[Giveaway] Win free Kontrol S-Series MK3 keyboards



  • Gabriele Leggieri
    Gabriele Leggieri Member Posts: 4 Member

    ... Have you a Happy new year

  • ShelLuser
    ShelLuser Member Posts: 270 Pro

    So... ha, I completely overlooked this because I'm less active right now.

    To be perfectly honest with you lot I'm not that sure if I want to win this. Don't get me wrong: I'm definitely not denying the awesomeness of NI hardware, my Maschine Mk3 speaks easily for itself there as does my Mikro. But yah, I got somewhat dragged into this ;)

    So first things first: I'm tagging @Monochrome right back!

    Second... as one can see by my post I'm not gonna skip the possibility of 0,000001% of winning and thus... I can say this: in the unlikely event that I do win you can defnitely expect an in-depth review to be posted about the whole event.

    ...oh dear, what am I getting myself possibly into 🙄

    aaaanyway: Happy Hollidays everyone!

  • Jo.
    Jo. Member Posts: 35 Advisor

    I'd love to win an S-series MK3 for the NKS 2 and poly aftertouch.

    Hey @DavidSurie ;)

    H3INRICH Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    I’ve been djing for 24 years now, I started on SL 500s. But as soon as I was introduced to native instruments 2009 it’s all I’ve been using for the last 14 years. I’ve only been committed to Traktor, but I would love to expand my skills and have been playing around with the amazing free programs you made available for the community. But unfortunately I’ve been looking after my wife that’s been really sick and have spent all my money on the s3 some other music programs for helping my save time getting ready for gigs. I would love to been one of the winners of this amazing competition as I would love to start composing, producing and creating some awesome tracks and some amazing remixes I’ve been die to try. Thank you for considering me

    Heinrich Jansen

  • Margleman
    Margleman Member Posts: 2 Newcomer
    edited December 2023

    Well, what can I say - the Mk2 is great, but the Mk 3 is greater - the per note aftertouch is amazing so who would not want the upgrade.

    As for tagging a friend, I'm brand new to the forum so don't have any specific buddies yet so I picked out someone that took the time to thanks Native Instruments for their support and Irish Harp givaway - that was https://community.native-instruments.com/profile/ronnie_cessna

  • Danny Young
    Danny Young Member Posts: 5 Member

    Hello everyone.

    Long time NI-user and forum reader here. But I never got around to join the forums to participate. Til now.

    I'd love to give a Kontrol MK3 49 or 61 (should I win it) to my daughter, who uses my NI Komplete 13 UCE these days. Been keeping an eye on the S88 MK3 for some time now, but I decided to buy a second Doepfer (LMK4 this time) instead, for I need a rock solid "built like a tank"-masterkeyboard for upcoming tasks. The trusty old PK88 will stay in my home studio from now on. Anyway, I got my hands on the Kontrol S MK3 series today (61 and 88) at the Music Store in Cologne. I have to say, that I was impressed, by both the playability and the build quality (at least of the units I tested). Had been rather sceptical before. Still wouldn't take 'em on the road, but I'm sure they make great studio workhorses. And I'm sure my girl would love the tight integration with all the NI-stuff I own, which she currently uses.

    For the "tag a forum-friend"-task...my daughter would like to tag @fluffy 😎

    Have a nice day, everyone! All the best! And good luck to ya'll! 😉👍️

  • Universon
    Universon Member Posts: 38 Member

    I would like to receive the S-Series MK3 Keyboard as it would be an invaluable tool to help me mentor young artists in my area whom wish to make music. There are a number of kids in the neighbourhood whom show interest, promise and talent, but who don't really have much access to facilities, equipment or opportunity and it would be great to have this unit to integrate with my laptop and then I could bring opportunity to them.

    @PoorFellow - You might want to enter this, apologies if you already have

  • geiger167
    geiger167 Member Posts: 38 Member

    I'd love to win as I have just updated to Komplete 13 and it would be handy

    Tagged person above @Universon

  • DarthFury
    DarthFury Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Hi, I respect Native Instruments and I desire the keyboard Kontrol S-Series MK3. I make electronic music and it would be definitely a huge upgrade for me 😜

    The keyboard would help me with Native Instruments programs and give me more control. I don't have any of NI hardware, only other brands so i want to join to this family and use their awesome products.

    I don’t know anyone on this forum, so I tag a random person: @valerianmengsk.

    Good luck to everyone :)

  • cagataycan
    cagataycan Member Posts: 2 Member

    If I get one from this draw, I will ask Native Instruments to send it to you! @Pga 👻

    LLRMUSIC Member Posts: 2 Member

    I don't have a dedicated MIDI controller with full-sized keys, so either the S49 or S61 would be a welcomed addition to my studio and eventually for live performances. I love the integration with Komplete and many other virtual instruments they provide. @Finest Things You can tag me back if you like.

  • Maplton
    Maplton Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Just greedy as usual @Maplton my BF

  • Jrw
    Jrw Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    My brother makes music a lot and I am leaving this comment because I want him to have a really nice keyboard because his right now is not really the best.

    I will tag @Maplton

  • GOT
    GOT Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    I just purchased the Complete Collectors edition after many months saving for it and the MK3 would be a great boost in using it!! Since I do not have many friends, I selected to tag @Gabriele Leggieri for the Happy new year!

  • Alienbuddha
    Alienbuddha Member Posts: 1 Newcomer
    edited December 2023

    I already own the A61, but I would love to have the latest S61 with those beautiful built-in screens. What an upgrade that would be! I could then pass on the older model to someone else to enjoy. It's still in perfect condition.

    I'm tagging @kinen_papico because I love photos of books and gear! ;-)

    Happy New Year everyone!

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