Maschine 2.15 is out!



  • Astralbeats_225
    Astralbeats_225 Member Posts: 53 Advisor

    Yes but we don't all use live. There are so many different daws out there. I personally use logic and studio one. So allowing the project to be shared through Maschine is the smarter play. What does being critical accomplish? Nothing in the grand scheme of things. The people working at NI are doing there job as best they can. It's very ignorant to think that everyone is supposed to be perfect/knowledgeable on every topic all the time. Everyone is learning and getting better. You personally were not the best at your job when you first started but over time you got better and more experienced. I say all of that to say complaining and attacking a company on forums is not beneficial to growth. (Not accusing you but there are a lot of those types on here)

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  • Flexi
    Flexi Member Posts: 405 Pro

    If you are on Windows you don't need Rewire, you can use ReaRoute via Reaper, even if you don't use Reaper you can just use it as an audio hub.

  • Astralbeats_225
    Astralbeats_225 Member Posts: 53 Advisor

    Yes they can afford the best personel but there's two sides to that coin the "best" have to want to work at/with NI. It's very possible that they lost higher end devs to other companies over the years. You seem to formulate your scenarios from a viewpoint that NI can do whatever they want but they to are limited by the resources they have available. Money and prestige doesn't solve every problem. I personally walked away from a 6 figure job that was willing to give me a 25k raise to stay. But working conditions were terrible and management was full of uppity pricks. I'm not saying you don't have a reason to be fustrated. I am saying voicing your frustrations here will have little impact in the grand scheme of things. Development will move as fast/slow as it can. All we can do is sit back and wait, then give as much info about the bugs/failures we experience. I.e ( m+ crashed when loading raum while the track was playing)

  • tom80
    tom80 Member Posts: 33 Helper

    @Matt_NI Can we get a status update?

  • cl3an!
    cl3an! Member Posts: 18 Helper

    Just a thought, I am seeing a lot of content about MPC, Live etc. The Maschine Hardware is amazing and the Native Instruments ecosystem is unrivalled. Maschine is already built to be the best of breed but, its needs the software and firmware to bring it up to speed with MPC, and Maschine software does have the potential to become a fully fledged DAW it is in fact so close. The skill and the brains trust is out there to accomplish this, maybe NI should throw money at acquiring those who are talented enough to get the job done.

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  • nicknackers
    nicknackers Member Posts: 23 Member
    edited May 2022

    Oh dear what a shame 🥲 (pg 19)

  • AlexBuga
    AlexBuga Member Posts: 26 Helper

    Honestly I sold my M+ when I first preordered it because it was buggy,

    Then I bought one again after the Poly Synth update. Which I loved, but honestly this lack of certainty is making me worried about the future of this product and on top of that the BROWSE and SHIFT button are misbehaving. It's ok because I have 3 years Thomann warranty, but I'm considering selling it again. Which is sad because I lost money the first time and probably will again, and I love the product but I'm starting to have trust issues.

    I'm sure the devs who work their a**es off on this product are doing their best, but company wise... I don't know.

  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,325 Guru
    edited May 2022

    Thanks for mentioning that .1 version for KK is due out soon too.

    Info on KK's progress tends to be meager. It really feels that KK is treated in a second hand manner with regards to info and such.

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