Reaper crashes when loading Kontakt and Komplete tracks

betamax Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

I have a lot of old projects with Kontakt 5 and Komplete 2.8 on certain tracks.

Opening these projects crashes Reaper.

I also have a lot of track templates using Kontakt 5 and Komplete 2.8, and adding these to a project also crashes reaper.

I've found a workaround which is that if I open a new project, add a track with a new Kontakt 5 vst on it and then save this project, Reaper will no longer crash when adding my templates, and I can also open my old projects again.

But it's not nice to have to use this workaround all the time.

I've followed the guide for Kontakt Crashes but it has not helped.

Both Kontakt and Komplete open fine in standalone (however I can't figure out how to open the old Komplete 2.8 in standalone, when I run Komplete in standalone it is 3.0.3

Any advice much appreciated.


Best Answer

  • betamax
    betamax Member Posts: 5 Newcomer
    Answer ✓

    I'm happy to say I've resolved the issue for now. I've downgraded to Komplete Kontrol 2 version is 2.9.6 using this link (but without also running version 3) and then I did a "clear cache and rescan" vst plugins in Reaper :-)


  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod

    The latest Komplete Kontrol 2 version is 2.9.6, you can find the installer here, as well as instruction on how to keep both versions: How to Keep Komplete Kontrol 2.9 and Komplete Kontrol 3 on Your System

    Maybe this wll fix the crashes you're experiencing.

  • betamax
    betamax Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

    Thanks for the advice. I followed this guide but it did not resolve the issue. Reaper still crashes when loading projects with Kontakt and Komplete tracks, or when adding track templates with Kontakt and Komplete plugins.

  • betamax
    betamax Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

    Any advice greatly appreciated

  • betamax
    betamax Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

    It's a big issue, would love some help :)

  • betamax
    betamax Member Posts: 5 Newcomer
    Answer ✓

    I'm happy to say I've resolved the issue for now. I've downgraded to Komplete Kontrol 2 version is 2.9.6 using this link (but without also running version 3) and then I did a "clear cache and rescan" vst plugins in Reaper :-)

  • blitze
    blitze Member Posts: 19 Member

    Not quite a solution but it works for you.

    Those with the new keyboards can at least use Kontakt with keyboard mapping built in.

    Tick-Tock, taking a while to resolve this bug.

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