I have Komplete, 3 PC + a 2nd Kontakt Licens. How can I download a Kontakt Player for the 3rd PC?

Member Posts: 25 Member
edited October 2024 in Kontakt

I want to use Kontakt-Player compatible third Party Libraries on the third PC in my Setup with a Kontakt Player, while I want to use other Kontakt-Libaries on the other two PCs with my 2 Kontakt Full licenes. (which are also currently a source of awful trouble). If I want along with them for instance Kontakt-Player compatible thirdparty Libraries on my third PC I would need the Kontakt Player. But as often I try to demand a Download link for it I simply get no response from NI at all. What can I do to get the Chance to install a Kontakt Player on my third PC in the Setup?


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Best Answer

  • Customer Care Posts: 13,848 mod
    Answer ✓

    @fahl5 No one is ignoring or delaying problems here. I can understand the frustration, it's normal procedure to go through the usual troubleshooting steps. I admit it was a bit too long in your case but now it's being looked into by a more experienced agent. Please understand that your setup is not the standard one and that has an impact, so please be patient, my collegaues will get back to you. There is nothing more we can do here in Community.



  • Member Posts: 874 Guru

    I'm not sure I quite follow what you're asking and what the issue is.

    Have you tried going to the following link and requesting the download link?


  • Member Posts: 25 Member

    Yes that was exactly the page, where I often enough typed in my Adress and never got any answer. Neither the promised download Link, nor any option in Native Access to download the Kontakt player. NI just didn't react yet at all. And therefor I ask, what ever else I can do to get this download link.

  • Moderator Posts: 6,003 mod

    Are you trying to use the same account on the third PC or are you using a new account ? If you are using a new account then if you sign up to a free Komplete Start then ? I do not know exactly what is added to account with Komplete Start these days but I would think that it would give you Kontakt Player ?

    Else , I am not aware if the full version will act as a Player if yo do not feed it a license , but if so then you could just download e.g. the KONTAKT 7.9.0 and install that (in case of download problem then try signing into Google)

  • Member Posts: 25 Member

    Thank you for your thoughts and suggestions. Again I would prefer to use my Kontakt Libaries, which are all licensed on my NI-Account without infringing any License conditions. As far as I know, while it is allowed and possible to install as komplete User the Fullversion on all Kontakt, it is not allowed to use three Fullversions simultaneously on three PC's. Since it was able now to allow at least two separate Licenses from the same Account on two PC's simultaneously, I do not want to come in conflict again with licening rules and authetification mechanism when I would like to use some of my Player-compatible Kontakt-Libraries simultaneously to the two Kontakt Full Version on PC 1+2 on my third PC. Therefor I do need the Kontakt-Player and since it is supposed to be free, I do not understand, why I am not able to get a download link, install and use it. As far as I can see, that should not be in any case in conflict with any licening-conditions. So i just do not understand what Problem keeps NI to allow me using their Freeware on my third PC.

  • Moderator Posts: 6,003 mod
    edited May 2024

    I do not understand, why I am not able to get a download link, install and use it.

    You and me both..

    Otherwise , then I am sorry for having been slightly thrown off by the fact that you opened yet another discussion on sort same topic from different angle. Also I am sorry if I lost some of the nuances here. But I were occupied trying to assist an user in PM conversation and then suddenly had to deal with a serious attack on the forum by Chinese spammers (still on-going) while then also trying to assist you here . I will try to do better ! 😁

  • Member Posts: 25 Member

    @"You and me both" I think there is simply a inconsistency in the License-handling because NI. It is a bit strange, that one is not allowed to use a free Software, if one already have payed for the full version for other PC's.

  • Moderator Posts: 6,003 mod

    I think there is simply a inconsistency in the License-handling because NI. It is a bit strange, that one is not allowed to use a free Software, if one already have payed for the full version for other PC's.

    To me it's a more general problem , I think that registered owners of software should have access to download latest or known best versions of their software for troubleshooting, I have asked for that while also I have asked for the software to become more intelligent , and as far as I am concerned then the free download of Player versions by registered users is just something that you can add to that list .

  • Customer Care Posts: 13,848 mod
    edited May 2024

    @fahl5 Kontakt Free vs Full is just a matter of licensing, it's basically the same software, only activation changes the status of the plug-in. This activation depends on the products you own and are tied to your NI account. From another thread of yours, you mention a dual CPU for a slave computer for libraries, that might be the source of the issue. There are also recent Native Access issues with libraries and Kontakt switching to demo which are happening on regular setups, so this conjunction of events make troubleshooting a bit harder. Your ticket was escalated to a specialist, he got back to you earlier today, please get back to them as soon as possible. Thank you.

  • Member Posts: 25 Member
    edited May 2024

    OK, "escalated" to a "specialist" seems to me a bit funny, if this "Specialist" provide Links, which ignored the Win 11 OS working on the PC which make Problems, and ask questions (again) that simply ignores all information already available in the screenshots which documented nearly every single variation of this problem in the last two weeks.
    No, the Problem seem to me even more essential founded.

    • It might be, that Native Instruments should be come along with Dual-Xeon-CPU-Systems, since the Amount of RAM used for high-end Samplelibraries is definitly not shrinking.
    • But even more necessary is that Native Instrument should be ready to manage the use of more than one Licens of an often (for the most Samplelibraries) used Software like Kontakt.
      • Currently Native Acces is obviously neither able to show which and how many Licenses of a software are registered by an account,
      • it is also not able to define a stable and transparent asignment of a certain Licens to a certain PC.

    And for sure just look at ILok or the former Steinberg ELicenser, they never had such problems to list and asign also multiple Licenses for the same part of Software for one Account. And you want really try make me believe that the Native-Instruments-Developper after creating Reaktor, Kontakt etc. should be to dull to create anything likewise?

    So please stopp ignoring and delaying real Problems, there is always also a way forward, and that would be simply to solve the Problem.

  • Customer Care Posts: 13,848 mod
    Answer ✓

    @fahl5 No one is ignoring or delaying problems here. I can understand the frustration, it's normal procedure to go through the usual troubleshooting steps. I admit it was a bit too long in your case but now it's being looked into by a more experienced agent. Please understand that your setup is not the standard one and that has an impact, so please be patient, my collegaues will get back to you. There is nothing more we can do here in Community.

  • Member Posts: 25 Member

    If this would not be the at least third or forth announcement that the case would be "escalated to a Specialist", I would be of course much more encouraged of this announcement. Please don't let me leave another three weeks without serious response and substantiall attempts of Troubleshooting. I am really used to much better and way more engaged Technical Support from NI in the Past, than what I had to experienced the last three weeks so please understand my reaction on that to.

  • Member Posts: 3,126 Expert

    OK, if you need/want Kontakt Player on certain computer, create another NI account that is empty and use it for that computer.

    NI licencing scheme does not count licences used. As I already told you in another thread, one may technically install more than three licences. NI probably counts number of installations, but probably takes measures only if one would use too many. Maybe tens, maybe hundreds, I do not know….

    There is no deregistration of SW installed. So, it generally must be possible to install on more than allowed three computers. Just one should delete older installetions… But NI does not has means to recognize if one did not do it….

  • Member Posts: 25 Member

    Dear Kubrak, thank you for confirming, what normaly should work. I think that helps to figure out, that my Problem is not any breach of any Licening-Term, but a real irregular technical behavior of the NI-Authentication on my third System, what means as far as I can see nothing else, but this Problem can only tracked solved on a technical way, and exactly this seems to me what we do need the technical Support for.

    My Question for a Konakt-Player (while I had only two Licenses) was based on the assumption, that the NI-Authentication-System would inhibit the use of more than one working Software for one registered Serial and I thought this would be a chance at least to run Kontakt-Player-compatible Libraries on the weakest System. But after I bought a third License for a K7-Fullversion, it turns out what also your statement confirm. There is a real technical Problem which disturbes the regular use of paid Licenses and as I said, this is obviously a question for the technical Support, which up to now three weeks after my first requests didn't provide yet anything than Links to Support-Pages with no lasting impact on the problem itself. Let's hope that Jeremy's Statement that after three Weeks the Support has perhaps understood, that a request sometimes deserves sometimes a bit more problem Troubleshooting, than Links to the most shared FAQ- and Support-Pages means more than just another kind of delaying the problem again, but will be followed by real investigations….. If not, I'll keep you update.

  • Member Posts: 3,126 Expert

    I do not think there is problem in NI licencing system paradigma. It just works different way, than you expect. There are things that do not suite all. Like it is not say Native Access, those licences from my account I want to be used on PC1, PC2 and PC3, other licences on PC1, PC4 and PC5 and other licences on yet another set of computers….. One would need to have multiple NI accounts to acomplish it. I solve it the way, that I install things not to break Licences, but one has to think about things and what to install where…. This part could be better. It seems to me that precedesor of NA did work that way and one had to enter licences for given computer. My feeling is, that NI wanted to make things easier for most users and removed the need to fill all the licences to NA…. But it may not suite few folks with "special" needs.

    Generally, I prefer NI licencing system to iLok or Steinberg thing… It is more forgiving and based on trust that users will more or less comply with Licence terms… One may technically install NI SW on more than three computers, or use more than one computer in time. Yes, it would be violation of NI Licence, but technically it is possible…..

    But yes, some users have problems to autenthise NI SW, which is not right, but IMHO it is just tiny fraction of users. I have installed NI SW on five, six computers over past years, and had absolutely no problems….

    Hard to say, why there is problem with your two socket CPU computer and NI SW…. NI SW takes sort of computer fingerprints at authentication of SW. If something changes on computer, fingerprint changes and program runs as Demo…..

    Maybe silly question, but how did you install and autenthified NI SW? Have you run Native Access directly on that server PC or over the local computer network? And another thing…. If you run on that computer in Kontakt libraries that need licence, you need also licences for those libraries to run…

    So, if you will run there Kontakt Libraries that do not need NI licence. Than Kontakt Player would do. But most of free libraries do need Kontakt with full licence not Kontakt Player….

    To say the truth, I still do not understand, what you want acomplish. It may be so, that NI Support also does not understand… People here on forum did try to help you in past 3 weeks, but it leads to nowhere. You did not describe details, just mostly presented your "vision" how things should work…

  • Member Posts: 25 Member
    edited May 2024

    There is absolutely no need to bash me for allegedly "holding back" either any intention nor any Information about the problem. The first and main Problem (as it was the title of my first Request and Posting here) was the instability of the Licensing on my Dual-Xeon System. I have answered every question about when ever anyone asked while most was already undoubtly clear and given in the very first Posting and Support request.

    And so I will also answer your current question based on your Idea I would have tried to license Kontakt "over the local computer network". There is absolutely no reason to think about that, since from the very first Screenshots in my first Forum-Posting here everybody can see, that Kontakt is installed and Licensed from the Native Access of exactly on this System which react that weird. So there is nothing abnormal, strange, or weird from my side just the straightforward use of the Software, how it is meant do work.

    First I exactly intended as possible solution what you suggested: to use one PC just for Kontakt-Player-compatible Libraries. But that would have only made sense, if I would been able to uninstall the Full version for that in the hope that might stabilse the Authentication-System on the other two PC's (with already two K7Licenses registerd in my Account). But since NI refuses to allow Owners of K7 to install and use the Kontakt-Player on other PC's if you already own a full Version (which by Licening terms you are only allowed to use on one PC at a time) I decided to buy a third Full-Version of Kontakt 7. (which made the Title of this Thread outdated).

    Since you ask how the Library-Licening behave in relation to the licening of Kontakt 7. This might be really a good and interesting Question (for the technical Support) to think about. In short it does exactly the same. That means if Kontakt 7 is not licensed the libraries appear also as not licensed and in "Demo-mode", and as far Kontakt 7 is licensed, there are also no Problems at all to open and use all my licensed Libraries in Kontakt to without any restriction (since they are all legally licensed on my NI-Account). It even occured, that the same Library which I can open in a licensed Standalone Instance of Kontakt 7 is licensed in the Standalone-Version, while it is in "Demo-mode" in the Plugin when it is not licensed. And as I often enough underlined: Exactly the same is possible the other way round: The Plugin opens licensed and all my Libraries with it, while the Standalone is not licensed an all my Libraries only in Demo-Mode.

    You can see: the Autenthication-Problems and Instabilities obviously remain the same.

    And Yes, in my eyes the nevertheless weird and completely unpredictable behavior of the Liceningsystem on this Win 11 Pro Dual-Xeon-PC is obviously a real technical Problem, which deserves the attention of technical Support.

    Yes it may be, that I become more and more critical in my posting about the more or less delaying Performance of the "Technical Support" in the last three weeks (!), since to be honest my only intention ever was and still is, to get just "technical Support" for an obviously real "technical Problem".

    And guess what……?

    I am still waiting already the third week. Would you react in such a situation full of love and charme for all responsible?

    I think at least everybody might see, that even in my critical statements I remain not personal against anyone, but fair and based on verifiable facts, since if ever this is the only things what can help to come forward.

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