I have Komplete, 3 PC + a 2nd Kontakt Licens. How can I download a Kontakt Player for the 3rd PC?



  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,126 Expert

    OK, it still is not clear how do you intend to use your three computers, Kontakt and Kontakt libraries.

    As I wrote you, you may install Kontakt Player on your Dual-Xeon System. You probably have to uninstall Kontakt, change account used in Native Access and install Kontakt Player.

    But, if you run NA later on using current NI account (having Kontakt Licence), Kontakt Player will most probably change to Kontakt as NA will authorise it to Full licence….

    As I have said, if you run licenced Kontakt libraries on three computers at the same time, you should have three licences for those libraries. But probably no-one kills you if you have only one or two licences…

  • fahl5
    fahl5 Member Posts: 25 Member
    edited May 2024

    Ok non of your questions really relate to the weird behavior of NA on my Dual-Xeon-System, nevertheless there is nothing to "hold back" of my "intentions" since I am always attentive to make only use within the limits of existing License-terms:

    I have a lot RAM-consumptive Orchestral Libraries (not only running on Kontakt btw Neither the Spitfire-Player nor the Orchestral-tools player nor any VSL-Libraries show the least problem to be licensed and work on exactly this Dual-Xeon-System, which is so attractive for working with orchestral Samplelibraries, because he has enough RAM to load many Libraries for Layering at a time). So this Problem only occurs with Kontakt 7 and not with others Authentication-Systems in the market. Another Reason to ask the technical Support, to track the Reason of this Problem.

    And no, while I 'can' and are allowed to install also the Libraries on multiple Systems, I always take care to use for each Library only "one System at a time". I don't even know, for what reason anyone should open the same Samplelibrary in the same network on more than one Systems. While this is of course completely different for Kontakt 7, since there are still so many Kontakt based Orchestral libraries, that it is really nothing that strange, that one need more than one System running Kontakt at a time in a network of a Host and one or two Vienna-Ensemble slaves.

    Again: I understand, that you react in this Thread for the reason of it's title still on the Question for Kontakt-Player-Licenses (which you for the reason you explained obviously cannot need for Libraries licensed on ones own NI-Account, since you need NA to use them and that would make impossible to get and use any Kontakt-Player-SW for the same System). But after all, this question is currently insofar totally obsolete, since I have done all to be legitimated for using a Full Version on each system (since I recently bought a third K7 License) and the Problem remains the same, what does simply indicates:

    • it is no Problem of a violation of any existing licening-terms
    • it is not a Problem of an in any way not or wrong working Dual-Xeon-System, since there are no likewise Authentication-Problems with other comparable Products on this Dual-Xeon-System
    • it is obviously not a problem of any kind of double use of any certain library
      In consequence to me it obviously seems just to be a real "technical problem" exclusively related to the NI-Authentication, which inhibits my reliable stable legal and justified use of the License I have paid for.

    And guess what, it is exactly 't h r e e w e e k s' that I asked the Support (and the Forum) the first time for Help, but never got anything else than general Links to FAQ and Supportpages and the repeated Announcements about an "escalation to a specialist" who would care for that problem, ... but still hasn't yet done so at all.

    For everyone who believe I should be criticised for mentioning that: Sorry to count the Days of delaying this support-request is anything but ranting. It is just naming pure facts, as they are.

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