M-Audio Expression pedal not working with S88 Mk3

josch Member Posts: 15 Member

The M-Audio EX-P is on the supported pedals list. I own 3 of them. They work with my other gear. They do not with the S88 Mk3. Neither at the expression port nor the other 2 ports.

I've tried all the combinations (ring, tip, polarity, switch on the Ex-p, etc.) No output.

Now what?



Best Answer



  • Matto
    Matto Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    Same problem here.

  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,717 mod

    The EX-P works fine.

    Have you calibrated it in the Pedal Settings page?

    Make sure select Continuous, and then follow the calibration steps on-screen (triggered by the button in the top right).

  • Matto
    Matto Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    Thank you, I'll check it on Wednesday.

  • josch
    josch Member Posts: 15 Member

    I tried every combination on 3 different EX-Ps. Nothing produced any midi traffic.

  • josch
    josch Member Posts: 15 Member

    Plus calibrations.

  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,717 mod

    It depends on each pedal.

    Firstly, you have four ports. Sustain, Expression, Assign 1, Assign 2. Although the first two ports are configured by default for most pedals, any ports can be anything. So, select whichever port using rotary #1

    Secondly, using rotary #3, select Continuous as your pedal type.

    Thirdly, select Calibrate using button #8 above the screen. Follow the steps to calibrate (e.g. down/toe, up/heel).

    Fourthly, if that hasn't worked, set the relevant Invert or Swap settings for your particular pedal. If it has a manual, it may say which one to use.

    Lastly, assuming you want it to send Expression, make sure the following page (left/right arrows) is set correctly.

  • reffahcs
    reffahcs Member Posts: 874 Guru

    Well I don't know what to make if this right now. I tried a bunch of stuff and finally switched from MIDI 2.0 back to MIDI 1.0 and it seemed to start working. In the middle of writing this post the pedal just stopped working. I tried it in a Arturia Keystep 37 (#notsponsored) as a sanity check just to test the pedal and it worked fine.

    I have it plugged into the sustain pedal input and it worked in both switch and continuous modes. Then only switch and now nothing.

    Can you confirm if the keyboard supports TRS pedal plugs? I've had other audio equipment where the tolerances were just ever so off that the device wouldn't work when fully inserted. Kinda seems like this might be what's happening here?

    At 00:52 it finally stopped responding (again), I left MIDI Monitor running and as suspected, as I pulled out the connector of the M-Audio pedal, the keyboard finally detected a signal. So..... TS pedals only? Or is there something else going on?

  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,717 mod

    It supports TRS pedals, of course.

    What is your system configuration (e.g. OS version, etc)?

  • reffahcs
    reffahcs Member Posts: 874 Guru
    edited November 2023

    M2 Studio, MacOS 14.1.1. NI software is all running the latest updates available from the NA installer.

    I tried the pedal in the Pedal Assign 2 socket and it works in switch mode but not in continuous. I've verified that all settings (minus using Pedal Assign 2 instead of 1) are the same as the screenshots you posted. When I change the mode to continuous MIDI monitor does not display any activity when moving the pedal.

    I also tried opening Komplete Kontrol as well and loading up and instrument, but it does not seem to impact the MIDI pedal. It doesn't say in the manual, at least that I could see, hence the question. I just wanted to make sure that I wasn't supposed to be using a pedal with a TS connector instead of a TRS.

  • reffahcs
    reffahcs Member Posts: 874 Guru
    Answer ✓

    I finally got it working. During calibration when it says press down I left the pedal full up (heel) and then when it says move pedal all the way up I press down on the pedal (toes). I'm using the M-Audio EX-P pedal, currently in the Expression pedal socket.

  • josch
    josch Member Posts: 15 Member

    This is the way to get it working. Settings are: Mode continuous, Invert off, Swap Tip.

    Thank you raffahcs for ignoring prompts and making it work :-)

  • reffahcs
    reffahcs Member Posts: 874 Guru

    I tried all the various invert/swap configurations without luck. For my specific pedal, the M-Audio EX-P, the only thing that worked was using the opposite pedal position during the calibration routine than what the instructions called for. In other words, pedal down instead of up and up instead of down. I left the invert to off and the swap to ring as originally suggested by @Matthew_NI

    I also tried switching the switch on the bottom of the pedal and it did not make a meaningful difference.

  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,717 mod

    We are going to change those instructions, as there has been a lot of confusion about what constitutes up, and what constitutes down.

    There have been several users thinking the "opposite" is what worked - but it's confusing nomenclature.

    I think we can just replace it with a graphic so there can be no confusion.

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