Hello! I have recently acquired some NI software and had been playing around with them. I have downloaded Native Access and installed plugins like Session Guitarist Electric Sunburst, Butch Vig Drums, and Scarbee Bass and not of them properly load. I have gotten them to load and play fine on one device. However on the…
Hello to the new community, I'm a Newbee still and wonder how the following can be done the best way: the Butch Vig Plugin has 16 Patterns from Intros to Chorus. I managed to put all 16 Patterns to be triggered on the Maschine Mikro MK3 Pads. Now for that I put the Butch Vig Plugin on every of the 16 Sound-Slots. Now the…
Hi. Does anyone know if its possible to re-order the midi notes assigned to each cell in 'Butch Vig Drums'? I'd like the kick and snare to be on C1, D1. Thanks!
why is that when i load butch vig drums into maschine i hit the ones shot buttons but nothing changes?
Hello, I have just spotted that mouse clicking a pattern box in the pattern view of the Butch Vig Drums plug-in apart from playing back the pattern, also creates a midi clip in my DAW. A separate track is being created on every click no matter if I start or stop the playback. Is it possible to switch creating files off? It…
Was hoping updating to Kontakt 6 would solve it but the instrument is still very buggy. Using it in Maschine or in Kontakt with Pro Tools or Logic and the audio will just stop like it's a demo. Sometime adjusting fx triggers the failure sometime it just decides to stop working. Changing the preset and then returning to the…
1. Is it possible to use Butch Vig Drums as an effects plugin that I can throw on to other VSTs just for the effects processing? 2. If not, are there other VSTs you can recommend for processing rock drums as Butch Vig Drums does? 3. Is possible to change the MIDI mapping (which key triggers a kick vs. a snare etc.)?…
Hi gang! So after I took a bit of a break from audio for a while I've dusted off my controllers, updated my software and I'm currently having a blast while messing around with some of the Live & Maschine drumkits (+ a bit of FL Studio; their BassDrum device is awesome 😎). Now, I found my way to the new Live remote scripts…
Hi Is it possible to move more than one playlist at the same time into a playlistfolder in traktor 4.0 on a mac? Thank you for your help!
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