Supreme Edition MOD



  • punkgecko
    punkgecko Member Posts: 1 Member

    Very strange how these modders go MIA after finding success on improving features that NI ignores completely. First, Joe and now Aleix. I certainly hope that both of them are doing well but begins to make you wonder if there is action being taken to stop them. 🤔

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,202 mod

    It's usually just real life that keeps people away from the internet and their virtual projects.

  • oviwan
    oviwan Member Posts: 128 Helper

    Plus, not enough traction from the user base, I may add...

  • viper9711
    viper9711 Member Posts: 227 Pro

    The mod creators do a fantastic job and I hope they return soon

  • Stevan
    Stevan Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 2,216 mod

    There is also a loss of enthusiasm. If you love doing this than nothing can stop you from finding time to do what you love.

    Love is unstoppable force.

  • oviwan
    oviwan Member Posts: 128 Helper

    Even love fades if the feedback is faible.

  • Stevan
    Stevan Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 2,216 mod

    That's not real love, you don't let it fade out because of how other people perceive your work.

    Loving is giving. Not many people understant that...

  • oviwan
    oviwan Member Posts: 128 Helper

    I guess what you call "real love", I call "unconditional love". The discussion become philosophical tho :)

    What I mean is, as a developer, as much as I love what I'm doing, if I see there is limited interest from others in what I'm doing, my priorities could shift.

    And that's probably either because of self doubt or because I want to give others what they are looking for.

  • DjCroc
    DjCroc Member Posts: 3 Newcomer
    edited January 2024

    Hi! I'm new and I have a couple of questions )

    1) I installed the latest version of the mod (36 beta 3) on S5 + Traktor Pro 3.11.0. I can’t understand why the pad effects buttons don’t work (in shift + freeze mode)? When I press the pad button it lights up but there is no effect... I looked in the settings but didn’t find any options related to PadEffects :(

    2) how to activate the "Edit View" screen?

    3) which buttons are responsible for selecting effects in the "FX Controls"? (The instructions say that this is done in the "FX Settings View", but does not say how to activate it)

    (Now I have to change effects with the mouse, but it’s not convenient...)

    p.s. excuse me for bad English, i use Google translator ))

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,202 mod

    Try SHIFT+ScreenButton5(top-right) for Settings, SHIFT+DECK for FX settings.

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,202 mod

    I think EDIT view (for beatgrid) is SHIFT+Screen Button 2 (second from the top on the left side of the screen)

  • mg_1978
    mg_1978 Member Posts: 32 Helper

    could we have photo about remix deck on S4 MK3? thanks

  • Rbuz
    Rbuz Member Posts: 14 Member

    HI, i have a few questions:

    1) How to work with remix deck, i load a few samples, but on the top of the screen still "No Samples Load"

    2) How to work with Sequencer Mode

    3) How to turn off Preview Player 

    4) Shift + Stems didn't work, i pressed all of the pads and absolutely nothing happens

  • skymakai
    skymakai Member Posts: 22 Member

    Aliex's Patreon brings in a bit over $500/month. So, I'd think that would help with the enthusiasm. But, of course "real life" does get in the way. I'd just appreciate if Aleix would give real estimates for progress, as it seems the project has become a non-priority. There's still enough bugs that I don't find it usable for paid gigs.

  • MichaelKMusic
    MichaelKMusic Member Posts: 14 Member

    I've downloaded this mod latest version if anyone wants to test and maybe fix bugs for free I can share a link in a PM since Aliex has gone MIA maybe we can find someone that can fix issues I have no idea about code :)

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