Maschine MK1 back from the dead - but I need the software



  • BIF
    BIF Member Posts: 1,068 Guru
    edited September 2024

    The old Service Center server(s) was/where shut down at the end of May, 2020; over 4 years ago. It would do them no good to keep the servers running if they no longer support the environment.

    I liked Service Center. Native Access went through some teething pains, and may still be learning to walk even now. But it's been working better and better as 2024 has progressed.

  • yogatshu
    yogatshu Member Posts: 13 Member

    Yes, but the problem is to run the Maschine 1 I need a set up so old that Native Access doesn't work on it.

  • yogatshu
    yogatshu Member Posts: 13 Member

    Right - so that will be why it thinks there's no internet access; because the servers for Service Center don't exist, there's nothing for it to connect to.

    Shame really - it can't cost much to keep a bit of a server running to serve old customers, but I guess it's a way of pushing people to upgrade and buy the new stuff. I'm not motivated enough to do that - I just wanted to try and get what i had working.

  • Djork
    Djork Member Posts: 8 Member

    There is a related thread with a link to old copies of maschine v1.0.

    I haven't tried these. On the other hand, I can verify that the Maschine mk 1.0 hardware works with software v 2.0 (at least on Windows) if you want to go that route. It is my understanding it should also work on Mac. Of course the layout of the buttons has changed, so some things are less convenient, but it's workable.

  • yogatshu
    yogatshu Member Posts: 13 Member

    Thanks - I've got the software, problem is that it needs the servers to be active in order to activate the software - and they're not. So I might have to try and patch the software myself.

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