Maschine MK1 back from the dead - but I need the software

yogatshu Member Posts: 13 Member

Hello! When Maschine first came out I bought it, used it, loved it, had kids, put it away, forgot about it. I've pulled it out of the loft, taken an old Mac laptop and knocked it down to El Capitan 10.11.6 - now I just need the software.

So - I've downloaded the old version of Native Access, added in my old serial number - but no Maschine download. Does anyone have any idea how I can add this?





  • maniacintosh81
    maniacintosh81 Member Posts: 775 Expert

    Is your Maschine listed in "My products and serials" if you are logged into your account on NI website?

    I expect that Maschine software 1.x as legacy product is not available in Native Access. Back then you had usually to download the software fron NI website and activate it with Service Center. As Service Center is no longer maintained and supported I am afraid even if you got the installer it may fail to activate Maschine 1.x in these days. Maschine 2.x is more than 10 years old by now.

    If you have your Maschine licence listed in your account you are eligible for a paid upgrade to Maschine 2 software. Costing 49,50€ during Sound of Summer (99€ regular pricing). This works with all generations of Maschine hardware and is installable with Native Access.

  • yogatshu
    yogatshu Member Posts: 13 Member

    Yes, it's listed there and I have a serial. So if I upgrade to Maschine 2 I can then use the hardware with that old OS? Presumably it still won't work with the most recent Mac OS

    Thanks for the reply,

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    edited June 2024

    Should work. With El Capitan, you will have to stick with Maschine 2.7.6:

    MK1 controllers are only officially supported up to El Capitan but there are workarounds for 10.12 - 10.14 (Sierra, High Sierra, Mojave and Catalina) here inf you want to try:

  • yogatshu
    yogatshu Member Posts: 13 Member

    Ace, thanks, I'll try it

  • yogatshu
    yogatshu Member Posts: 13 Member

    OK, so I downloaded the Maschine 2 from the link above, which worked in demo mode. To update it I used the older version of Native Access, but it won't connect to the upgrade, suggesting that it's not connecting to the internet. It is connected to the internet, needless to say, so I'm assuming that wherever Native Access is trying to download the update from is dead. Any ideas gratefully appreciated. So close!

  • yogatshu
    yogatshu Member Posts: 13 Member

    Update - actually nothing installs from Native Access, saying it has no connection

  • yogatshu
    yogatshu Member Posts: 13 Member

    Sorry, just a nudge on this if anyone has any other helpful ideas?

  • maniacintosh81
    maniacintosh81 Member Posts: 775 Expert

    As I understood the instructions the old Native Access should only activate your Maschine licence. As you have to stay on this old version of Maschine any upgrade would be bad. Which version of Native Access are you using?

  • yogatshu
    yogatshu Member Posts: 13 Member


    I'm using 1.10.0, as that's for Max OS X 10.11, which is the best I can get and still be functional with the Maschine MK 1

  • yogatshu
    yogatshu Member Posts: 13 Member

    Sorry - one last bump - is this Maschine now basically dead? I can't use it for anything at all?

  • BIF
    BIF Member Posts: 1,080 Guru

    Part of your struggle is that nobody here (or very few of us) just don't have a Maschine MK1, or we have one and don't use it because we upgraded to a MK2, MK3, Studio, or + somewhere along the way.

    And you might be the only Native Instruments customer who's still on El Capitan. A greater and greater number of us are going to be on one of the Apple Silicon machines, with fewer and fewer still able and willing to maintain an El Capitan rig from 2015-ish, which was back in the Intel days.

    As an example, I've never had a pre-M1 Mac, so I wouldn't even know where to begin for you.

    Still. I wish you luck. I just wanted to highlight some of the reasons you might be experiencing this challenge getting help.

  • red_nick
    red_nick Member Posts: 292 Pro
    edited September 2024

    a) I think you need to stop using the old Native Access.

    b) You might be able to get Maschine 1 to appear if you enable show legacy products in Native Access.

    EDIT: follow this

  • yogatshu
    yogatshu Member Posts: 13 Member

    Thanks both, I'll give it a shot.

  • yogatshu
    yogatshu Member Posts: 13 Member

    Thanks for all the help - unfortunately after everything the Service Center refuses to believe that my computer is online, and so the final registration step is beyond me.

  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,370 Expert

    You need to be using Native Access now. The Service Centre was discontinued long ago.

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