Has anyone a solution for restoring KK presets after updates



  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 2,891 Expert

    It does support VST2 plugins - it just doesn't come as a VST2

    Ha, well that makes it useless regardless since how would one then open old projects in their DAW with the prev VST2 version of KK to upgrade to VST3? I'd just stick with the statement for this application, V3 doesn't support VST2 just to save confusing people I think.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 4,631 mod
    edited February 21

    I think that does confuse people, it is a subhost so 'supporting VST2' has 2 aspects, not one. Saying it 'doesn't support VST2' could be taken to imply it doesn't host VST2, which I think is behind at least some of the loading problems as people are not aware it can load VST2 still because this keeps getting repeated so they don’t realise they can still add the VST2 path. It is less confusing to be more specific and just state it no longer comes in VST2 but does still load VST2.

    Also KK does support migration so in migration capable hosts the VST3 should replace the VST2 - but if the project included KK hosted VST2s then it does also depend on whether they migrate, most of the major ones do but not always perfectly (not all devs manage to retain automation compatibility between the 2 versions)

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 2,891 Expert

    Yep, I understand how it all works. However, I also deal with a LOT of questions and also know that only about 10% or less of plugins (that I have NKS for at least) even support proper functioning migration.

    The issue I see time and time again, other than users failing to keep backups of actually plan their major upgrades,. is mostly macOS users who decide to just upgrade to a shiny new M1 system only to discover everything is now broken. Of course along with a nice M1 they also install everything from Native Access anew, which of course installs KK V3 and of course, as you have just mentioned, there is no VST2 version so they cannot even open projects in Rosetta mode and update the plugins manually.

    So I have to explain again and again how to uninstall V3, install V2 and then launch in Rosetta mode. I have not used V3 since the 18 seconds it lived on my system in the Beta, I just know you cannot use it if you have to update your VST2/VST3 plugins so therefore, for ANYONE that has still not updated old or in-work projects to migrate their VST2 to VST3 plugins they cannot install V3.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 2,104 Expert

    "macOS users who decide to just upgrade to a shiny new M1 system only to discover everything is now broken"

    Truer words have never been spoken.

    Cannot understand how anyone could just buy a new Mac (for major $$$$) and then give almost zero thought about anything they put on it.

    To compare - I just built a new DAW about a month ago now - with the same trusty Windows 10 install I had on my last one - and even tho I already know that Windows 10 is 110% compliant with every NI plugin (AND with any other vendor out there) - it still took me 2 straight weeks of study, documentation, test installs, forum checks, long discussions and all the other prep work that goes into a machine like this - until I was satisfied that it was stable and actually ready for DAW work (with zero down time).

    Now - while that 2 weeks seems like a long time - it pales in comparison to the hours, weeks and maybe even months that scenarios these Mac folks find themselves in when they are incredulous to realize that something like Sonoma is still more than 80% non-compliant with the DAW world at large.

    Makes no sense to me.


  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 4,631 mod

    Nah I’ve been on M1 and Sonoma since the start and it all works fine for me apart from one graphics bug in Logic. It’s just a case of knowing my system and KK well enough, and I have KK2 and 3 running side by side. There is no intrinsic superiority of one platform over the other, but it does pay to know what you are doing with the system you have to get the best out of it.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 2,104 Expert
    edited February 21


    "Nah I’ve been on M1 and Sonoma since the start and it all works fine for me apart from one graphics bug in Logic"

    Well - you are definitely not the user I picture in my mind - screaming from the top of their lungs - cursing NI and everything else because their new Mac is giving them gears.

    Matter of fact - I am not think of anyone who regularly visits these boards and generally takes the time to understand their machine layout, how NI (and other vendor software works) and has a general interest in doing basic homework and performing due diligence before diving headlong into a new machine and (sometimes) uncharted territory.

    You and I (and many others on here) will always be fine. It's those folks with a post count of 1 and their subtle use of ALL CAPS for every word of their first post that immediately come to mind.


  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 2,891 Expert

    The issue is not a macOS thing or a platform war, it is usually user error. Being unprepared or not having any kind of plans in place, using software without understanding it etc. Users who educate themselves will usually be fine but by it's design, macs are known for being simple to use and hassle free, they update things automatically without fuss, seamlessly make backups without the user doing a thing, basically think for you and this instills a lack of responsibility in people because "it should just work" forgetting things like this are a software issue. The other thing is the younger generation who now just have all this to use at their disposal has never gone through that decade of having to figure things out with this hardware so haven't built up a knowledge of things they really should be aware of. Through making everything so easy and accessible to use, it has resulted in the loss of a lot of prior knowledge. Modern music is a pretty good example of what happens there...

    Buying a mac is more like buying a fridge these days, no one puts much more thought into it than "does it look nice, will it fit all my gluten free vegan food in it..." and of course, how much they can remortgage their house to get that bigger SSD option. That is the main reason people use a mac because it is simple to understand and requires no IT skills to choose one that will work. Basically Apple have made it simple: The more you spend, the better it is.

  • aka
    aka Member Posts: 51 Member

    I have the same problem. After recent KOMPLETE upgrade I opened a few (2-3 projects and for some reason there was no issues with them. then I run a new BACKUP , which override most of me older backup set. Later on I discovered that 80% of my projects have missing content (presets) on all KK tracks. I reverted to KK 2.8..... I keep Kontakt7. When I open KK no matter which Kontakt version I replace the preset is still missing.

    I've seen some guy on YT showing the trick to restore those presets by doing some trick with putting KK into a group (in Ableton), then doing some copy/duplicate stuff, but I wasn't paying attention at that time. Now I cannot find it anymore. I do not even care for the missing preset itself, if I at least could retrieve the name of it. So far no luck. I posted another similar message (unaware of this thread) but so far no solution.

    Obviously NI have not even tested this, to make sure people will not loose their dat, which is a shame!

    After reading some comments I removed KK 3 and reinstalled KK2.8. As the other users in this thread I suddenly discovered KK3 installed back on my system without any interaction on my side. I have no idea how this had happened. KOMPLETE KONTROL is a total disaster from the very beginning. IT is also a mess. The only positive thing one can say that they slowly trying to integrate KK and KONTAKT, but seeing the speed of changes it might take another millenium.

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 2,891 Expert
    Answer ✓

    Obviously NI have not even tested this, to make sure people will not loose their dat, which is a shame!

    They know, the issue is it is not NIs responsibility (really) to educate people on the VST2/3 mess that Steinberg created.

    I really need to make a video on this topic because I have explained it probably over a hundred times and it has been coming for at least 2 years...

    KK wont install itself on your system without you specifically installing it so likely you never uninstalled it or didn't do it correctly, the old VST3 plugin is still on your system somewhere. Check the Common\VST3 folder in Program Files, delete the VST3 plugin manually then install V2.9 of KK (not 2.8) again making sure to install BOTH the VST2 and VST3 plugins, and of course that the VST2 plugin is installing to the correct location to be scanned into your DAW

    VST2 is EOL, it is no longer supported, hasn't been for over a year now. Most DAWs still support VST2 but new releases like KKV3 do not offer VST2 support anymore (there is no VST2 version) and due to the fact it is a plugin host itself, I am not sure it can even offer migration where it may possibly work.

    So the issue will be if you are not educated on what VST2/3 means, you will find that when you install KK V3, ALL your past projects that had KK hosting your plugins in the VST2 wrapper will now fail to load the plugins because there is no VST2 version of KK anymore.

    The Solution

    First, do your backups on your whole system before updating KK at all.

    Next, you need to open ALL your projects where KK was used, locate every instance and then not just replace the VST2 version of KK on the track with VST3 but also load the VST3 version of the plugin that was hosted in KK at the same time.

    Best way to do this is to open the KK instance then in the plugin itself, export the patch you use somewhere. Delete the KK plugin on that track, load the VST3 version then load the VST3 version of the plugin back and then reload your patch into the plugin.

    Now, when swapping out the loaded plugin I would suggest you reload the new version using an NKS patch for the VST3 version. If you know what patch was used (take note before deleting the instance) you can simply reload that NKS patch. This will make sure the same controls in the NKS preset have been loaded which will be important if you have some automation recorded that you need to have working, or you will need to manually fix all that up too.

    Once you understand the process and have a track updated it will be much easier.


    This is up to personal preference but at the moment I would suggest to not update to V3 of KK for a few reasons but if you have to because you have an MK3 or you just don't value sanity all that much, before updating to V3 where you cannot fix these issues, TEST your updated projects to make sure they are now all VST3 compatible. Just locate the VST2 version of the KK plugin and remove it from your plugin folder and attempt to load your project. If the KK plugin is missing completely on a track, you likely did not update that one to VST3.

    It will take time, patience and in some cases you will have to redo some work but even plugins outside of KK need this done in many cases since the VST3 version will not work in place of VST2 automatically and has to be manually swapped out. Again, this is a bit of a failure on Steinberg for making this a difficult thing for devs to understand but also devs for not really caring enough to invest the time. Some plugins work perfectly like most of NI plugins and UVI so it is certainly possible.

  • aka
    aka Member Posts: 51 Member
    edited March 10

    NATIVE INSTRUMENTS SUPPORT REALLY, REALLY SUCKS - I have sent 2 requests for help with this problem and after 6 weeks no response. I got completely ignorred :-(

    some people here talk about the presets within KK, but what about the DAW?

    I have more than 2 dozen of projects where I've lost all KK preset on each KK track. Total disaster.

    AFAIK in Ableton when KK is "grouped" the preset will be saved in Ableton along with the project, but if it is not grouped then it is gone. I only have very few grouped to recover.

    I have not used any custom presets in my projects so if I could only know their names I could probably restore 99% of them. Unfortunately I only see the Error "plugin missing". IS there any way to retrieve the preset name ?

    I have backup of the project files, but I am clueless how to restore KK presets. I tried to reinstall KK v2.6 and reopened the projects and KK presets were still gone.

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