How to do Probability/Conditional Trigs on Maschine + ?



  • tetsuneko
    tetsuneko Member Posts: 807 Expert
    edited May 2022

    This is exactly what legato pattern switching is for. You can jump between fill/variation patterns on the fly, and then flip back to the original pattern, on the fly, and the pattern will keep on playing from the point where it would be if you never switched away from it at all (this function is also known as "slip mode" in DJ systems). No need to have everything locked down to a single long pattern.

    Where this might become problematic is if you are not arranging your Maschine project in VST plugin mode tied to another DAW, however.. This is the reason why I never use the internal Maschine song mode, much much prefer triggering scene & pattern changes via MIDI notes from a DAW to the admittedly weak Maschine song mode.

  • TheAndroid
    TheAndroid Member Posts: 15 Member

    You can extend pattern length and add variations, for sure, but

    1. It's still static
    2. The step sequencer would really benefit from probabilities. With 16 steps (i.e. a single page), you can easily make it sound like it's 128 steps or more, with very low effort.

    This is one of the major feature I would like to see now 😇

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  • awol9000
    awol9000 Member Posts: 69 Advisor
    edited May 2022

    I think people need to come to terms that Maschine is a finished product that adds 1 or 2 small features a year. The pace of progress makes me wonder if there is more than one person coding the software. There are feature request 10 years waiting that will never materialize. I doubt there will even be a Maschine 3.

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  • awol9000
    awol9000 Member Posts: 69 Advisor
    edited May 2022

    I agree with you, I just don't think it will happen and I hope to be proven wrong. It's just sad watching all the new(ish) users request features hoping they'll see them implemented in a timely fashion or even at all given how many feature requests there are.

    I'm guessing we'll see Izotopes effects integrated into Maschine as the next series of updates, seeing how (Maximizer) is being added to Traktor (public beta).

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  • Olihop
    Olihop Member Posts: 153 Advisor
    edited May 2022

    I tend to think that the current controller has reached its limits. Like you, I wouldn't be surprised if NI considered maschine at this stage as a finished product.

    After that, I wouldn't be so pessimistic. I prefer to think that a major update is on the way and that it will be accompanied by a new controller that will allow them to realize possible new ideas.

    If they really want to improve the user experience it will probably be necessary to enrich the controller with more buttons or even integrate a touch screen. The control possibilities of push2 with its 64 pads and the mpc with its touch screen are much more interesting in terms of user experience.

  • Trevor Meier
    Trevor Meier Member Posts: 70 Advisor

    Out of curiosity - how are you using legato pattern switching? Are you using one Scene-per-pattern with the transition time set very low?

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  • Olihop
    Olihop Member Posts: 153 Advisor

    It would be possible to integrate a touch screen without changing the current paradigm. A touch screen could be used in several operations if we wish it like the selection of scenes of patterns and snapshots while keeping the pads for the sound. But also for scene building in Idea mode, for file renaming, alpha-numeric input, using as an xy effect pad, triggering effects on the fly etc.

    In short, use the touch screen for the best it has to offer.

    This could really unleash the potential of maschine in case NI wants to keep the current controller format in the future.

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  • RajahP
    RajahP Member Posts: 1 Member
    edited May 2022

    (247) ✂️ probability - YouTube

    Is this that difficult to implement into Maschine? It is a must.. it is part of the music-making process TODAY.

  • tetsuneko
    tetsuneko Member Posts: 807 Expert
    edited May 2022

    Oh, I just use the default settings which seem to switch patterns immediately. Then just map pattern changes to my MIDI keyboard and realtime record my "arrangement" to a MIDI track in the DAW. This allows me to perform the arrangement realtime, but also allows me to edit the performance later in the DAW if necessary.

    I'm using this workflow because of necessity. I just cannot deal with Maschine's internal arranger, I need to be able to realtime record my arrangements.

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,912 Expert

    @RajahP wrote:

    It is a must.. it is part of the music-making process TODAY.

    Actually, of the music-making process TOMORROW, since that feature is not yet available.

    (But conditional triggers have been available on Elektron Sequencers for many years, and I always wondered why there were not more requests for that kind of feature on other devices since it is a very logical approach to handling Pattern variations in a musical way.)

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