Akai announces stem separation for MPCs! [26/03/24 update - OUT NOW]



  • olafmol
    olafmol Member Posts: 217 Pro

    Funny enough the term "stems" (although common in the recording/mixing world) has been pushed/promoted by NI first, in the Traktor software/hardware. It was very promising at the time, but then (as they seem to do at NI) after a first iteration no evolution really happened.

    I believe this stems feature by Akai is possible due their economy of scale, as InMusic is owning Akai, Numark and Denon, and they have been developing real-time stem-separation for their Denon standalone DJ platforms for a while. As InMusic devices seem to share platforms, it only makes sense for them to also deliver this to their Akai MPC ecosystem.

    Smart approach, NI should watch & learn.

  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,366 Expert

    Some time ago, NI published a "new features timeline" for Traktor, which stated that realtime stem separation would be coming. The tech is already available in iZotope products, so NI don't need to start from scratch.

  • macchinista
    macchinista Member Posts: 52 Advisor

    Having Serato Sample, this is not something which I would like the NI devs to spend time on. Sure, if they can squeeze it in by leveraging the iZotope tech, then cool. But there are more important things to work on.

    Performance on the M+ might be weak though. People mention Koala, but in my experience STEM separation in Koala is quite slow for long audio files and the results are sub optimal, even with a newish iPad. On the other hand, Serato on the computer is fast and results are superior. I guess a lot depends on the underlying method used. It remains to be seen what kind of performance people are going to get on the MPCs. Nothing kills the mood like having to wait a while for the separation to complete (that's why I never bother to do it in Koala).

  • Jiglo
    Jiglo Member Posts: 161 Advisor

    "Your comment will appear when it's approved"

    Damn, if this forum is going to have draconian enforcement on what can be said here, when talking about something without foul language, insulting or derogatory content, then it really isn't for me.....

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    edited January 2024

    Saying "stem separation" is a trend that will die is like saying "Auto-Tune" would die in 2008.

    That's if you specifically want the GPU to do the job, "state-of-the-art" models made for desktop computers that focus on the highest quality is not somethig that woudl work well on standalone music devices.

    A GTX 1060 is quite low end for todays standards, worth like... 60$? That's the minimum requirement so it's not that bad.

    The problem was NI did it with their own audio file-format, the consumer Music industry would never in a million years not bend over backwards for a new file-format and reject MP3, Wav, MP4, etc because of NI. It was as much as a good ideia as was sounds.com

    That's incorrect. It depends on the model, there are several and some are more efficient than others, I reckon that for something like standalones companies would train models or license the ones that makes the most sense for the HW, as they do for time stretch... Algoriddim djay is iPad/iPhone app for DJing and has surprisingly good stem separation in real time.

    Also, it depends how people use it, doing it to a 5 min song is sort of silly if the method one is using assent very fast, in that case use it on a smaller sample chunk, most songs dont sample over 4 bars if that.

  • Jiglo
    Jiglo Member Posts: 161 Advisor

    Actually, there was foul language in the quote I used, which I have amended. Maybe that triggered the message I received.

  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,366 Expert

    No it hasn't "skipped beta testing".

    At least one of the videos that came out yesterday said it's an ALPHA version right now. FYI alpha comes before beta. When they're ready, the beta testers will be next in line.

  • Jiglo
    Jiglo Member Posts: 161 Advisor
    edited January 2024

    I'd click on 'insightful', but it isn't there anymore.

    TBH, I watched half to three quarters of Andy's video and thought, this is cool and I don't need to watch anymore because I don't want to use the MPC workflow.

    Inadvertently or intentionally announced a new MPC too in one of their vids demoing Stems.

    Also, if this is a VST as some are calling the forthcoming Stems addition, there's already VST stems splitters than can do more.

  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,366 Expert

    Would you care to be more specific about which "one of their vids"?

  • Jiglo
    Jiglo Member Posts: 161 Advisor
    edited January 2024

    Search for GhettoStyles on tube. I don't want to post links as it feels a bit more of a closed forum here compared to most, so seek and ye shall find.

    Might also be a requirement for standalone Stems.

  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,366 Expert

    It's OK I've seen it posted now, elsewhere. Hmmm, it's red but it doesn't match any current products in terms of button positions.

  • reffahcs
    reffahcs Member Posts: 874 Guru

    Check it out, FCC ID Y4O-ACVR was approved on 11/14/23. Unfortunately everything is redacted but I'm translating some of the Chinese writing. It has antennas though! LOL This is def a new AKAI device, the MPC X was Y4O-ACV5!!!

  • reffahcs
    reffahcs Member Posts: 874 Guru

    Wonder if this means it's actually going to be called the AKAI Professional? Note to mods, this isn't leaked or confidential info. This is publicly available from the FCC ID website. I'm just posting bits here for people that aren't familiar with the website.

  • darkwaves
    darkwaves Member Posts: 467 Guru

    "professional" is just part of their brand name. my ancient mpc 1k has the label of akai professional on the front panel.

  • reffahcs
    reffahcs Member Posts: 874 Guru

    Ahh I was thinking that might be the case. I checked my Live II and didn't see it so I wasn't sure what to make of it. It would be strange though for it not to be called an MPC something though.

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