Re-order cells in 'Butch Vig' kits.

apricotandpearjam Member Posts: 92 Helper
edited October 2024 in Kontakt

Hi. Does anyone know if its possible to re-order the midi notes assigned to each cell in 'Butch Vig Drums'?

I'd like the kick and snare to be on C1, D1.


Best Answer


  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,251 Expert

    Would like to know as well. (but I doubt that is it)

    Whoever thought this mapping is useable - has never used another drum VST or any other instrument for that matter. One of the main reasons why I probably never go near this thing.


  • stephen24
    stephen24 Member Posts: 433 Pro

    Script Editor>preset>factory>randomise and change>change keys.

    Alternatively multiscript (KSP button)>preset>factory>transform>change keys. (Will affect all instruments in the multi, save changes as multi)

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,251 Expert
    edited March 2024


    Will this "stick" for every kit - or is a one time thing?

    To be honest - I have never attempted any editing like this.

    Just went in there - and I have no idea what I am looking at or how to reassign anything. Any tips?


  • apricotandpearjam
    apricotandpearjam Member Posts: 92 Helper

    Thanks. When I go into the change keys bit the patch goes silent and i see this?

    At that point I dont really know what im looking at and how to get the audio to start playing again.

    any ideas?

  • apricotandpearjam
    apricotandpearjam Member Posts: 92 Helper

    maybe there is a script which lets you swap incoming midi notes?

  • stephen24
    stephen24 Member Posts: 433 Pro

    LH column what you want changed, RH column what you want it changed to. I'm assuming you're triggering your instrument with MIDI messages.

    Your script needs to be to the left of the authors' script so it is implemented first. Empty script slots can have an important part to play in an instrument, so if it's gone silent you had better remove the new script (empty a slot by Preset>factory>Empty).

    You could try saving the MIDI PLAYER preset and reloading it in the third slot, putting the Change Keys in the first slot with an empty second slot. If after all this you save your edited instrument for God's sake give it a new name so it doesn't overwrite the original. If it doesn't work, delete the instrument and reload it from the library.

    Alternatively you can use the multiscript version, which will affect the incoming MIDI control of all the instruments in the multi, but won't make any changes to them. Probably safer.

  • apricotandpearjam
    apricotandpearjam Member Posts: 92 Helper
    Answer ✓

    found this which solved my problem:

  • stephen24
    stephen24 Member Posts: 433 Pro

    Excellent. Does exactly the same as the Kontakt multiscript.

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