Where to report Maschine+/Massive bug?

Dumaz Member Posts: 5 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Maschine


I am new in this community so sorry if post is in a wrong section.

While I was creating presets for Massive on Windows everything seamed to be fine, but when I tried to load same presets on Maschine+ I have discovered that most of those presets not working on Maschine+. When trying to load those "bad" presets Maschine+ give error "Massive could not be loaded". Between those "bad" and "good" presets there is one obvious difference - "good" ones only 4kb and bad ones "10kb" in size.

Here is an example of "bad" preset which works only on PC:

I think there is a bug in Maschine+ Massive. Where can I report this bug?

Or maybe someone already had this kind of problem and fixed it?

Thank you


  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,954 Expert
    edited August 2024

    @Dumaz thank you for reporting this issue.

    It is always important to also report the exact versions of the involved hardware and software:

    • Maschine+
      • OS
      • Maschine SW
      • Firmware
      • Massive
    • Computer
      • OS Type/Version
      • Massive

    Regarding the differences between various Massive sound files: Something must have changed between the ones you saved around 21:00 and those saved after 21:20. Were some created with Massive standalone and others from the VST? And if created from the plugin, which version was used (AU, VST, VST3)?

    I found out that Massive presets can vary widely in size depending on the features used in the preset.

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,954 Expert
    edited August 2024

    Tests with your preset "Slime Crime":

    • On macOS 13.6.8
      • Can be loaded with Massive 1.6.0+33 standalone
      • Can be loaded with Maschine 2.18.4 into Massive 1.6.0+33 VST3
    • On Maschine+
      • Error: Massive could not be loaded

    Even re-saving your preset from Massive 1.6.0+33 standalone with a new name did not help. Making changes to "Slime Crime" and saving again didn't help either.

    But other presets re-saved from Massive 1.6.0+33 could be opened on Maschine+, so it must be something specific about your sound.

    Maschine+ Versions:

    • Massive: 1.5.13
    • System:
    • Maschine: 2.17.5(R0)
    • Firmware: 0.1.9
  • Dumaz
    Dumaz Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

    Ozon, thank you for confirming that not only mine Maschine+ cannot load "bad" preset.

    I think for all presets I have used standalone version for windows (win10). Maschine+ firmware and win software (Massive 1.6.0) are latest versions up to date (I think during presets making days I have not updated anything).

    I finding that more than strange coincidence that 4kb presets are working and 10kb are not - must be some "extra" preset data is causing Massive not to load on Maschine+.

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,954 Expert

    Ok, so I recreated your "Slime Crime" by starting from a new preset and copying all the parameters visually. That was quite elaborate. Then copied then sound over to the Maschine+ and it worked.

    The newly created sound didn't contain all the extra data. So I looked at the extra data more in detail and it seems come from your custom Maschine automation mapping. I don't know how you managed to include that mapping into the preset, and therefore I wasn't able to remove it either. But I'm sure once you figure out how to get rid of it, you can also identify the parameter page which causes the problem on the M+.

    Most probably it's related to the version mismatch of Maschine 2.18.4 on Windows and Maschine 2.17.5 on the M+.

  • Dumaz
    Dumaz Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

    Ozon, what do you mean by "Maschine automation mapping"? Macro controls, routing or modulators?

    I have one 4kb good preset with macro controls, routing, modulators and midi cc mapping, but it works fine even with all of those things.

    Seems like its real bug which I cannot recreate at the moment. Sadly some of those presets took me more than one hour to create and it could be nice to fixe them. And I afraid now to make any new presets in case same bug will ruin them :(

    Thank you for your help

  • Dumaz
    Dumaz Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

    Ozon, what do you mean by "Maschine automation mapping"? Macro controls, routing or modulators?

    I have 4kb preset which has macro controls, routing, modulators and midi cc learned and still working fine on Maschine+.

    I have tried to recreate same presets as well and cannot reproduce any more "bad" presets. So not sure what is causing problem.

    I appreciate your help. Seams like there is real bug, just not sure how to recreate it and how to fix those presets. Some of them took me more than hour to create :(

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,954 Expert

    what do you mean by "Maschine automation mapping"? Macro controls, routing or modulators?

    The mapping between Maschine and the Massive parameters. Your preset contains many (16?) pages of Maschine parameters mapped to Massive parameters. Some of them are quite unusual, like toggles for the positions of the Insert effects 1 & 2.

    If you didn’t do them on purpose, then maybe you used a preset as start for your own which includes these mappings.

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,954 Expert

    Maybe @Kymeia could share some insight on how Massive parameters can properly be mapped inside Maschine. The changes I did to the pages didn’t get written to the preset.

  • Dumaz
    Dumaz Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

    Strange. I have not used Maschine to create or modify those presets. Neither I have used starting preset - every time I have started from "-NKS INIT-". So not sure where from those Maschine mappings are coming from.
    Toggles for the positions of the Insert effects 1 & 2 probably coming from "Routing" page.

    There is something funny with preset loading and initializing. Looks like when initialising preset, not all settings are initialised and some of the data is left untouched and spread onto other presets after. Plus if to save preset onto existing preset, that mapping data is left untouched (file is not fully overwritten). Almost like some kind of virus…

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,954 Expert

    I have started from "-NKS INIT-"

    Then that is the source for the embedded mapping.

    There is something funny with preset loading and initializing. Looks like when initialising preset, not all settings are initialised and some of the data is left untouched and spread onto other presets after. Plus if to save preset onto existing preset, that mapping data is left untouched (file is not fully overwritten).

    Indeed, that’s what occurred to me as well.

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