Wasapi or ASIO



  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,227 mod

    The interface of the Kontrol S5 has a sample rate of 48kHz, which on my machine causes load spikes. The compact Traktor Audio 2 only uses 44.100Hz (and is small) and my machine manages this quite well. The combo is rock solid and super portable.

    Carrying more equipment than you need (excluding spares for emergencies and for moments of logistics stupidity) is to be avoided of course.


  • Marloss
    Marloss Member Posts: 8 Member

    People i worked almost 2 years with wasapi exclusive and 96000hz, cpu was often very high but there wasnt any bugs ever, tried asio with 41400, 48000 and 96000, bad experience, now switched to wasapi exclusive (48000/512) and everything is just perfect. Why my system doesnt accept asio, i dont know but nevermind

    thanks everyone!! And good play

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,460 mod

    it is not that "a secondary audio interface lead to smaller CPU usage"...

    it is more like that a dedicated audio card can handle CPU requests much better than an "all purpose" device (or any device that performs multiple tasks i.e. audio + midi + link over network etc etc )... such device (a dedicated audio card) it also has resources of its own, thus it consumes less CPU (at least theoretically).

    That's it, alimk

    But, lets extend this case a bit!: everything we are talking about are also relative (more or less) to the multi core processing.

    Lets say you have 4 cores. In a multi core environment everything is using available sources from every core.

    But this in not optimal! It is much better if you have (for example) Core 1 and 2 exclusively for the operating system, Core 3 exclusively for audio and Core 4 for everything else.

    Why is that?

    Because, several ongoing software processes with equal priority (most of them, totally irrelevant to audio) can disturb the real-time streaming of the main Windows audio process. So, by assigning it to a single CPU core it can be freed from resource competition! We can do the same for every low or middle quality audio driver (the top ones, doesn't need such tricks, obviously).

    Now our audio has a dedicated Core (or more, if your system has 8, 16 etc cores!) for exclusive use. This means stability. A steady CPU source, no matter what.

    and it is really easy to do it, through your windows task manager... the only problem? when you restart, you have to do it again...

    ....anyway, i hope it makes sense as i described it :-)

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,227 mod

    it is more like that a dedicated audio card can handle CPU requests much better than an "all purpose" device (or any device that performs multiple tasks i.e. audio + midi + link over network etc etc ).


  • Dharma Lab
    Dharma Lab Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Note: If you are experiencing high latency with your TRAKTOR KONTROL S2 MK3 / S4 MK3, you can try to reduce it by installing the ASIO driver. You can find the driver installer here:

    C: > Program Files > Native Instruments > Traktor Pro 3 > Drivers
    After the installation you can select the ASIO driver in TRAKTOR's Preferences > Audio Setup.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,126 Expert

    Concerning separate audio card vs. the one on controller….

    Separate audio card has advantage that it runs on individual USB and only audio is passed throught. Ideal is if it is USB that is directly on USB controller and not on USB hub that may be inside computer. Generally not all USB ports are equal, some may behabe better, some worse…. One may get the best latency this way.

    If using controller audio, USB beside audio services also the controller part. It should not be a problem, if things work well, but if there is certain bottleneck in computer system…. it may be too much to reliably service audio and controller. In most cases it works ok.

    So, using separate audio interface may be shown in Traktor as less CPU load. Because Traktor does not show CPU load, but audio buffer "load".

    But things are not that simple. If separate audio interface is not good, or its driver one may get even worse results than if using controller's one.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,126 Expert


    And to your original question….. ASIO vs. WASAPI. Maybe that ASIO has set smaller audio buffer than WASAPI. I do not know if one may set WASAPI audio buffer for S4 MK3. I guess, it is not possible.

    So, if you decide using ASIO you may try to keep increasing the buffer, till things work fine.

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