Integration between and NI App?

BLOCK WAS HERE Member Posts: 6 Member
edited October 2024 in Maschine

Is there a reason on the website, I only have the option to download instead of using the "download to NI apps"?

Is this a new change or is there something wrong with the website right now?


Best Answers

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,785 mod
    Answer ✓

    Hey there,

    Well, in the next Maschine and Komplete Kontrol updates the integration is abandoned, this feature is then also off the website.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,785 mod
    Answer ✓

    Hey @apitanga and all affected users, some little explanation can be found in this article:

    Removal of Automatic Downloads From MASCHINE & KOMPLETE KONTROL

    I will copy the part about it here:

    "The removal of this functionality comes as part of our development of KOMPLETE NOW, and major changes to Native Access which we are working on implementing. These will use the same NTKDaemon application (our background app that allows our products to communicate with each other). In order to keep NTKDaemon lightweight, performant and efficient, we need to remove it from automatic downloads."

    In this article you will also find a workaround for syncing your content with Maschine and Komplete Kontrol even if that means a long process.


  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,785 mod
    Answer ✓

    Hey there,

    Well, in the next Maschine and Komplete Kontrol updates the integration is abandoned, this feature is then also off the website.

  • Murat Kayi
    Murat Kayi Member Posts: 433 Pro

    Hey, follow up question:

    Does that mean I can finally move my downloads away from my system partition and can have Maschine incorporate them from somewhere else? Or is the integration basically broken from now on and I need to consider those collections "user content" to make them show up in the browser (assuming I can finally move them somewhere else)

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod

    Yes, it will be basically regular user content, you can put it anywhere you want then add the path to your prefs user lib. Thumbnails, tags, and whatnot will still show up.

    Wait until the new version is released tho, otherwise, the sounds will probably auto-download after moving them.

  • Matt_NI
    Matt_NI Administrator Posts: 1,130 admin

    We have a knowledge base article for this btw. I'm going to make a thread specifically about that as soon as the update is out: Removal of Automatic Downloads From MASCHINE & KOMPLETE KONTROL

  • apitanga
    apitanga Member Posts: 5 Member

    This is incredibly bad. It boggles the mind that NI would make the product objectively worse after an update. What, seriously, is the point of subscribing to if the main point of value (the integration) is no longer there?

    Am I missing something here? Is the idea to alienate subscribers and Maschine owners?

  • Murat Kayi
    Murat Kayi Member Posts: 433 Pro

    I basically think (as in it's my very personal conclusion) it just announces the slow demise and eventually the abandonment of the platform.

  • apitanga
    apitanga Member Posts: 5 Member

    Man, you must be right, and that would be too bad. I subscribed from day one and have more than five thousand samples collected.

    Being able to browse sample collections it on the fly made a go-to for me during jams, even though I have a ton of NI sample packs too.

    I recently changed computers and that's all gone now. What added insult to injury was that even auto-detecting if the sample if a one-shot or a loop is gone :-/

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,785 mod
    Answer ✓

    Hey @apitanga and all affected users, some little explanation can be found in this article:

    Removal of Automatic Downloads From MASCHINE & KOMPLETE KONTROL

    I will copy the part about it here:

    "The removal of this functionality comes as part of our development of KOMPLETE NOW, and major changes to Native Access which we are working on implementing. These will use the same NTKDaemon application (our background app that allows our products to communicate with each other). In order to keep NTKDaemon lightweight, performant and efficient, we need to remove it from automatic downloads."

    In this article you will also find a workaround for syncing your content with Maschine and Komplete Kontrol even if that means a long process.

  • apitanga
    apitanga Member Posts: 5 Member

    Hi Jeremy, thank you. I had seen that KB article but it does add useful context.

    The thing for me that's disappointing is that it punishes NI's most loyal customers.

    I could manually go through 5k+ samples and categorize them, but that would take weeks or months, and even in that scenario I'm not sure that there's a way to rebuild the collections and browse them through the Browser anymore.

    Fully understood that the product must evolve, but it would have been great, and I think fair, if the development of the more lightweight daemon had happened in parallel, so that once Komplete Now was ready we wouldn't lose the functionality we have come to rely on in our workflows.

    All in all, putting things in perspective, this is no Ukraine, and I still find the Maschine a central part of my setup despite this setback.

    I appreciate the hard work NI does, and I hope my feedback gets taken into consideration for the future.

  • DeepThumb
    DeepThumb Member Posts: 174 Advisor
    edited April 2022

    Might be.

    I had been looking for a professional sample manager willing to pay some money to support it's developement.

    So I'm now with Loopcloud plugin for DAW connection, e.g. Ableton Live, perfect integration of all my existing sample collections including versatile tagging and search, daily 10 free samples and an annual 'budget' for 1-2 bigger sound packs included in the annual fee.

    To me it is worth spending that usage fee. No, I'm not paid by soundcloud. 😉

  • frawal
    frawal Member Posts: 22 Helper

    For some unknown reason is and has always been a dark page to me with nothing in it!?

    BLOCK WAS HERE Member Posts: 6 Member

    It sucks for me.. the only reason I used over splice and other sources is because I loved the integration so much! Now it’s pointless.. guess we can’t have komplete start and!

  • Aaron McPherson
    Aaron McPherson Member Posts: 26 Helper

    It’s nice to have an explanation now, but the communication was completely botched. I spent 3 weeks on a support ticket with both of us scratching our heads, and now find out it was planned all along. Nobody even told the support staff. It’s hard to see a case for now, unless you want the exclusive content. There’s a ton of sample managers now - ADSR, WAProduction, Loopcloud, Splice, XO, Waves Cosmos, etc. - most with integrated shops or memberships. There doesn’t seem to be a path forward for, since without the integration, it doesn’t provide even basic functionality.

  • Matt_NI
    Matt_NI Administrator Posts: 1,130 admin

    Definitely odd since the KB article is created by the support team:  Removal of Automatic Downloads From MASCHINE & KOMPLETE KONTROL

    Perhaps someone missed the memo. We'll create a thread here as soon as the updates introducing the changes are live.

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