Mapping Condition "DeckPlay off" not working correctly with S4 MK3 BrowseEncoder ?



  • Thomas Chong
    Thomas Chong Member Posts: 23 Member

    i exported the settings from the preferences window as settings_chong and made an export from the controller manager page with Edit-export as controller_settings_chong.tsi

    Thanks in advance for trying to help me !

  • Thomas Chong
    Thomas Chong Member Posts: 23 Member


    can anayone confirm if this is working/not working? in my system only the first attempt to load a track by pushing browse encoder is blocked.

    pushing again loads the track


  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,220 mod

    The shown assignment looks good, just like i would do it.

  • Thomas Chong
    Thomas Chong Member Posts: 23 Member

    could you try it please?

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,220 mod

    I use it every day. This exact command. No need to try.

    What is happening on your end?

  • Thomas Chong
    Thomas Chong Member Posts: 23 Member

    as described above: i push the encoder once and it will NOT load the track (as expected). I push it again and the track is loaded ! This does not happen with other buttons but it happens every time with the browse encoder

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,220 mod

    Does it happen with the other encoders as well?

  • Thomas Chong
    Thomas Chong Member Posts: 23 Member

    i have not tried that yet as i wouldnt like to use the loop/move encoders for that.

    But i could try just to compare the behaviour.

  • Thomas Chong
    Thomas Chong Member Posts: 23 Member

    with the move and loop encoders its correctly blocking the deckload but the original factory functions (Loop Activate, loop set) are still acting even though i have override factory map enabled…..strange

    Mabe its relevant that "Show Version" says this:

    a new empty device shows as:

    is it possible that my tsi is corrupt ?

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,220 mod

    That may be the case. The original mapping seems to have been created or modified by cmdr (although this has never caused any issues in my experience).

    Try this: delete your s4mk3 mapping (and any duplicates, if there are any, which may also cause a lot of problems) and start from scratch by loading the default mapping manually (Add… → Traktor → S4MK3), adding the new assignments like you did before.

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