"Please grant permission to Native Access to install dependencies" NTK - Google is FULL - fix it!
Off-topic comment, below 😊
…they are tracking you anyway, either if you have Google and Facebook, either if you don't… 😁
…the bigger spy (and maybe the most dangerous one) is your own government! 😂0 -
Thanks for your responses. A lot to unpack there.
Will say this. Its too convoluted to give percentages and then bag someone into whether they fall into the greater or lesser percentage. Its not awlays black and white. There's usually unique circumstances, but for certain situations it is point blank on NI for some of the things folk have had to deal with. One example, It is not peoples fault when NI has put out a bug ridden NA that breaks someones system, and they have to do all sorts of workarounds they shouldn't have to do. Of their own volition NI have fully admitted time and again the issues with numerous apologies, which are appreciated until they become an out clause and meaningless.
As far as Googledrive goes, speaking from my own experience, I overlooked the issue of updating 2 libraries which then wouldn't load because they required a later Kontakt. So my first download for the older version off googledrive was successful. After that NO flippin WAY. I believe there was about 15 to 20 attempts. Many of them part way downlaoded then stopped. Some of them were "too many people have downloaded this file" and "quota used up" type messages. Those are not my fault and Ive seen this happening now to others on the forum. Its not their fault either.
In my case? Im no tech expert BUT Yes I typically have my computers security hardened. In short, default deny. However I tried on two separate computers. Linux and MacOS. I literally opened both of them up with ZERO protection. No firewall no blocking scripts, nothing. All flippin tracking cookies allowed, the lot. This made me ropable that I had to go to these extremes making my system wide open. Note, you won't see any vulgar language here, but anger? you bet.
In between all this, support gave me direct links to the file (Picked Accoustic) I was able to get that, but it was the wrong version. 1.1.0 - I wanted 1.0.0 - then this became a circle within the bigger circle. This happened a number of times. I kept getting sent the updated file. While this was going on I sent screenshots of logs in the Mac System I found PROVING the file was the updated one, not the earlier version. There was also a change of support person so I had to go over stuff again and again. There'd be gaps, sometimes weeks before I'd get an answer. This went on 3 months before I finally got it sorted. I spent many many, not hours, but DAYS all up trying to get this sorted. Im sorry but all this is still raw, and has left a bad taste in my mouth. It doesn't help when people blame the wrong person. People shouldn't be expected to be IP experts to run their software. The colour of all our money is the same. Yes we should do our due diligence, research to the best of our ability and those who are smarter than others should cut the less knowledgable a bit of slack. We all started somewhere.
I want to move on and get things updated. I very much like the NI products I use, and want this to work, but I still see blockades to that happening, and things just not getting fixed. example. Ive just seen a post about someone getting the new version of Picked Acoustic when they used the link to get the old verion. Unbelievable.
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Fair points on most part. Btw I really wonder why Native Instruments do not upload all that stuff on MEGA (for example) which gives to every user 50 Gb space for free! They do not need to pay a single euro…
But still, i don't understand one thing. Why you don't download that stuff through Native Access but you need Google?
Is it because of old software / old operating system?
Update them is not an option?
If those are the reasons i understand.
If there are financial issues and can not afford to pay for updates, i can also fully understand!
But, any other reason is plain stupidity. I have read some threads from time to time from some people without any operating system issues or financial problems, who insist to keep the old software. Eh, in that case the only one needs to be blamed are them!By the way, which are the libraries that you can not download?
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But still, i don't understand one thing. Why you don't download that stuff through Native Access but you need Google?
You cant downgrade any products through NA. They always give you the latest version.
Calling someone stupid is usually taken as an insult. Please dont call me stupid if I dont fit your exceptions.
At this point in time, my system is all up and running, so nothing to download now but it was a horrendous nightmare to get it back for a little mistake. Believe me, what I just described above is no joke. I've been burnt by this HARD and it saddens me to see it still going on for others. I havn't been back to google because every attempt ended in failure.
To be clear, I have K14 UCE upgraded from K13 UCE. There's a variety of circumstances as to why at this time I dont want to use the latest versions of Kontakt, KK, and NA2/3. Im on Ventura so OS is fine. I can go to Sonoma but I like to be careful about updating early. Especially MacOS
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But, any other reason is plain stupidity. I have read
some threads from time to time from some people without any operating
system issues or financial problems, who insist to keep the old
software. Eh, in that case the only one needs to be blamed are them!That seems a tad myopic.
I know of some people still running rigs with Windows 7?
Because the software they were using then, they like, and is no longer either usable or available.
A lot of software, especially plugins, when they update, whilst they will open up earlier files, don't retain the settings.
I have over 4000 files on my computer that stretch back as far as 2018 in some cases. I had let them accumulate without rendering them out and spent the last few months finally rendering at least enough of them to work out whether any were worth pursuing, but so many use settings that can't now be known because they were done on VST2 or some other thing that had been updated.
The user should always be able to have control over what and when something is updated, after all they know what is likely in their files, NA2 certainly isn't going to take that into account.
NI are world-famous for having a belligerent attitude to their users and that doesn't in any way look to being repaired any time soon if ever…………………………….
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"Please don't call me stupid"
I clearly wasn't referring to you or any other person in particular.
On the contrary, i consider you an intelligent person, that's why i engaged with you in a deep and detailed conversation (a thing that i rarely do, lately).
I was clearly referring to an action. And i gave an example of it. It does not have to do with a person, any person. Even the smartest and most brilliant can do stupid things sometimes, it is part of life.
Specifically, i was referring to the denial of better and faster technology for obscure (and usually illogical) reasons. Even so, it is not a judgement. Its a fact. :-)0 -
No, it is not myopic. Its simply beyond my logic why on Earth someone willingly stays on Windows 7!
Really, i can not understand it. I can respect it, sympathize it even, but i will never understand it.Since Windows 98 I have sacrificed and throw to the rubbish TONS of software and any other kind of material, in order to move forward and obtain a better technology (maybe is my Sagittarius sign that always push me forward! ☺️). I never regretted it.
For me it is exactly the same as anything else. Shoes becomes old, i get new ones. Same with technology.
I am a musician (and a bit of a poor one, for most modern standards) and not some "star", so i learned how to work with limitations, since the early 90's… but…. Windows 7 in 2024? …its beyond my comprehension, sorry.
However, whatever pleases everyone. No worries, no judge! But i am clearly say this: You can not expect serious technical support after some point fellows… None of the big companies do that.
It is like my car. My car is 20 years old, and of course i do not expect any kind of support from the official company. I always go to small local engineers. But i do not complain about it! I accept that this is part of life (especially in technology) and move forward.But hey. This is just me! You don't have to follow my reasoning in the same way that i don't have to follow yours. They are 2 different opinions, 2 different ways of thought processes, equally valuable to each one of us, that can be peacefully co-exists without even further debates. End of story, good evening. 🙂
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No, it is not myopic. Its simply beyond my logic why on Earth someone willingly stays on Windows 7!
Really, i can not understand it. I can respect it, sympathize it even, but i will never understand it.Since
Windows 98 I have sacrificed and throw to the rubbish TONS of software
and any other kind of material, in order to move forward and obtain a
better technology (maybe is my Sagittarius sign that always push me forward! ☺️). I never regretted it.And that is what you feel is right for you. What the person running Windows 7 (and accepting the limitations) is doing is what feels right for them.
There's a very distressing tendency, particularly on this board, for some people to be entirely and totally self-referential on issues rather than try to understand that someone else's experience of something may be totally different even on what seem like similar issues.
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"some people to be entirely and totally self-referential"
With all due respect, it is not like this! I could call that "myopic", but i won't.
Look. On a personal level, i agree with you.
But, on a global level, "the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few" (as a wise Vulcan said once)…
It is simply, the way of things, and I'm always trying to see the "big picture" (sometimes, even against to what i would choose as a person)… and i also write according to this.https://www.reddit.com/r/windows/comments/193bgnf/anyone_here_still_using_windows_7_in_2024_only/
Anyway, i think that we went totally off-topic, without even the participation of the person who posted that discussion. We can further discuss such things on the "Social Club" thread, but not on every single discussion who mentions problems with NI, as we simply recycling the same and the same since last year (if i remember well)… :-)
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Again thanks for your reponse.
Indeed what I have mentioned in this thread, including all the backing and forthing for months, is a direct result of googledrive which is a reprehensible waste of peoples time and is what this thread is about. To my knowledge it matters not if OP is still or isn't posting, and in the main I dont believe Ive gone off topic. Im sure there is some leeway here tho.
Contrary to what some people would prefer and keep MOANING about, this discussion needs to keep on happening in threads like this until something is done. Pushback can get results. I hope more people ring out loud and clear, that it is totally uncalled for expecting us to put up with this google nonsense.
"Please don't call me stupid"
I clearly wasn't referring to you or any other person in particular.
On the contrary, i consider you an intelligent person, that's why i
engaged with you in a deep and detailed conversation (a thing that i
rarely do, lately).
I was clearly referring to an action.
And i gave an example of it. It does not have to do with a person, any
person. Even the smartest and most brilliant can do stupid things
sometimes, it is part of life.
Specifically, i was referring to the denial of better and faster
technology for obscure (and usually illogical) reasons. Even so, it is
not a judgement. Its a fact. :-)Thanks but you didn't quote my full sentence. I said:
"Please dont call me stupid if I dont fit your exceptions."
I dont fit any of them so in the interests of the English language, let me offer a little correction if you will. (I'll take your word that there was no intent to attack, and all that) Yes there is an action involved, which directly relates to someone having to choose that action, and therein lies the inference of stupidity. Stupidity doesnt happen on its own. Yes we all do stupid things, and its OK when we call ourselves stupid but not when others do, that is, if they want to engage in a respectful conversation.
Now I'll risk veering off a little to respond to what I think are important issues.
There's a very distressing tendency, particularly on this board, for
some people to be entirely and totally self-referential on issues rather
than try to understand that someone else's experience of something may
be totally different even on what seem like similar issues.I cant agree more with this. Ive seen it happen time and again from a select few members and its VERY annoying and inconsiderate. When you get a very knowledgeable person posting, their help can be given in one of two ways, with respect and humility, or with condescension and self importance. Deep down the recipient greatly appreciates the former, and conversely the latter is greatly despised. Both with good reason.
Specifically, i was referring to the denial of better and faster
technology for obscure (and usually illogical) reasons. Even so, it is
not a judgement. Its a fact. :-)I'll smile OK? :) - No I dont agree with this. The trouble with "obscure" is that its subjective, so I dont believe its a fact people are being obscure or illogical when they are quite happy with their systems running with older software. Remember MANY NI products in UCE have not been updated for years. I mean many years. Im of the view if you find a decent sound that you really love, it NEVER dates.
I wear my shoes til they wear out. Simple. As long as people dont expect NI to continue to offer support for old hardware, I can see the reasoning behind that. What I DONT agree with is locking people out from authorizing what they've paid for. I'l stop there because thats going OT.
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You do have some valid points, as i wrote yesterday, and especially in the case of "I DONT agree with is locking people out from authorizing what they've paid for", i am 100% with you.
Yet, i definitely don't agree with some other parts of your comment. But i see no point to continue because i feel that we are lost in "semantics" and on issues that do not have a solution, because they are deeply rooted on each one's heritage. To clarify this, i will try to give you one example:
For the majority of Mediterranean types of character it is a very normal thing (even a common practice) to use words like "stupidity" on every day life, even among strangers. And usually no one is offended. Maybe because we value truth much higher than typical politeness. So, such kind of words very easily come to the mouth (or a keyboard), without any intention. Also, most of the times we use to speak through metaphors and examples, and not directly (exactly for the purpose to not offend someone!). On the other hand, most Western people are much more obsessed with rules and "proper" behavior than we do. Neither of us can change and no one should too. Beauty is on diversity! 🙏
I truly wish you to have a beautiful day! Cheers.
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The only correct way to install NTKDaemon is within Native Access setup (they are both one setup). Unless if your system is unsupported etc. etc. But Windows 11 is fully supported, also Windows 10, even if you are not install as Admin. Last time i checked my system, just a week ago, it was that simple (Native Access 3.11.1, Windows 10, 8 years old computer)…
In case of a problem with the default method, you have to follow 3 simple steps:
- Download the NTK Daemon installer.
- Unzip the file and run it as Administrator.
- After the installation is finished, launch Native Access also as Administrator.
However, lately i saw this problem a few times, and it makes no sense, so i did some research.
The "Installed Dependencies" who are installed together with the NTKDaemon are in fact the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable (both x64 and x32) and i think that there lays the problem!Please download and install Microsoft Visual C++ 2022 Redistributable first, then try again with Native Access (or/and NTKDaemon).
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As @Sunborn notes:
"The only correct way to install NTKDaemon is
Native Access setup (they are bothone
setup). Unless if your system is unsupported etc. etc"This component is a service module and cannot be "downloaded" in any way, shape or form unless installed as part of a standard Native Access install.
If a standard NA install is not working for you - you have more issues than are visible to you.
Also - running your OS as a Admin has no bearing on this either as Native Access and all service installs like NTKdaemon run under the TrustedInstaller and/or System accounts which have nothing to do with you as a user.
If NA is not installing on a standard Windows 11 install - there needs to be a full cleanout of any prior installs before starting a new one. And I am talking a registry level cleaning that may require specific NI tools to complete.
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