How access my libraries on Windows 7 ?

zimmerxyz Member Posts: 31 Member
edited October 2024 in Native Access

I'm PC win 7 and got kontakt 6.6.1. I have native access 1 and had access to my numerous kontakt libraries that I bought over the years.
Now I want to install one of these libraries, I hadnt installed before, but I have no more access: When I click on the native access 1 link native access tries to automaticly update itself to access 2. That fails. So I cant get to my libraries. Also I found out, that native access 2 doesnt work with win 7. I got the latest version of native access 1 that is 1.14.1 and I put the proxy setting right on my PC, as you explained on your help site. Still error message "No compatible update found. Download failed."
So please I need a version of native access that doesnt always tries to update automaticly. I only want to get in touch with my kontakt libraries. Also I want to buy some new libraries for kontakt 6.6.1 or lower (In Session Audio, Sample Logic and so on). How shall I get them?


Best Answer

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,389 mod
    Answer ✓

    Microsoft discontinued support for Windows 7 on January 14, 2020. On this date, the operating system reached its end of life (EOL), meaning that Microsoft no longer provided security updates, technical support, or bug fixes for it. Extended Security Updates (ESU) were available for some business users until January 2023, but for most users, January 2020 marked the official end. Windows 8 was introduced on October 26, 2012. Windows 10 was introduced on July 29, 2015.

    Windows 7 development stopped in 2012, it is not supported in any way by Microsoft.

    Native Access 1.14 is still available as a workaround but it's no longer developed and does not support the latest products. It will also be deactivated next year.



  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,075 Expert

    Windows 7 has been retired and is unsupported worldwide for years now.

    Native Access v1 is also retired - it's infrastructure will be shut down permanently in Feb 2025

    Finally - Kontakt 6 is retired as well - but remains usable as long as you move to Windows 10 (at a minimum) and then install Native Access v3.13.0 (or higher)

    Once you have upgraded - you might also be able to get access to some of the older K6 libraries from In Session Audio etc.

    As it stands right now - your entire layout is unsupported and there are no options unless you upgrade as above.


  • zimmerxyz
    zimmerxyz Member Posts: 31 Member

    What a Service! What a Support!

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,075 Expert

    Not sure what exactly you are expecting - no company supports Windows 7 anywhere.

    NI retired Native Access v1 long ago.

    You can either upgrade to supported software or not.

    Your call.


  • zimmerxyz
    zimmerxyz Member Posts: 31 Member

    When I buy a current library from Sample Logic or so, that can be used in Kontakt 6.6.1 and I got Kontakt 6.6.1, I expect that I can use it! And do not have to buy and install and configure a new system, just because NI cannot get it right to make a small path to Native Access for win 7! Is this the way youre treating your customers who bought Pro-53 back in the ?

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,075 Expert

    All current Sample Logic libraries work perfectly (and are fully supported) in Kontakt 7.

    Do not misconstrue the version number of a library (like 6.6.1) sold by a vendor like Sample Logic and somehow equate that with Kontakt 6 being "active".

    Kontakt 6 was retired in Fall 2022. But as I already mentioned - it will work just fine (and install just fine) with Native Access v3.13.0 installed on a supported operating system like Windows 10 (or higher).

    You know what you need to do. Native Instruments does not support Windows 7 or Kontakt 6.


  • zimmerxyz
    zimmerxyz Member Posts: 31 Member

    Like I said: What a service, what a support!

  • zimmerxyz
    zimmerxyz Member Posts: 31 Member

    Seriously: On the Native Instruments Website it says, Native Access 1.14.1 is compatible with Win 7. Period. I've got 1.14.1 and the updated version of win7, so why it isnt working? So please, please connect me or this issue with one of NIs experts.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,075 Expert
    edited August 2024

    Nobody is challenging that blurb on the website. Native Access v1.14.1 certainly WAS compatible under Windows 7 back in the day.

    But I am guessing that blurb is probably 5+ years old and should probably be taken down now since Windows 7 was retired by Microsoft on Jan 14, 2020.

    Native Instruments Support can only assist you if you are using a supported OS (Windows 10 and higher these days)

    FWIW - Native Access v1 was retired several years ago and is not maintained here in late 2024.

    Maybe an NI Support will chime in - but I suspect they won't have any better news for you.

    I am just a user - trying to assist you in a public forum where you asked a question.

    Sorry that you do like the answer. It is what it is.


  • zimmerxyz
    zimmerxyz Member Posts: 31 Member

    When access 1.14.1 was compatible with win7 five years ago, why should it not be five years later? Experts, please.

  • zimmerxyz
    zimmerxyz Member Posts: 31 Member

    I put the proxy settings like it was said on the help site.

  • zimmerxyz
    zimmerxyz Member Posts: 31 Member

    No one else can help me? I got a lot of komplete libraries not downloaded yet. You cannot cut my connection to those values. There was no warning that you'll cut the connection, so win7 users could save their treasures. My win7 system is stable and I dont want to change a winning team. So NI come on please.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,075 Expert
    edited August 2024

    "There was no warning that you'll cut the connection, so win7 users could save their treasures"

    The announcement was very clear - right here:

    Native Access Q1 Update — Community (


  • zimmerxyz
    zimmerxyz Member Posts: 31 Member

    Yay! So please NI Support, help me get my Access 1 / Win7 running - as adressed in a NI Helpsite! I have only time to save my Komplete libraries on my HDs till Feb 25. I want to stay with win7 as a closed system. Thats okay for me.

    The main problem with Access 1 (1.14.1) in my case seems to be, that it always tries to update. But it shouldnt be updated. It just should do the work. I tried Access 1.3, 1.5, 1.9, always the same. I would be glad to get my libraries!

  • BIF
    BIF Member Posts: 1,057 Guru

    Dear OP: I think it's time for a levelset.

    The current version of Native Access is 3.13.0

    Using a version that starts with "1-anything" is unsupported.

    Version 3.13 does NOT support Windows 7. We know this and we've said this over and over again here on the forums. Now you know it too.

    Sorry if this makes you unhappy, but that is how it is. Have a nice day upgrading to Windows 10 (or better yet, to Windows 11).

    Of course, nobody is forcing you to upgrade Windows. You can always stay at Windows 7. Just know that Native Access 3.anything will not work on Windows 7. Again, that's just how it is.

    Either upgrade or don't. Continuing to argue useless points is just a waste of your time and ours.

    Whatever you choose, we wish you luck.

  • zimmerxyz
    zimmerxyz Member Posts: 31 Member

    Hello BIF,

    Maybe you can look from the users point of view, who are giving their money to you and the other companies, that are selling kontakt-libraries. A month or two ago I bought Gypsy Fiddle from Red Room Audio and Rhythmology from Sample Logic. For Kontakt 5.8.1 or higher and 5.6.5 or higher, these companies are telling their customers. Now everybody knows kontakt 5 to 6.6.1 work with windows 7 or higher. I got 6.6.1, so why cant I use my libraries. Who has done something wrong? Me? I dont think so!

    Simply let me use the libraries with Kontakt 6.6.1 or lower, thats what I trusted. Are there so few users with this problem? Simply give me a hint from an expert to open Access 1 instead of Access always trying to update itself, trying to download something.

    These are not useless points, it's my money. And looking at all the libraries I bought from you, it's a lot of money!

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