M-Audio Expression pedal not working with S88 Mk3



  • josch
    josch Member Posts: 15 Member

    Confusion about up and down is my least favourite mistake :-)

  • reffahcs
    reffahcs Member Posts: 874 Guru

    LOL. Well honestly one would think that the pedal would just work backwards? Just like if you had calibrated a joystick on your PC backwards? But at this point, I'll take any NI update at all to make this easier.

  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,717 mod

    We should have seen this coming, honestly. It's really not the fault of the user at all.

    It's much like gamers who debate inverted vs non-inverted controls on the Y axis.

    In this case, UP for some means Expression pedal at zero (toe all the way down) and UP for others means Expression pedal at max value (heel all the way down).

    Image can and will say 1000 words. I'll file this for an upcoming firmware update.

  • Erwinew
    Erwinew Member Posts: 79 Member

    My expression pedal works only in the inverted direction (toe: 0, heel: 127 instead of toe: 100, heel: 0) with Swap: Ring and confusing calibration inverted as part of the discussion in this thread.

    This expression pedal worked without issues on S88 MK I.

    I assume the invert function is intended to swap this direction with the Invert: On (5th rotary in Pedal Expression menu). However, nothing changes when setting Invert: Off.


    Is this a known bug in latest firmware S88 MK III OS version 1.5.7 installed by KSMK3_Updater_3.16.3_Win.zip?

  • Erwinew
    Erwinew Member Posts: 79 Member

    As I cannot wait for an answer, I've swapped the outer pins of the expression pedal potentiometer by resoldering the wires. Now the direction of the pedal is correct, but incorrectly wired.

    This pedal worked correctly with Mk1, now swapped direction incorrectly with Mk3.

    The expression pedal setting Invert does not work in Mk3.

    As Mk1 support was dropped out of the blue by Native Instruments, so the developers should now have time to fix Mk3 firmware issues and listen to customers feedback, right?

    FYI: @Matthew_NI

  • Erwinew
    Erwinew Member Posts: 79 Member

    Expression pedal invert setting still not working in updated S88 firmware v1.7.6.

  • JukkaA
    JukkaA Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Can you NI people comfirm that Invert functionality doesn't work with version 1.7.6 firmware?

    I have Yamaha sustain pedal (continuous) that sends 127 when not pressed and 0 when pressed fully. I tried turning Invert on but it doesn't have any effect.

    This is quite annoying. Only one of my VST instruments support inverted pedals. With all others I am out of luck.

  • Erwinew
    Erwinew Member Posts: 79 Member
    edited September 2024

    Still waiting for a firmware update.

  • Erwinew
    Erwinew Member Posts: 79 Member

    The invert option for both sustain and expression pedals are still broken in updated Mk3 keyboard firmware update 1.8.4.

    Sustain pedal is always:

    B0    40    7F    1  ---  CC: Pedal (Sustain)  → Sustain pedal down
    B0    40    00    1  ---  CC: Pedal (Sustain)  → Sustain pedal up

    Expression pedal with `Mode Continuous` and `Swap Ring` is always:

    B0    0B    00    1  ---  CC: Expression  → Expression pedal toe down (pressed)
    B0    0B    7F    1  ---  CC: Expression  → Expression pedal toe up

    No matter if invert option is on or off.

    This is low-hanging fruit to resolve such simple bug which results in customer satisfaction.

  • Papadou
    Papadou Member Posts: 2 Newcomer


    Yes, my friend, you are right ! Solution for me was this, just as you :

    "I finally got it working. During calibration when it says press down I left the pedal full up (heel) and then when it says move pedal all the way up I press down on the pedal (toes). I'm using the M-Audio EX-P pedal, currently in the Expression pedal socket."

    Using Pedal Expression M-Audio + S88 MK3. Work now perfectly.
    ThanX a lot for your help mate.

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