How to exchange my defective Maschine+ in France?

Kuisy Member Posts: 1 Newcomer
edited September 2024 in Maschine

I have a defective Maschine +, it doesn't load well certain instruments in the projects and it stops suddenly. I paid a lot of money to have a good machine for my lives and I have many problems... I have written to the online service and they do not give me any answer... The support in France is very bad or rather non-existent... I really like this brand but I have been thinking for months that I should have bought an MPC... What should I do ????


I write to the support, them but they don't give me real solutions, first they give me the automatic answers from the web site, then I talked to a technician, they told me to reboot the system and I did it but it still fails, I exchanged some mails with the technician but he asked me for a video and then I didn't get any more answers. I need them to change the maschine + as a serious company would do it.... I really like native and its sounds, I bought this machine to have the best of the market and now I am worried and doing last minute repairs...

How can I have a good Maschine+? I paid for it….


  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    edited September 2024

    It's generally a terrible ideia to go about sharing private things such as serial numbers online… I censured it.

    I guess support is trying to understand if your M+ really has a hardware problem or it's just software, by your descriptions it sounds like a software problem but you were very vague… If it indeed is then sending your M+ to Germany and wait a bunch of time just for them to send it back would be a massive waste of time.

    Have you tried a factory reset on your M+? Are you on the latest version of the firmware and software?

    What instruments does it not load and how? You get an error message? Elaborate a bit but keep it concise.

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