How about a "Locate all" function in Native Access?



  • Kidsonic
    Kidsonic Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Any update on this? I just got a new windows machine from my brother for Christmas and I have an external drive for samples etc.

    I don't want to have to relocate everything one by one as it'll take ages.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,374 mod
  • mykejb
    mykejb Moderator Posts: 2,235 mod

    I don't think "Locate all" exists yet, at least on Windows. "Relocate all" works only if the products have already been installed and moved. If you drop a copy of a product into the content location it doesn't get spotted until you manually locate it from the "..." menu still.

    -- Mike

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,374 mod
  • mykejb
    mykejb Moderator Posts: 2,235 mod
  • owlios
    owlios Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    This has still not been fixed? FFS NI REALLY? ... It seems like it would be a trivial thing to implement, If it can locate 1 library surely it SHOULD be able to locate them all... THIS IS A NIGHTMARE for anyone who formats alot or has windows pc problems... ITS JUST NOT GOOD ENOUGH... really... and you have to redownload half the libraries too, when its ALL THERE, ALLREADY... Wasting everybodies time and everybodies bandwidth.. FIX IT ALLREADY... SHOULD BE A TOP PRIORITY.... STOP BEING LAZY NATIVE INSTRUMENTS.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,255 Expert


    Is it just me or is this line of "all caps" angularity - going to do absolutely nothing to get NI to move any faster?

    Just sayin.


  • QWER2580
    QWER2580 Member Posts: 32 Member

    Let's put our silly hats on and light a candle on a cake. My thread (started in Dec 2022) is now over a year old 🎂

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,255 Expert
    edited February 2024

    For what's it worth - I just built a new DAW over the holiday break and reinstalled my Komplete 14 ULT suite a couple weekends ago.

    Now I am not using the entire suite - but I did have to "locate" at least 80 items manually. Once I got the hang of it - and managed to queue them all up - had the whole 80 done in 20+mins.

    While it would be nice to have a Locate All to shave some time - this was not a dealbreaker by any means.


  • QWER2580
    QWER2580 Member Posts: 32 Member

    Tons of things are not a dealbreaker. Music was made before anyone could record and edit on a computer, and many would proceed to do so should modern tech become unavailable again. It's just a reasonable feature request for the times. It would save a ton of collective human time, or bandwidth for those who will choose to disengage from the task and let it redownload instead.

    It's also been a year.

  • Maciej Repetowski
    Maciej Repetowski Member Posts: 701 Guru
    edited February 2024

    Things which can be automated should be automated. That’s what computers are for.

    Surely, we can locate a few dozen items by hand, but why do we need to?

    A good installation program should be able to install, uninstall and relocate everything. And do all that swiftly and without leaving rubbish all around the hard drives.

  • Dr.Gunjah
    Dr.Gunjah Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    So if this was "in the backlog" in 2022, how is this still not implemented in 2024? There already is a locate function, all you guys have to to is write a wrapper that iterates over directories?! It's a shame we now have useless trash like ads in Kontakt but not such an actually useful function for anyone installing a new pc. Maybe make native access open source and put it on github I swear this function will be implemented within one day or less.

    PS: Yes, I'm installing a new pc right now and I'm pissed off I have to manually locate over 200 libs one by one

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,016 mod
    edited March 2024

    Quote : "all you guys have to to is write a wrapper that iterates over directories?"

    That's simply not true. Native Instruments are in the process of re-writing all the 'classical' N.I. library install software to be able to deliver 'Locate All' while at the same time, following the acquisition of iZotope and Plugin-alliance, also have to deal with having to completely rewriting the iZotope and Plugin-alliance installers for what they want to install via Native Access and on top of that deal with that some stuff are protected by iLok use.

    Personally I have not yet been able to determine if the iLok use for the products in question is going away or if it is going to be put on top of the installing via Native Access..

    I already put some Hayo_NI quotes in the forum yesterday, but I will put same below here which will hopefully enable you to understand that this is not just some petty little task required here but a major project !

    Please notice that all quotes below comes with reference links ! (emphasis by me !)

    Quote Hayo_NI on October 2023 :

    installers are going away in most cases and switching to slim content tech that removes the need for installers. This will also allow you to update products by updating only the files affected. Ergo, we're not investing much more time on enhancing the experience with our existing installers right now, unfortunately.

    Quote Hayo_NI, Product Team, February 12 :

    Hey, good question. iZotope product migration is very much in the works. We're working towards making sure iZotope and Native Instruments accounts can both log into Native Access, and after that, iZotope users should be able to make full use of Native Access. That's slated for late May/early June, but there's loads that still needs unpacking. There's other amazing stuff in the works soon, so keep your eyes out for that this year.

    Regarding PABX, similar story there, but while we have some iZotope products already available in Native Access, we have no PABX products. Problem blocking us there is installer technology differences, the kinks of which we're ironing out right now and throughout the rest of the year. We plan to have a few made available in Native Access this year, but cannot give an exact ETA at this stage.

    The experience will be very much Native Access oriented by the end of this quarter for the products that are supported in Native Access. But we need to navigate a lot of topics (such as iLok) as we continue to make Native Access a better home for all NI products from all of our brands. Firmly committed here, but it's an ongoing journey.

    Think by the start of next quarter I'll be able to give better updates on this topic.

    Hayo_NI Product Team February 28 , 2024

    We're rolling slim content out for expansions. This could display an incorrect need to reinstall the entire product, though we're looking into what else might be causing this visual glitch.

  • Dr.Gunjah
    Dr.Gunjah Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    While I do understand that integrating PA and Izotope into the NI "ecosystem" is a hard task, I don't understand how that is related in any way to a "locate all" function for Kontakt libraries or even expansions.

    The problem in hand is that many of us install libraries on a different hard drive, so when we build a new (or have to re-install a) pc we just plug in that drive which means all the content is already there. We just don't have a way to tell NI access that we already have all those libs that are shown as "available".

    There even is some kind of "batch relocate", but this only works if a lib was either downloaded via access or located manually at least once. If I manually locate all my libs, then move them to another drive, they're shown as "broken" in access and a "relocate all" button appears, which basically does exactly what I want. But unfortunately not for a fresh install.

    If I try to relocate a single lib, access already knows if it's the correct lib or not. So from my point of view, all the code needed is already there, it's just not combined in way that makes access search a folder for not yet "registered" libs automatically.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,255 Expert
    edited March 2024

    "There even is some kind of "batch relocate", but this only works if a lib was either downloaded via access or located manually at least once. If I manually locate all my libs, then move them to another drive, they're shown as "broken" in access and a "relocate all" button appears, which basically does exactly what I want. But unfortunately not for a fresh install."

    Native Access v3.8.x has not yet caught up with the real world and what "we" want/need to do with our libraries vs what NI thinks we should/can do with our libraries.

    I just went thru this exact pain when I built out my new DAW a month or two ago. Had the entire "library" drive from the old DAW - reinstalled in the new DAW and it would have been perfect to be able to use NA to allow me to "point" it to the existing files - but no - it's a one at a time thing.

    Ironically - this was fully implemented and worked great in NA v1 - but it is what it is.


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