load instruments in maschine vs load single instruments track

skyant Member Posts: 3 Member

Hi, what is the difference, in term of resource, to load many synth (ie 4 Absynth and 4 fm8) in a maschine kit, vs load 8 different intrument track in cubase?


Best Answer

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 2,947 mod
    edited March 13 Answer ✓

    Usually DAW's are more efficient than Maschine, especially with a CPU with hyper-threading as Maschine doesn't seem to fully use it.

    If it's an Mac on Apple Silicon it can get complicated to compare as some DAW's fully use all cores and others do not.

    I'd say.. test it and find out. Keep loading instances into Maschine until you run into audio glitches and do the same with your DAW tracks, see which one can handle more... Very likely It will be the DAW.


  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 2,947 mod
    edited March 13 Answer ✓

    Usually DAW's are more efficient than Maschine, especially with a CPU with hyper-threading as Maschine doesn't seem to fully use it.

    If it's an Mac on Apple Silicon it can get complicated to compare as some DAW's fully use all cores and others do not.

    I'd say.. test it and find out. Keep loading instances into Maschine until you run into audio glitches and do the same with your DAW tracks, see which one can handle more... Very likely It will be the DAW.

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