Ozone 10 Standard installed with Ozone 9 Advanced?



  • mhelin
    mhelin Member Posts: 8 Newcomer

    Still after all iLok related thing fixed only the Ozone Standard plugin available, please tell me what to try next. Re-install Windows?

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,016 mod
    edited March 2024

    Quote : "So the product portal haven't been able to really activate the product."

    That's most likely the reason for your problem right here and right from the start !. (so most likely not an iZotope/NI problem) Often to use a plugin you must first open the plugin in some app and then there will pop up some request to authorize ! When installing plugins I have a plugin host (Cherry Audio VM plugin host module) that I open and then open plugin in host and the authorize. For me that is standard procedure by now when installing a plugin !

  • mhelin
    mhelin Member Posts: 8 Newcomer

    Izotope plugins only partially work that way. If you had Ozone installed it won't ask for anything. Actually the Product Portal should for take care for the authorization in the activation phase which still fails with iLok. However, now I tried to authorize the plugin for the Computer only, and now after all I can use it. Don't know why it doesn't work with iLok, that seems the problem now. All my other plugins using iLok are working fine.

  • mhelin
    mhelin Member Posts: 8 Newcomer

    Now can anyone help with unauthorizing an Izotope plugin from the Computer? It now lists both, I would like to use the other authorization in another computer...

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,016 mod
    edited March 2024

    Not sure since I don't have the products , but I think that either you just uninstall using the same app that you used to install and activate (iZotope Product Portal ?) or if iLok then that !

    Or it could be as with the RX 6 Audio Editor where it's in the Auth & Updates tab within the Preferences !


    Quote How to use iZotope Products on Multiple Machines : According to our Single-User License agreement, we allow users to install iZotope products on more than one machines as long as they are the only person who is using the software on these machines. If you need to put your software on a desktop and a laptop, you are allowed to do this. You would use the same Serial Number to authorize the software on each machine. To do this, simply follow the same installation and authorization steps that you used for the very first time you installed the software.

    In the case that you would need to utilize the software on multiple workstations or in a Multi-Room studio additional licenses must be purchased if you would like to run a plug-in on more than one system at a time.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod

    @mhelin If you need more assistance for Izotope products installation, please reach out to my colleagues here: https://bit.ly/Izo_support_install

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