The screen settings on my pc are terrible.

stergio33 Member Posts: 13 Member
edited October 2024 in Native Access

 Especially with Native Access. Some fonts are too big and some are too small. I cannot find a solution. Please halp.

Best Answer

  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,763 Expert
    Answer ✓

    It's still funky.

    I would try to find a friend in real life you can take a look at fix the screen resolution and black border issue.

    Even if you get native access to work ok, you will have similar issues with other programs.



  • reffahcs
    reffahcs Member Posts: 848 Guru

    Looks like you need to adjust the font scale for your desktop?

    I'm on a Mac so the "Scale and layout" is blank because I'm remoting into my Windows PC, but you might try changing it from 100% to 125% or 150%.

  • stergio33
    stergio33 Member Posts: 13 Member

    Thank you. I have tried this. Please notice the size difference between the menu fonts ("File Edit View Help") and the rest text like "Native Access". I suspect it is because of the windows settings.

    Thanks anyway

  • stergio33
    stergio33 Member Posts: 13 Member

    You can see I cannot even inspect the items.

  • reffahcs
    reffahcs Member Posts: 848 Guru

    Yes I noticed the difference which is why I recommended adjusting the native windows font scaling. If you haven't rebooted you're computer since adjusting those settings, I would recommend doing that as some settings to take effect until after a reboot.

    As far as "Too small window to view items" Can you not make it bigger? If that's as large as it can go, then your resolution has somehow changed and you need to increase your display resolution.

    Again, I'm taking screenshots on a remote desktop session so mine is blank, but your resolution looks like it's 800x400. Try changing it to something at least like 1920x1080. Ideally you want it at the native resolution of your monitor.

  • reffahcs
    reffahcs Member Posts: 848 Guru

    It would help if you could post a screenshot of your Windows Display settings as this is not a Native Instruments issue.

  • stergio33
    stergio33 Member Posts: 13 Member

    Yes I understand it is not a NA problem. I also restarted my laptop

  • reffahcs
    reffahcs Member Posts: 848 Guru

    So what you'll want to do is increase your screen resolution to the highest setting available, and then adjust your text scaling setting to make the font readable. I usually go for 125% or 150% depending upon my actual resolution.

  • mykejb
    mykejb Moderator Posts: 2,025 mod

    What's the physical resolution of your laptop screen? Do you have your display resolution set to the same value? That's generally a good place to start, then let Windows adjust the scaling.

    -- Mike

  • stergio33
    stergio33 Member Posts: 13 Member

    Yes the physical resolution is the same setting. Ig I increased I get a result like having smaller physical screen.


  • reffahcs
    reffahcs Member Posts: 848 Guru
    edited February 2024

    This is the entire point of having the text scaling option. So that you don't run into situations like you currently have.

    Yes, if you make your screen resolution small ie 1280x768, then increasing your font size will make a bad situation worse. The problem is most modern programs expect a resolution greater than 1280x768 so that's why everything looks wonky. You need to increase your resolution and then change your scaling to 125% or 150%. Once you change those settings though, you need to restart your computer, otherwise things will look very weird.

  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,763 Expert
    edited February 2024

    What do you mean by that?

    Do you get black borders around the screen?

    There should be one higher resolution that has the word (Recommended) attached to it. Have you tried that?

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,295 mod

    In your Display resolution, always choose the Recommended one, nothing else!

    I don't see any "Recommended" in your screenshots

  • stergio33
    stergio33 Member Posts: 13 Member

    Yes, I get dark borders left and right of the displayed screen. Like I had smaller physical screen. This makes it worse, because it gets smaller. As you can see in previous screen shot, the one that covers exactly all my physical screen is 1280 x 768.

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,459 mod
    edited February 2024

    Windows have more problems with programs and display settings. It appears as if Windows stores some information and settings somewhere that can make it hard when you want to tweak things which makes some programs respond by being either too small or too large , and some programs might even malfunction or refuse to run correctly at least at some settings even though the setting ought to be OK.

    As mykejb asks then it would maybe be beneficial for trouble shooting to know what is the native resolution of your screen and to know what is the capabilities of the display and the display adapter (?) , so what is the exact laptop make and model ?

    Also , and I don't understand why nobody brought that up, then it's very important that you use the correct drivers for both chips set and display adapter , so make sure that you are using the correct drivers. Usually , as a rule of thumb , then the immediate suggestion is to make sure that all drivers are up to date (newest version). In some cases however you may need to use e.g. a download from manufacturers site as best choice !

    Anyway , then as reffahcs suggests in the above then try setting display resolution to what is native resolution for the display and then try setting scaling to what is recommended for the resolution. Then reboot computer. Then after reboot then find the Native Access executable (at the file location) or shortcut to same and then right click that and choose 'properties' and tab compatibility and there choose High DPI Settings ! Then before opening app then try changing the High DPI scaling override for the app and test if either setting makes the program behave better.

    Alas I can not advice you better on what to choose for settings as that may depend on both chosen display resolution , display scaling settings and what Windows have saved internally of info. However , in a case like yours it can very often be either fixed or bettered by fiddling with the High DPI settings for the programs in combination with setting the resolution and scaling at the right size !

    P.S. Also some programs have a minimum requirement for display adapter abilities and display resolution that your computers display adapter may not fulfill !

  • stergio33
    stergio33 Member Posts: 13 Member

    "Poor fellow" you are rich in heart. Thank you for taking the trouble to explain me so much, but you put me in deep water. I have to experiment all this and study more. If I manage to improve it I will let you know. I appreciate your assistance.


    Athens, Greece

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