it's getting a lot easier after 101. Chord . I will always support requests like yours but don't get stuck , keep creating because it is the only way to success . I realized that many are struggling and blaming EQ, Equipment, lack of features or robust workflow and after some time it's not about Music expression if you know what I mean . I have a lot of Audio and Sound design experience and best advice I can honestly give is to finish your projects , release them and move to new . Value your time in the same manner as companies are valuing there's products that you bought . NI's products are amazing but we still don't have Costume Chords to Pads, we have basic "Piano Roll " , knobs are loose ect. but that doesn't stop us to make Music which is not perfect and maybe never will be but listeners will like it even if you know all imperfections . Maybe NI doesn't deliver this simple features for our own good, to keep us involved and engaged and to avoid one click Music Generator...it could easily be reason but yeah ๐Ÿ‘ everything that improves Chords I strongly support I would be thankful for better software visual but HW Software integration is thing that will make one product split in two so without that combination it will loose agenda . You have to think about this new concepts and everything about something new should be your main goal because once you make release you will see that there is so much music in the world and Music is crying for something NEW . Think about that , it is problem of 21. Century . Copy Paste and Maschine is truly unique concept telling us to experiment and " happy accident's" will results in something new... still I will be for every improvement especially ones involve Chords, notes and names and key simbols so I don't have to look in tiny piano roll ๐Ÿ˜‰

  • cl3an!
    cl3an! Member Posts: 18 Helper

    I 100% agree with you. Even though the vast majority of demos that you see mostly involves some form of EDM, Maschine is capable of producing any genre of music and chord and note information displayed in the software just makes the process of using Maschine as a songwriting tool that much better. I know that you can see chord names on your Maschine Mk3, Maschine+ and Maschine Studio screens but for users of Maschine Mikro this is not there. So yes, chords and being able to manipulate chords even more would definitely be a game changer.

  • Mutis
    Mutis Member Posts: 504 Pro
    edited May 2022

    If midi input from other sources (plugins or physical midi) is available (IDK due Iโ€™m not maschine user) a solution could be an app like scaler2.

  • cl3an!
    cl3an! Member Posts: 18 Helper

    Scaler2 appears to be a great tool but it is a bit overkill for what I am requesting. See illustration. In the example a note has been selected and the name of the note appears somewhere in the browser. This should be very easy to accomplish as the software already "knows" the frequency / name of the note.

  • Mutis
    Mutis Member Posts: 504 Pro

    I will love to see implemented any of these features into Maschine/Komplete but my suggestion is for those who need chord aid of any kind and canโ€™t/donโ€™t want to wait until it happens.

  • Mutis
    Mutis Member Posts: 504 Pro

    What a shame...

  • tempsperdu
    tempsperdu Member Posts: 438 Guru
    edited May 2022

    Arguably more than a shame and a much requested feature, though one that sadly never seems to get a response from those that might be able to do something about it.

    I should add for any that might not know, you can utilise Scalar and the like using 3rd party software such as Unify, Patchwork, Metaplugin, or Minihost Modular.

  • Beetleborg93
    Beetleborg93 Member Posts: 17 Member

    There is a plugin called Hornet songkey mk4 that can do this. You load it as an fx and it reads the chords you play in real time.

  • Season
    Season Member Posts: 26 Member

    One bad thing is that you can't have plugins open all the time while working in Maschine though.

  • Bean
    Bean Member Posts: 1 Member

    I think this should be addressed very soon for producers who wanna draw in notes' hate going to fl studio to make loops from the piano roll, but its so easy and quick to make a very nice bass loop or melody ,if you don't play certain instruments, you can draw in notes and still sound professional, with knowing how to play certain instruments. just label the piano roll sections with d,d# and so on Please

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