Traktor 4 and Mac OS Sequoia

Hi there,

I was wondering if you have trouble with the latest OS by Apple and Traktor 4. I know it is not officially supported but maybe some of your tried it already.



  • Heisenberg
    Heisenberg Member Posts: 390 Pro

    A user on reddit says everything is working.

    (All statements without guarantee.)

  • ilove1981
    ilove1981 Member Posts: 160 Advisor

    With respect, one person on Reddit is not much better than "John down the pub" or "Jane on Facebook". I'd be waiting for more official information.

  • c0nsul
    c0nsul Member Posts: 328 Pro

    I do NOT recommend to update Sequoia at this moment if you have to rely on a running system!
    BUT, I did it! 😆 (I'm NOT the guy from from reddit.)

    I updated and did a few short TP4 test runs without any issues. Only with headphones plugged into the computer, and no additional hardware. Just for fun and testing purpose, of course I have no gigs or "live situations" in the near future, I have backups and I know what I'm doing.

  • ilove1981
    ilove1981 Member Posts: 160 Advisor

    Updating is totally cool if your income or reputation do not depend on it. I'm pleased some people are trying it early as it gives us hope that there will be no issues and/or updates required to support Sequoia. As anApple Fanboy myself, I want to update to macOS 15 - but not whilst I have gigs in my diary…!

  • Swindler
    Swindler Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    Traktor Scratch control is not working in macOS Sequoia.

    Tested on Traktor 4, 3 and 2 version.

  • Swindler
    Swindler Member Posts: 2 Newcomer
  • Ben Whetter
    Ben Whetter Member Posts: 12 Member

    Any news on the official front about compatibility? Or still the same?

  • fubp1227
    fubp1227 Member Posts: 1 Member

    is ok is good

  • DJ Andjo
    DJ Andjo Member Posts: 1 Member

    Nao recomendo atualizar para o os sequoia detetei um problema quando fazemos cue para os phones nao funciona

  • smallHans
    smallHans Member Posts: 4 Member

    I am a new Apple user and I worked with TP4 on a Dell, which was a disaster! So I bought a an M2Max and updated to Sequoia 15.0.1. I noticed that the NI X1Mk1 is not working, the F1 Mk1 seems to work and TP4 is also working with my Xone96. Tomorrow I have a gig in a small club and will see if my Mac setup will work on an Pioneer set (DJM750 and 2 CDJ2000NXS2) 🙏

  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,783 Expert

    X1mk1 has not been working for a long time on mac, @Opa wrote a small program to fix this.

  • Gonk2000
    Gonk2000 Member Posts: 5 Newcomer


    I am have a problem with Traktor Pro 4 being unable to find my music library after upgrading to macOS Sequoia. Please see my post here:

    I haven’t tried loading an old Time Machine backup yet as I am only an occasional user and I thought I would wait to see if TP4 got an update until it was urgent. Anyone else having this same issue?

  • Martiniix_NI
    Martiniix_NI Customer Care Posts: 366 mod


    Traktor Pro 4 is officially supported in the latest update 4.1.0

  • Gonk2000
    Gonk2000 Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

    Traktor Pro 4 may now officially support macOS Sequoia but I still cannot access my music library in it after hours spent discussing with Traktor support. Apparently some issue with disk access & MacOS Sequoia but this has still not been resolved/confirmed. I hope this doesn’t happen to you!

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