NKS Development Discussion



  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 4,628 mod

    Thanks, just tested and working with the VST3 - you need to take the Martinic out of the plugin name though in categories.json (it shows in 'other')

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 4,628 mod
    edited December 2023

    I have completely updated my Pigments template to include the additions in Pigments 4. I put this off till the holidays as it was a huge job - Pigments has a lot of 'hidden' params and also, annoyingly, quite a few that do double duty so you map them once and then find they are gone as the same automation ID is also used for another param in a different section - took me a while to track all those down - thanks to Mercury for help getting some additional pages added (KK still can't reorder/add pages which makes doing this sort of stuff very challenging to fit new params in)

    This is a comprehensive template, mainly for sound design, but I have still prioritised key performance features to the first 2 pages. Pigments ships with a very limited template that is barely usable for performance and misses 90% of params. Mine still skips some params (for usability - esp fx) but I think covers most of what is needed to get a good handle on Pigment's capabilities from a sound design perspective.

    I have also applied this template to the Pigments 4 factory bank so have posted this too. Do not try overwriting the factory side bank with these, they will get overwritten whenever you update Pigments (which Arturia update pretty frequently - also I don't think v5 is far off going by how long P4 has been out). Just keep them as an alternative controller mapping on the user side when you need to go deeper.

    It's in the NKS User Library/Current/Arturia folder - Merry Xmas!

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 2,773 mod

    I will try it in the next days, thanks a lot.

    Merry Christmas to you too! 🙏

  • Vagus
    Vagus Member Posts: 448 Guru

    Have been doing some experimenting today, and it appears that knob colours (despite it only being a json file) are limited to official NKS 2 products.

    I'll keep trying, but that's slightly disappointing.

  • Vagus
    Vagus Member Posts: 448 Guru

    Looks like I was wrong...

  • Vagus
    Vagus Member Posts: 448 Guru
    edited December 2023

    To change the knob colour, you don't need any additional files (I thought we might, due to Diva), but it's just simply adding one line to color.json - so the entire json file should read like this:


     "VB_bgcolor": "00145E",

     "NKS2_Control_Color": "FF0077"


    For those plugins with lighter aspect colour, simply do not insert the line for white knobs.

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 2,773 mod

    That is a good discovery, thanks a lot!

    ...curious if it also works for NKS 1, will try something later

  • Vagus
    Vagus Member Posts: 448 Guru

    Equator2 is NKS1 content - so I would imagine it should work for anything in the user library in theory, including reaktor ensembles.

    That said, there's a few plugins that are working with knob color, including Spitfire and Expressive E, so I'm going to do some more tinkering to see if I can change that.

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 2,773 mod

    I assume we are talking about Komplete Kontrol 3+ and not the older versions, but, is this something that it is possible to be done only on the MK3 keyboard series, or on MK2 as well?

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 4,628 mod
    edited December 2023

    Working on updating this again, now for version 2 which just came out - will be ready later tomorrow (template is uploaded already, just need to save NKS presets)

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 2,888 Expert

    Now Available: VPS Avenger 2 NKS Library

    Complete overhaul of the Avenger library for the new Avenger 2 release. It was impossible to update the previous library as Avenger 1 would crash with the VST3 version on any preset using the Arp system. That has been fixed now in the new V2 plugin but of course is a paid upgrade and the old NKS files are not compatible at all so they all had to be done from scratch.

    This library covers all factory presets from the Factory/Factory 2 libraries with all tagging I did in the past carried into the new files and a few updates and changes to the template. The Main filter page is now page 2 and all the modular pages for Amp, Filter, Shaper, LFO and Envelope will cover the first 3 modules that a preset has (which in 98% of cases is fine) but will only show the actual modules added in Avenger:

    Additionally, each preset has up to 2 macro module pages available with macro page 1 on the first page and macro page 2 (only if it exists in the preset) available on the second page with all macros labelled as they are in the preset. This all should make each preset much easier to operate instead of having generic and minimal controls but does make it difficult to update the templates if needed.

    Most of the layout is based off the original template that received good feedback over the last 10 years so I did not mess with it other than several suggestions to move the main filter page to be before the modular ones.

    And for the questions about expansions that usually crop up, sorry, still zero plans to add support for expansions at this stage as I still personally find them far too expensive to be bothered to even look at.

    Supports VST3 Avenger 2 only (no VST 2 support)

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 4,628 mod
    edited December 2023

    Thanks for that, you may not have known this but on Mac the plugin name is 'VPS Avenger' so the database files and NKS don't quite match up - no idea why they give it different names on Windows and Mac

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 2,888 Expert
    edited December 2023

    On Windows it is the same for plugin name also:

    The vendor name is stupid tho, doesnt affect anything nowadays luckily. Everything should work for mac as it does on Windows but can fix whatever doesnt work I am sure

    Still, all shows up correctly with category and images:

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