[Giveaway] Win free Kontrol S-Series MK3 keyboards



  • John Erebus
    John Erebus Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

    I just bought a S88 MKII and oh boy, its AMAZING, i already have Komplete from some time, but with i never imagined the possibilities paired with a Komplete Kontrol, this is a no turning back point for me, my second keyboard is from another brand 61 keys, after this i bought a Maschine too, the only thing left is a replacement for my very old 61 controller, if i win will be PERFEKT


    Thank you NI!

    PS. Sorry for the typos, not my primary language

  • prestonshark
    prestonshark Member Posts: 1 Member

    I need a mk3 based keyboard because my S25 mk1 is not supported by Komplete Kontrol 3.0. But i want to hold my system uptodate with the newest software. Unfortunally i have to use KK 2.9.

    I have no community friends in that forum. I have only Facebook friends that follow Native Instruments on Facebook like Christian Rühlmann.

    Best regards from Bremen, Germany.


  • Andy salmonsen
    Andy salmonsen Member Posts: 2 Member

    Because its the koolest keyboard in the kountry!

  • Purple
    Purple Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Hi NI,

    As a relativ new producer I started with the Komplete 10 and the KKS49 1, and a new world opened up. I became part of my first finished tracks - now moving more in the direction of Melodic/Ethereal Techno I updated to the Komplete Ultimate 14 - which is such an improvement and especially the GUI's of the plugins.

    So next step would be to have a flow in the music making and Im already considering the new S49 - which seems to have so many new optimal workflow opportunities.

    So my Christmas wish would be a new beautiful Keyboard.

    Keep up the great work - and a happy holiday to all of you.

  • AvisionR
    AvisionR Member Posts: 2 Member

    NI has truly allowed me to be able to fulfill one of my dreams and be able to do one of the things I do which is creating music and sharing with the world, that is why I would like to win a MIDI keyboard to be able to continue the creating path and achieve the goal of make music for living and to enlighten people’s lives with it!

    I’d to tag @loujordanmx because I think we share the same goal as newcomers in music, which is to grow within the industry! 🤙🏽

  • itsWHOM
    itsWHOM Member Posts: 8 Member

    From Traktor, to Maschine, to Kontakt and the Komplete Kontrol devices, I have been using NI hardware and software for over 15 years, and they are one of my favorite companies not only because of the integration of hardware and software, but I think their design language has gotten very sleek and modern.

    I would love a MK3 keyboard to replace my MKII (one I have replaced twice) because of that sweet sweet poly aftertouch. And that OLED is just so darn sexy haha. I will of course settle for the Vapor Gray MKII though 🤣

    And I will tag @FlipBit because from another thread it appears that they already have one so they are not in competition with me to win 😂

  • JDub
    JDub Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Dear Native Instruments,

    I'm writing to express my deep passion for music and my fervent desire to win the S61 Mk3 Keyboard. As a dedicated musician, I see this as more than just a prize—it's an opportunity to elevate my craft.

    Why Me?

    1. Passion Personified: Music isn't just a hobby; it's my heartbeat. The S61 Mk3 would be the perfect instrument to channel this passion.
    2. Creativity Unleashed: I constantly explore new sounds and push the boundaries of music. The S61 Mk3's features would amplify my creativity.
    3. Dedication to Excellence: Countless hours have been invested in refining my skills. Winning would be a recognition of this dedication.
    4. Community Builder: I'll use the S61 Mk3 to contribute to the music community, inspiring and collaborating with fellow artists.
    5. Promise to Pay It Forward: If chosen, I'll mentor aspiring musicians, ensuring the S61 Mk3's impact extends beyond my own creations.

    In essence, winning this keyboard would be an infusion of symphony into my life—an instrument that echoes my deepest musical aspirations.

    Thank you for considering my plea. Ready to let the music flow.

    and if not me one of these other fine people should win it like @fluffy

  • chk071
    chk071 Member Posts: 565 Pro
    edited December 2023

    Always wanted to try a NI S series keyboard, but, they've also been a bit out of my price range, so, I'd be happy to win one (in the unlikely case I do 😊). I'll tag @EvilDragon here, as he's always been helpful, here or on KVR Audio.

  • Dalski
    Dalski Member Posts: 11 Member

    I don't have a sob story. I just need to upgrade my sexy. One of these will make me Kompletely irresistible 💯

    I'm tagging @DeepThumb because they used their own time to test something for me ages ago and gave me the 'actual' answer to a question I asked 😂.

  • remedydub
    remedydub Member Posts: 20 Member

    Hard Pass @Jeremy_NI

  • Charlye
    Charlye Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Quiero ganar en nuevo teclado MIDI S61 MK3

    Porque considero que mejorará mi flujo de trabajo tanto en el estudio como al vivo ya que tiene muchas funciones las cuales son exelentes y buenas para la música que hago.

    @Carlos cahy

  • bertramsl
    bertramsl Member Posts: 1 Newcomer
    I would like to win the new S61 because I have a lot of libraries for Kontakt 7 and the new keyboard will improve my workflow immensely.

  • benenglish
    benenglish Member Posts: 10 Member
    edited December 2023

    Absolutely adore the MK3 Series 😍 ... and having either the smaller and more nimble S49 & S61 to go with my old S88 would be brilliant - not only more portable but also for adding expression to existing work via the polyphonic aftertouch easily :)

    Am sure @nightjar would feel the same judging from his guru status incites and comments :p

  • Zeltar
    Zeltar Member Posts: 3 Member

    I'd love a new keyboard because it's the holidays. @JesterMgee to balance the cost of that pinball project.

  • LordByron
    LordByron Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

    Err. Because I have the small one.

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