How do I get the Komplete S61 Mk3's DAW controls working with FL studio?



  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,973 mod

    Quote : "Now was that so hard to write what should have been addressed back in January? You could have said this back then and at any point in time you could have addressed that there was most likely going to be further delays as your equipped with this information about weather or not your team or Image line decides to take a months vacation or is sick. Whatever the case may be, if your aware that without a doubt is going to cause significant delays, then, was the time to be straightforward and forthcoming about these idk why it had to come to this."

    Hindsight is always 20/20 . Nobody can foresee mishaps or similar reasons for delays. Estimates done by companies and development teams most often builds upon the assumption that there are not going to be major mishaps or major unforeseen problems. So any timelines given by companies always comes with that limitation. Of course problems and delays can be frustrating , they are to developers too.

  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,710 mod

    Thank you @Bluto and @PoorFellow. I think some fair points have been raised.

  • Adrian oliver
    Adrian oliver Member Posts: 28 Member

    How are there still no updates on the matter? it has almost been 1/3 of a year after the supposed release.

  • laserbeak
    laserbeak Member Posts: 214 Helper

    The latest update I've seen from Image-Line was on their forums:

    In progress......

    It will be automatically downloaded from within FL Studio itself when it is going to be ready.

    This was back in December. I wouldn't hold my breath. Seems like all of the active coders for both of these projects may have been removed/replaced/repositioned.

  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,710 mod

    The same people working on it in December are the same people working on it as of this week.

  • laserbeak
    laserbeak Member Posts: 214 Helper

    That's good to hear. Thanks for the reassurance. In that case, I'm cheering you on…

  • Adrian oliver
    Adrian oliver Member Posts: 28 Member

    One month later, still nothing.

  • Richard Vetro
    Richard Vetro Member Posts: 20 Member

    Good luck. Midi templates are a priority of NI. So we will all be waiting a while.

  • Bluto
    Bluto Member Posts: 19 Member
    edited April 2024

    "Coming Soon!" Remember that one? Wellll this has been going on for half a year now so it would be in NI best interest to make this a priority before something to the effect of class action ensues. Straight up false advertising at this point, I bought the mk3 61 and have been holding on to your every word since product launch. We have been strung along for months on end with the promise of "Soon" being repeated as a mantra throughout NI bogus and baseless updates since. So you got FL users hyped up to rush and buy one and you kept us on the line not to sell under the false prediction that deep integration will be coming soon...This is textbook deceptive marketing tactics and NI is balancing on the edge of a knife at this point. Keep up the no work guys, see where it lands you....

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,346 mod

    NI do not determine Image Line's release schedule.

  • laserbeak
    laserbeak Member Posts: 214 Helper

    As far as I've heard, the rollout is now in the hands of Image-Line. So we just need to wait for them to release the update.

  • Bluto
    Bluto Member Posts: 19 Member
    edited April 2024

    Exactly...Image-Line has kept their mouth shut for the most part while they are working on it but NI decided to take upon themselves to keep promoting "coming soon" followed by "just a couple more weeks", to "certainly before the end of 2023", were "patching up one last bug" and so on to advocate that the release is just right around the corner while Image-Line has been quiete about it and hasn't announced any promises they are unable to keep so idk why NI kept chugging away at the hype of it being released "soon" when all it takes is a little communication between Image Line and NI to give us a clear answer. Well it appears that NI has been communicating with Image Image Line so this means that NI has been lying from the start by fabricating their updates. My theory is desperate for stronger Q4 sales. I found a thread on the FL forum from staff which stated "end of 2023 will be hard to reach tho" that directly contradicts what NI said about "Certaintly before the end of 2023". I really hope thats what they ment as that post its dated Feb 1, 2024 so If that's a typo (probably is unless this person is a time traveler) then Image Line just dropped a bomb shell that answers the question for us. End of 2024 and maybe rolling into 2025 before we have integration...

  • laserbeak
    laserbeak Member Posts: 214 Helper

    Let's be honest. The way MIDI works in FL....****** would have to get rewritten for it not to be a complete mess....

  • Bluto
    Bluto Member Posts: 19 Member
    edited April 2024

    @langfilm as much as I agree with you especially how FL neglects their MCU support in comparison to other DAWs who coded extended support for MCU protocol such as extenders/expanders in order to use digital console controllers that aren't limited to 16 channels without writing python code yourself. Everyone seems to be missing the point here which is the awareness from NI knowing that FL coding has its own unique architecture so the back and forth communication between NI and FL seems to be a huge grey area for some reason and someone here is clearly a misleading liar. This boils down to the fact that the only company misleading FL users here is NI who are responsible in regards to the complete fabricated updates by staff members. If NI has been tightly communicating with Image-Line then one or the other are able to make consecutive decisive actions over when a timeline to completion are within reach and which company is responsible to what the definition of "soon" means so idk how NI has the right away by being able to promise and promote this when Image-Line has stayed silent. This is about the principle of the matter!..plain and simple....somthing here is amiss that doesn't add up and there are no clear answers to the end game here. This is NI product and if they are incapable to commit on their execution in a timely fashion whilst leaving FL users in the dirt then it is NI fault by propagating their bogus claims. This is a NI product, not Image-Line so by NI outsourcing to them for FL integration of NI products while promoting compatability that is not available yet. This is like saying for example if NI Traktor products are incompatible with Soratto to conclude it is Sorattos fault for the being incompatible with NI products.

  • TGICarrie
    TGICarrie Member Posts: 11 Member

    When already will i be able to use my S49mk3 with full fl integration. I've got an flKey49 sitting right above my s49. On the plus side i can do almost anything with it in FL but when I'm working with KK/Kontakt, it's a real pain.

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