Traktor duplicating Music playlists

Fernando DC
Fernando DC Member Posts: 11 Member

Hi folks, I am a HUGE Traktor supporter, playing on it for over 15 yrs. For the past 10, I swear I have had NO issues so I am a happy camper>

I just updated from High Sierra to Catalina with Traktor 3.4.2 256 I have been delaying for YEARS because i did not want to move from iTunes to Music, but with the arrival of Traktor 4 and the need to update OS, I have no other choice. So far, it has not been as bad as I thought but I have the issue described here (googled it) exactly. Wanted to check with this group for a solution. I expected bigger issues but still it's annoying as my itunes library is 80,000 tracks. Any help will be appreciated.



  • Heisenberg
    Heisenberg Member Posts: 393 Pro

    A little tip: it's better to remove the email address, if bots find it you'll get a lot of spam. 😅

  • Fernando DC
    Fernando DC Member Posts: 11 Member

    Thank you! I should know better. Thank you

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