M32 how to setup custom midi to use as standalone controller

systemexklusiv Member Posts: 7 Member
edited May 2022 in Komplete Kontrol

Hi folks :-)

I want to setup custom midi on my m32 in order to use it as controller without komplete software. I tried the controller editor but the m32 is not listed as target and the Komplete Software has no option to persist the settings on the device. I wonder how to do it.. is it even possible or is one stuck with the hardcoded CCs/MidiChannel when used without a Mac/PC and the Komplete Software?

Thx and best David


Best Answers

  • Blindeddie
    Blindeddie Member Posts: 1,559 Expert
    Answer ✓

    Any custom assignments you make to the M32 through the KK Midi assignment editor are stored on the Computer, so if not plugged in to a computer you get the defaults. This is under the assumption that the configuration you are using actually powers up the M32, I could not test as I do not have any of the hardware you mention...there is no workaround that I am aware of.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod
    Answer ✓

    @systemexklusiv Unfortunately @Blindeddie is right. The MIDI assignments are stored on the computer and there is no way to change the settings if not connected to a PC or a Mac.



  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,331 mod


    you have to open komplete kontrol in order to be able to edit the knob cc´s. On the upper right area left from the native sign there is a pic of a 5 pin din plug.


  • systemexklusiv
    systemexklusiv Member Posts: 7 Member

    Hey Uwe, thanks for the answer but my Problem is about persisting the setting on the unit to use it as Standalone device.. I know komplete kontrol in order to be able to edit the knob cc but how to store it on the device?

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,331 mod

    You can save several templates, but you can't switch them from Hardware, so you save a template and the last selected will be active as far as I remember. I used that, for example, for quick controls in qubase.


  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod

    Hey David, how are you using the M32 exactly in this MIDI mode? What do you want to control with it ? Is it still connected to your computer ?

  • systemexklusiv
    systemexklusiv Member Posts: 7 Member

    @Uwe303 thanks! But as I wrote a few times I do not want to use a computer. I want to make the midi assignement e.g. one encoder is cc13 on channe 13 and store this assignment on the device itself. Than I connect the M32 to a midi-host ( which is NOT a PC or Mac - a Mode Machines Cerebel USB V2) and want to us it there with the configured assignment. There are a lot of non PC/Mac Midihosts.


    thnks for asking! I want to use the M32 as a lot of other configurable midi controllers. I want to set it up with custom midi assignments on a Mac/PC and than plug it into a MIDI Host which is NOT a PC or Mac- thus NOT running Komplete - in fact its a Mode Machines Cerebel USB V2 - and use these assignments for other devices down the chain. Like I wrote in the original post above it is working with the hardcoded CCs and Channel - thus the midi host is powering and translating the messages correctly - but I need custom CCs and channel assignments. Where do I make these assignemts so they are persistent on the devices ( means working OFFLINE without Komplete). I thought my request is kind of trivial but just for the sake of avoiding missunderstanding here the full chain:

    M32 - USB -> Midi Host (converts USB midi to usual DIN) - Midi on good ol' DIN -> Elektron Digitone.

    The digitone expects certain CC's and channels amongst others which I want to setit up in the first place ;-)

    Thus can I make my midi assignments persistent on the M32 device itself in order to use it without a Computer running some kind of Deamon-Software ( Komplete ) to translate it?

    Devices like Arturia Beatstep, Keystep, Nanocontrol series, Icon G-Board (.. list could be really loing here ) can do since at least a decade.

    I hope this makes it a little clearer and thanks for your support!

  • Blindeddie
    Blindeddie Member Posts: 1,559 Expert
    Answer ✓

    Any custom assignments you make to the M32 through the KK Midi assignment editor are stored on the Computer, so if not plugged in to a computer you get the defaults. This is under the assumption that the configuration you are using actually powers up the M32, I could not test as I do not have any of the hardware you mention...there is no workaround that I am aware of.

  • systemexklusiv
    systemexklusiv Member Posts: 7 Member
    edited May 2022

    @Blindeddie Thank you !!! if this is true that's what I were afraight of 😢 The one workaround I'd be aware of would be to hack the midi host software in order to make the translations there. The software on the cerebel is open source but I'd rather not climb down that rabbit hole in favor of making music with some other keyboard :-D. Man c'mon NI !!! Its a shame why'd you not implement cheap rewritabel non volitile memory in you device like even cheaper controller designer have done through the last decade?

    @Jeremy_NI confirm? Just defaults if no Komplete running?

    Thank you all!

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,331 mod

    Ok I have a A49 and will try it with android, make a template and see if the settings are stored at leastcin the keyboard.


  • systemexklusiv
    systemexklusiv Member Posts: 7 Member
    edited May 2022

    @Uwe303 Thanks! Maybe the A49 has this options. In the KK Midi editor I miss a "upload to device" button or alike. You know? If you edit a template what would you do? Just close the KK Software and plug the keyboard into the android-Device?

    Anyway thanks for trying it out!! Who knows maybe other devices have this memory :-)

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,331 mod

    You don't need upload to device, like some other midi editors have, it is stored to the device, at least with maschine. Let's say i make a mapping on one computer with a maschine, then take the maschine to another computer, the mappings are all there, same with A49, and A49 is very similar to M32. Today i unfortunately have no time to test but tomorrow I can do it.


  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod
    Answer ✓

    @systemexklusiv Unfortunately @Blindeddie is right. The MIDI assignments are stored on the computer and there is no way to change the settings if not connected to a PC or a Mac.

  • systemexklusiv
    systemexklusiv Member Posts: 7 Member

    @Jeremy_NI thanks for confirming it. @Blindeddie Thank you :-) Well hoped that with some odd older Version of the Controller Editor or some other workaround I'd be possible but OK at least I have certainty now. Its a shame because the size of the M32 would be ideal. Then maybe I have to test the most recent version of the Lunchkey possibly.. but this has too much depth dimension wise for my taste. I simply wanted to avoid to have to midi merge a separate controller for knobs with midi from a different keyboard, you know just to avoid having to much cables, PSUs, midi merge units and stuff ;-) anyway thank you all four your help :-)

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,331 mod

    The akai mpk mini mk3 looks also nice, maybe that would be a solution.


  • systemexklusiv
    systemexklusiv Member Posts: 7 Member

    @Uwe303 yeah this one looks good.. I guess the Korg Nanokeys Studio would be good too.. ok there is some real estate one has to sacrifice for the display on one hand but gets better preset management and more.. at the cost of buttons instead of a minikeyboard for the notes..

    I'd go for the Keystep37 but size wiese its too big for me. currently my live electronic fits well on a wide pedal board 😅

  • Peloncho
    Peloncho Member Posts: 11 Member
    edited September 2024

    Hi, @systemexklusiv. As I understand, what you want is to change the CC assginments of the M32 knobs. For doing it you must enter in Komplete Kontrol (in standalone mode). Be sure that in preferences/MIDI input is M32 selected and none in MIDI output.

    Then, press the MIDI icon (up-right) and create a new template. Change the CCs assigned to the knobs you want.

    Finally, close Komplete Kontrol. As you can see, the keyboard will enter in MIDI mode. Using the Preset up and down button can select the custom template you created previously.

    Hope this fix your problem.

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