KOMPLETE Collector's Edition "member"?

srhickman Member Posts: 3 Member
edited October 2024 in Komplete General

I've been buying NI products since they became a company. I've been purchasing KOMPLETE since it became a product offered by NI. I don't remember ever missing a version. I've been buying KOMPLETE ULTIMATE and ULTIMATE Collector's Edition since they became a product. I like, believe in, and support NI software products. Here's my frustration with buying each new KOMPLETE. The day I buy the latest KOMPLETE, I'm up to date with all NI software products. Then, soon the next cool product is released by NI that I want (several have come out since I bought KOMPLETE 14 Collectors Edition last Fall). But I can't justify buying it since it will be included in the next KOMPLETE. I'd love to have a way for KOMPLETE owners to always be "up to date". I realize that means a fee of some kind and I'm willing to pay to be a KOMPLETE Collector's Edition "member" or "subscriber" or whatever. Am I the only one that feels this way?



  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,093 Expert

    I have suggested in another thread, that NI could sell Update to next KxU CE for the price of Update (or a bit more) and users would get every new plugin that will come to next KxU CE.

    It would save the frustration of some users. Might be also benefitial to NI as they would get money way ahead....

    It would be in many ways simmilar to MSDN (Microsoft Developer Network) licence plan by Microsoft. The only difference is that MSDN is time defined (one buys 'support' for x years), while in NI case it would be defined by next Komplete version.

  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,325 Guru

    A plan like this is crucial for NI to remain competitive in the changing marketplace.

    For example, EastWest offers EVERYTHING they have plus all new releases for $20/month subscription.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,093 Expert

    But one does not own it, if one stops paying, no licence anymore. If one pays for two years it makes almost 500 USD, four years almost 1000 USD...

    The simplest and easy to implement is to sell Update Licence way ahead the release.

  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,325 Guru
    edited April 2023

    Yes, this approach great for those who already own a big bundle for sure. But if I was coming in as a new user, I would love to dive in and have everything for $20/month and avoid the big upfront chunk of money on something that might sit idle quite often

  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,325 Guru
    edited April 2023

    Kontakt came out in 2002.. so roughly 20 years. Imagine if you had been paying $20/month to have all of Kontakt and any NI Komplete content that followed... 20 years X $240 year = $4800.

    Have you spent more than $4800 on NI Kontakt/Komplete over the past 20 years?

    I bet you have... easily much more than that probably.

    NI needs to compete with new reality of marketplace.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,093 Expert

    He did not have to pay more. One may buy things secondhand, update/upgrade buy at Sales and one does not have Update every second year. Do not forget, that not everyone wants/needs everything just now....

    I was OK with Select first two years, with Komplete next two years, with Ultimate next two years, with CE next two years. Always buying in Sale. So, it took 8 years for first Update. Those 8 years cost me 800 EUR and I had pernament licence for ever. If I was on subscription, I would have too many plugins at start, eight years would cost me 1 920 EUR and when I stop paying I have nothing at hands...

    Not speaking about option, that I may sell my licences at the end for say 600 EUR, so that 8 years of using plugins would cost me 200 EUR. Less than one year of subscription fee...

  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,325 Guru

    Welp to each their own.

    I welcome the subscription option and look forward to it if it is WELL DESIGNED!

  • srhickman
    srhickman Member Posts: 3 Member

    Thanks guys for the conversation. I'd happily pay for the next Komplete CE update in advance in order to have each new product as it's released. Whether that's a monthly fee or paid all at once. I agree that that would be beneficial to NI. As soon as Komplete 15 is released, I'd purchase the update to Komplete 16 in advanced in order to stay up to date with all Komplete products. Seems like a great idea to me. Doing this with all the various versions of Komplete I agree could get confusing. Perhaps NI doesn't know now what will be included in the various levels. So maybe this only works for CE users. That's why I mentioned being a "Collector's Edition member". A special perk only offered to CE members.

  • srhickman
    srhickman Member Posts: 3 Member

    I bring this topic back up a year later because I want to point out that nothing has changed. It's been a good while since Komplete 14 Collector's Edition came out. NI has developed a number of new products since then. I'd like to own most if not all of them. But I am unwilling to buy them because I know they'll be included in the next Komplete CE update. It's very frustrating.

    NI, I want to give you money. I want to support your company. I love your products. Please figure out a way for me to pay you and stay up to date receiving each new product as they are released.

  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,325 Guru

    I hope that owners of perpetual licenses can get a "custom" calculated discounted rate on the new 360 subscription plans that allow them to get new products as they are released.

    I am an owner of Komplete 14 Collectors Edition. I would hope that at this ownership level, I could add on a 350 Pro Tier for $10/month.

  • Movix
    Movix Member Posts: 2 Member

    I'm also a Komplete CE user here. Eagerly awaiting to ability to catch up with everything Ive been missing. In my opinion Plugin Alliance has the best subscription out there. And they're already in the family. Mega Bundle allows you to pay a fee per year to stay current with everything and they immediately send you a code to own ten plugins outright. I love that model. There doesn't seem to be a downside, and makes everyone happy. They keep me as a subscriber and I can feel good about having my favorite products if I decide not to subscribe. I would love to see this model across the board with Izotope, and NI adopting something similar.

    I imagine the price/products given ratio would be different. Maybe its x number of instruments, x number effects, specific to the category you're in and product level you are at. I would hope this will come to pass, because it's the only subscription that makes me feel like I got something for all the money spent. Curious what you all think.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,079 Expert
    edited May 2024


    Your post is a tad bizarre in that on one hand you claim to be NI's biggest fan - buying this, that and the other thing year and year out without question - yet as soon as NI puts out something new - you feel like you are somehow entitled to scoop them on their own introductory pricing simply because you are a fan (or in-Komplete?) - or expect some sort of huge discount?

    This is a business last time I checked and maybe - just maybe - NI wants to make some actual money off some other people before they allow themselves to lose money on us - when we step right up to the next Komplete update.

    In economics - you have to sell product at full price - to a lot of people - before you can sell it to us - at a loss - as they do with Komplete. There are quotas to achieve and lines to maintain.

    A true "fan" of NI products (even if a Komplete licensee) - would just buy something new straight up with no questions asked - instead trying to justify (or being frustrated) the price because they don't want to pay it.

    Think about this (just a tiny bit) from the business side of the equation. If NI sells everything at a loss - it is only a matter of time before we all lose.


  • Royal Tee
    Royal Tee Member Posts: 46 Helper
    edited May 2024

    Imagine paying for something you won't ever own, you pay for even when you're sleeping and when you stop paying it goes away.
    I will NEVER be a subscriber…that said,
    What harm is there for 2 options… why the need to dictate one or the other, just have both and vaya con dios 🙃

  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,325 Guru

    @srhickman post was not bizarre at all. A totally reasonable and logical request to be offered a "keep current" option for current Komplete Bundle owners.

    There is a price point where It makes very good business sense for NI to offer this.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,079 Expert

    If there were a price point like this - I am certain we would have been offered it.

    And stating that there is one - makes it appear that you know more about internal NI pricing than most.

    Do tell.


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